Breitbart –

I am barely able to restrain myself from writing a blasphemy, just out of complete drop-the-jaw exasperation.

If you don’t know this story: In Montana, a teacher raped a 14 year old girl.  She then committed suicide two years later.  Her family says the rape was a major factor in the suicide.

The rape, the judge is claiming, was “consensual,” even though it wasn’t (legally it can’t be; a 14 year old girl can’t consent to sex with a middle-aged man).    Continue reading “Wow: Judge Defends Decision to Sentence Rapist of 14-Year-Old Girl to Only 31 Days In Jail: “It wasn’t some horrible rape”… “It wasn’t a forcible, beat-up rape””

ABC Janet Napolitano ml 130827 16x9 608 Outgoing DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano Warns of Serious Cyber Attack, Unprecedented Natural DisasterABC News – by Mike Levine

The outgoing Homeland Security Secretary has a warning for her successor: A massive and “serious” cyber attack on the U.S. homeland is coming, and a natural disaster — the likes of which the nation has never seen — is also likely on its way.

So prepare, and bring “a large bottle of Advil,” Janet Napolitano told her yet-to-be-named replacement in a farewell address Tuesday morning.   Continue reading “Outgoing DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano Warns of ‘Serious’ Cyber Attack, Unprecedented Natural Disaster”

The Daily Caller – by Charles Rollet

A Department of Defense teaching guide meant to fight extremism advises students that rather than “dressing in sheets” modern-day radicals “will talk of individual liberties, states’ rights, and how to make the world a better place,” and describes 18th-century American patriots seeking freedom from the British as belonging to “extremist ideologies.”

The guide comes from documents obtained by Judicial Watch and is authored by the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute, a DoD-funded diversity training center.   Continue reading “Defense Department guide calls Founding Fathers ‘extremist’”

Gore may have an uphill climb in persuading the public global warming should be a top concern. Only 34% of Americans  believe global warming poses a “serious threat,” according to a Gallup poll from April. New York Daily News- by Leslie Larson

Al Gore dished out some harsh words for global warming skeptics, likening the deniers of the environmental issue to the perpetrators of history’s most egregious events including apartheid and slavery.

Gore told Washington Post reporter Ezra Klein that “we’re winning” the conversation on racism, homophobia and prejudice.   Continue reading “Al Gore likens global warming deniers to slavery, apartheid perpetrators”

warloomsSHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

While the media panicked over the halting of NASDAQ stock trading due to a reported bug in the system (more on that shortly), one critical development went under-reported. In fact, it wasn’t reported at all.

If the following from France’s second largest newspaper Le Figaro is accurate, then we must assume that war is now a foregone conclusion.   Continue reading “Report: War Looms: Hundreds of American Troops and CIA Operatives Have Entered Syria”