Well, the sequester was enacted, seemingly without notice or effect upon the life of the average American.  I guess it wasn’t really any big deal. I guess the propaganda campaign was a success.  I have harped on the fact that $85 billion in austerity cuts is indeed a minute amount in comparison to the trillions being given over to the international elitist bankers, year after year.

So, what was the idea here?  Predict doom and gloom that you know is a farce with the controlled opposition declaring that the austerity is actually a good thing.  And then, once the cuts have gone through, put forth a full blown propaganda campaign that says, “The economy has improved drastically since the sequester” with the full knowledge that a measly ass $85 billion is no more going to make us than break us, with the whole agenda being to get the people to embrace austerity as a positive and good thing, while completely dismissing the fact that austerity is a socialist procedure that can only be implemented in a socialist country under a socialist government. Continue reading “How Harmless are the Sequester Cuts Really?”

The unemployment rate fell to 7.7% following February’s Jobs Report and the mainstream propaganda machine is claiming yet another economic boom.  The mainstream’s credibility rating has dropped to 6%, even lower than the rating for Congress, which is lower than a cockroach.  The jobs numbers that just came out are a fraud and here is why.

It is reported that 296,000 jobs were created in February and we are being told that this is sufficient to drop the unemployment rate.  Let’s look at these 296,000 jobs and, just for the sake of argument, say that they were all created in the United States.  Continue reading “Unemployment Rate Drops to 7.7%, Jobs Con Continues On”

If you have not heard of Rand Paul’s filibuster by now, you are surely living under a rock.  Oy, what a production.  I guess old Rand is now positioned as the ultimate pop-off valve should the American nationals break loose from their bonds and come after the communist infiltrators.

Attorney General Eric Holder, for the finale of the event, sent a document to Rand Paul stating that drones would not be used to kill non-combatant American citizens on American soil.  And of course we can believe Eric Holder as he is the shining example of integrity and adherence to the law.  Continue reading “Eric Holder, Chris Matthews, Diane Feinstein, and John McCain – US Communists United in a Lie”

netanyahuUS Premier Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Soetoro AKA Barry the Rat, the south side of Chicago back alley Zionist lapdog, will be heading to Israel in a few weeks.  For the last couple of days, we American nationals have been enduring the arrogant blowhards at AIPAC attempting to assert their false and fraudulent authority within our sovereign borders.

Yesterday, Benny Netanyahu was in the mainstream propaganda with a mean look on his face telling us, “Sanctions alone will not stop Iran.  Sanctions must be coupled with a clear and credible military threat if diplomacy and sanctions fail.” Continue reading “King Netanyahu Hands Down Dictate to US Government”

As the farce of the so called sequester (austerity) continues to dominate the headlines, one would think that the entire federal government is being run on $85 billion per year.  If you look at the issue closely, you realize that the whole sham is nothing more than the further selective removal of wealth from our dying economy.  We are talking about a 2% cut here in the increase in spending, which is to say not one dollar from this austerity will go towards the elimination of the debt or the deficit, but rather, every dollar will eventually find its way into one of the offshore accounts that now hold $50 trillion of our nation’s stolen wealth.

As if to rub salt into the wound, the foreign insurgents within the US government continue to announce, almost daily, new foreign aid packages, like the $450 million John Kerry just promised to DONATE to Egypt in financial aid.  This is bullshit for sure, but make no mistake, it is just a precursor to further outrage as Kerry has also announced another $60 million to be DONATED to Egypt’s entrepreneurs and young people. Continue reading “The 21st Century Global Depression – Brother Can You Spare $60 Million for a Foreigner?”

March 1, 2013, open austerity takes effect in the United States.  Though this is being called sequestration, make no mistake, it is austerity and austerity can only occur in a socialist country.  Via the original Constitution for the United States, there was to be not but, if at all, direct tax for a specific purpose for a stated span of time, and only as agreed upon by the people through their lawful representatives.

The theory being that all property is retained by the people and could only be transferred via free will.  But then again, there was to be no taxation upon taxation, and more to the present time, upon taxation, upon taxation, upon taxation.  Today’s act of austerity dispels any notion of the people’s absolute right to their property. Continue reading “US Soviet Insurgency Institutes Austerity”

The American people have put their foot down and asserted in no uncertain terms that we will not be disarmed by the soviet socialist insurgent occupying forces.  The dead headed communists, being dead headed communists, have been listening to their own propaganda for too long and now we are seeing panic.

The fraudulent opinion polls are meant only for the consumption of the goyim.  This being said, make no mistake, the elite at the top have their own ears to the streets and they know the temper of the American people and the fact that the propaganda is failing miserably.
Continue reading “The “No, by God, You Will Not Disarm and Enslave Me” Movement Rises to Power”

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has not been invited to speak at CPAC which will be coming up in three weeks and speculation is running wild as to how such an insult could possibly occur, especially considering the fact that Mitt Romney, Rand Paul, and Sarah Palin have speaking engagements for the event.

This bullshit is being plastered all over the mainstream programming as our country slowly dies a miserable death.  So called politicians from both sides of the false left-right paradigm hypocritically condemn special interest money and influence in Washington DC from the corporations on the right and the labor unions on the left.  Continue reading “Chris Christie, Snubbed by CPAC, Oh the Humanity!”

Sequester, austerity by any other name, is the word being repeated again and again in the mainstream propaganda as we close in on yet another deadline foreshadowing doom.  Oh what shall we do?  In reality everyone on both sides of the false left/right paradigm wants to cut programs while at the same time they increase spending.  The fact is they want to cut spending on the contracts of the competitors of their masters, while increasing spending for the contracts for their masters.

The only diversity in this one party socialist system is in reference to the different international contractors vying for possession of the wealth of our resources, which are being stolen as the general operation of the status quo.  The whole operation has become as blatant as a flash mob in a convenience store, with everyone in the criminal mob grabbing as much as they can, as quick as they can, while the fellow who owns the store and hence the property being stolen, is not even considered in the melee.  Continue reading “The Final Stages of the Dagger War”

We have written many articles about the great culling of our workforce, which is contingent to the complete elimination thereof.  Though it has been going on all along, the fact that the long term unemployed are being denied job opportunities, for no other reason than they are long term unemployed, has come up front and center, with new laws being passed to allow the long term unemployed to sue for the discrimination they are enduring.

Of course the mainstream propagandist representatives of the corporate elite are condemning the idea and saying it will lead to job loss and a diminished product quality.  The fact is that, as a part of the replacement of American workers with third world peasants, once the US workers are removed, they must stay removed. Continue reading “Removed from the Workforce via Corporate Dictate”

To say our right to own and bear arms is facing an all out attack by the communist infiltrators within what is no longer our government would be putting it lightly.  The goal being of course to put we the people under the draconian authority contained in the UN Small Arms Treaty before it comes up to be signed in March.  We are talking about the disarmament of our people for the express reason of leaving us helpless in the face of the foreclosure of our country, a foreclosure admittedly brought about via international fraud.

It is impossible to comprehend that any thinking person could believe one word coming out of the mainstream media.  It has reached the point to where they are no longer attempting to twist the reality but have been reduced to the shoddiest of simple diversions. Continue reading “So what is in the News, or better yet, what’s not?”

From the Trenches World Report keeps going down again and again.  This is starting to look like a deliberate attack.  Every time the site starts working correctly and our numbers start coming back, it is like a switch is being flipped.  I do not know the motive but I can tell you this.  The server SiteGround’s attitude is that I’m just one poor son of a bitch out here in the middle of nowhere and there is nothing that I can do about them.

We have paid every extortion demand, starting with the $29 per month we were told would be sufficient for our traffic to $68.95 per month (still wasn’t enough) to $107 per month where we are now.  And with no more traffic, the money has changed nothing and the site continues to fail. Continue reading “SiteGround is Trying to Choke From the Trenches Out”

The price of a gallon of gasoline has risen for the past 34 days in a row as we Americans are being fleeced for the last few dollars we have left in our pockets.  It wasn’t that many years ago when the increase in gasoline prices was put forth as being in direct correlation with supply and demand.  When it finally reached the point that we Americans cut back on our gas consumption because we literally could not afford it anymore, the criminal oil cartels realized they had us right where they wanted us.

Back in the 70s, when this brand of extortion was first tried, American nationals quickly became fed up with the situation and started ripping pumps out of the ground in the middle of the night and the gouging stopped forthwith.  But that was back before we became civilized, or rather, institutionalized into the system.  I mean to attack the poor fellow that owns the gas station would just be the wrong thing to do.  Continue reading “Gas Price Gouging has become the Status Quo”

Back in March of 2010, in reference to Obamacare, Nancy Pelosi said, “We have to pass the bill so that we can find out what is in it away from the fog of controversy.”  A red flag if ever one has popped up and every thinking American across the country shouted out in unison, “No, we do not want it.  We do not want to find out what’s in it.”

In short, the majority of Americans never wanted the socialist Obamacare.  Just like today, the majority of Americans oppose gun control and amnesty for the illegals.  Then, just like now, it matters not what the American people want as we are no longer considered the authority, no longer the rulers but rather the ruled.  And as promised by Pelosi, we are finding out what Obamacare is.  Continue reading “All’s Fair in Obamacare”

The insurgent Obama’s administration is proposing a raise in the minimum wage as a reward to the millions of illegals working US jobs and not paying taxes.  This is the proverbial lipstick on the pig.  According to the communists own figures, 60% of the four million jobs moved out of our country in the last four years, were paying a medium wage and 48% of the two million jobs created during the same time period are low paying jobs, many of which, as previously mentioned, have been given to illegals while 80 million Americans remain unemployed.

So what will be the net effect of a raise in the national minimum wage? A majority of this new wealth will go to illegals and the action will hurt small businesses, while the big corporations, through their international franchises will simply defer their increased labor costs directly back upon the entire population through higher prices for goods.  Continue reading “Minimum Wage Hike – Oh Goody, for Somebody”

press conferenceEx-LAPD Officer and ACCUSED murderer, Christopher Dorner, was burned to death in a cabin at Big Bear Lake, California on Tuesday afternoon, or not.  If there was ever a doubt as to the fact that legitimate reporting in the United States has been replaced by a state propaganda machine, that doubt should be thoroughly dispersed with this incident.  Anyone who turns on the so called news in this country, expecting anything other than fictional entertainment is too stupid to be breathing America’s free for now air.

We have presented on this site concrete, solid evidence in the form of audio from the police scanners on the scene at Big Bear which proves absolutely that the order was given to “burn that mother f#@ker down” after which, the mother f#@ker burned down.  This is prima fascia evidence.  And all the authorities have to do to dispel that fact is to hold a press conference and have one of their lying ass officials stand up and say, “We did not burn that cabin down” and that is it, case closed. Continue reading “San Bernardino Sheriffs Issue Themselves License to Kill”

trollFrom the Trenches World Report is patriot communications and there is no surer way of eliminating it than coming on here and talking about blowing cops up with explosives.

Don’t fall for this horseshit.  These government agents get on the site  with short comments like, “I agree” or “Undoubtedly”.  And then at night when I am asleep, they see how many people they can get to say something stupid before I can get up and clean up the site.

You people are smarter than this.  The son of a bitch (LEO Killa) that suggested getting explosives to blow up cop stations is trying to kill you.   Continue reading “A Message to All Commenters on From the Trenches”