American Free Press – by Mark Anderson

Former federal prosecutor Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, issued a press release earlier in August on behalf of his client, Cliven Bundy, vowing to fight a Department of Justice appeal of a judge’s dismissal of the case against Bundy for his role in the spring 2014 protest against federal land tyranny in Nevada.

In January, U.S. District Judge Gloria M. Navarro dismissed conspiracy charges against Bundy, his two sons, and fellow protestor Ryan Payne after finding prosecutors violated federal law and unjustly failed to share with the court evidence favorable to the defendants. Later, on July 31, Judge Navarro rejected the prosecutors’ request to reconsider her dismissal of the case.   Continue reading “Bundy Hit Again”

Of Two Minds – by Charles Hugh Smith

Here is the result of America’s neofeudalism: soaring wealth and income inequality.

Let’s spin the time machine back to the late Middle Ages, at the height of feudalism, and imagine we’re trying to get a boatload of goods to the nearest city to sell. As we drift down the river, we’re constantly being stopped and charged a fee for transiting one small fiefdom after another. When we finally reach the city, there’s an entry fee for bringing our goods to market.   Continue reading “To Understand America’s Neofeudal Economy, Start with Extortion”


A new study published by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on August 20 reveals that the militarization of law enforcement in the United States does not make communities safer nor does it enhance officer safety.

Study author Jonathan Mummolo conducted a statistical analysis on crime rates and officer safety data from Maryland, using an expired law — in effect between 2010-2014 — required that police agencies submit reports on how often they use SWAT teams.  Continue reading “New Report Details US Public Less Safe Under Militarized Police”

Technocracy News – by Jamie Williams

A major Appeals Court has ruled that Smart Meters violate your protection of illegal search and seizure under the Fourth Amendment. Depending on what citizens around the nation do with this ruling, it could potentially send Technocracy back into the last century where it belongs.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.” – Fourth Amendment, U.S. Constitution ⁃ TN Editor  

Continue reading “WIN! Landmark Seventh Circuit Decision Says Fourth Amendment Applies To Smart Meter Data”

Your Perception is not Reality

In one of the most shocking science videos you’ll see this year, molecular biologist Judy A. Mikovits, PhD, reveals the disturbing true story of how she was thrown in prison for blowing the whistle on deadly viral contamination of human vaccines.

With a well established history of working for the National Cancer Institute as a cancer research, Dr. Mikovits worked with human retroviruses like HIV. Her work focused on immunotherapy research and involved HIV.   Continue reading “The criminalization of science whistleblowers: A mind-blowing interview with Judy Mikovits, PhD”

Investment Watch – by Thinker

When it isn’t right, then it’s okay to make the change to make it right! (National Sentinel) Sanity: Though President Barack Obama implemented the Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy via executive order — which most constitutional experts said he had no authority to do because he was changing existing immigration law — POTUS Donald Trump has had a difficult time repealing that order through his own executive action.

Now, however, a federal judge has handed his administration its first real DACA victory after reversing an earlier Aug. 3 ruling.   Continue reading “Federal Judge REVERSES (Corrects) Himself & Hands Trump Admin Huge Win On DACA”

Activist Post

From the opening of Truthstream Media’s first full-length documentary THE MINDS OF MEN, the general aesthetic — from the narration to the black-and-white appearance to the bizarre imagery — is properly reminiscent of an episode of The Twilight Zone.

Featuring original music and character voicing by Melissa and Aaron Dykes, viewers will learn about the people behind mind-control programs designed and implemented by the military, universities, foundations, elite societies, science and government institutions. THE MINDS OF MEN weaves archival video footage, news clippings, primary research papers, interviews, and analysis into a stunning trove of conclusions about what humanity faces.   Continue reading “A Dark Journey Into “The Minds of Men” — Film Review”

The Fantom Powa

Download book here.

The Thirteenth Tribe is a book that attempts to explain the origins of Eastern Europe’s Jewish population,largely decimated by the Nazi onslaught during the Second World War. Koestler shows through extensive research, how a trading empire was set up by a tribe we know as the Khazars between the expanding power blocs of Christianity and Islam; how the people were converted to Judaism by their king as a way of standing apart from both, and how the people and their wealth were dispersed through the countries of Eastern Europe after the collapse of the Khazar Empire.   Continue reading “The Thirteenth Tribe by Arthur Koestler”

Rich Gibson

When guerrillas fight you to a standstill; you lose.

Americans, whose founding history is deeply rooted in that reality, should understand. But neither the citizenry nor the Command grasps that debilitating piece of reality.

Perhaps it’s because, as Chalmers Johnson said in his “Nemesis” trilogy, “Americans know so little history, they cannot connect cause and effect.”  Continue reading “Whoever Wins–It’s Perpetual War and your side is losing Here’s Why”

I remember as a child when fires happened, rain often followed. What is stopping it now?   Who is wanting these fires?  See the last picture below of how simple ionizers along with dust particles can be used to create rain within a few hours.  We have the dust particles from the forest.  Our government created 52 artificial rain storms in Abu Dhabi desert for 11 million dollars (Scientists Create 52 Artificial Rain Storms in Abu Dhabi Desert) with as little as 30 humidity on days when NO (ZERO) rain was predicted.   So why is our government letting California, Oregon and Colorado burn.  Why?  By design? 

Gizmodo – by Andrew Tarantola

Humans have been trying to control the weather since the day we traded in our spears for shovels. Cultures from every corner of the globe have worshipped rain-granting deities, and our sci-fi villains have been obsessed with flood and drought. But in the modern era, we no longer have use for the old water gods. We’ve got the technology, finally, to make the clouds do our bidding.   Continue reading “The Rainmakers: How Human Beings Control the Weather”

Investor’s Business Digest

Elections: American democracy has a problem — a voting problem. According to a new study of U.S. Census data, America has more registered voters than actual live voters. It’s a troubling fact that puts our nation’s future in peril.

The data come from Judicial Watch’s Election Integrity Project. The group looked at data from 2011 to 2015 produced by the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey, along with data from the federal Election Assistance Commission.   Continue reading “U.S. Has 3.5 Million More Registered Voters Than Live Adults. A Red Flag For Electoral Fraud.”