Yahoo News – by Simon Hankinson

America is a relatively new country with few of the buried skeletons of older cultures, but if you spend much time overseas, there are still a few aspects that are tough to get across to the host country. One is race; another is guns.

On the last day of January, a toddler staying with his parents and sister in an Albuquerque, N.M. motel room reached into his mother’s purse, pulled out a loaded gun, and with one shot hit both his father and pregnant mother. At the tail end of 2014, a two-year-old boy shot his mother in a northern Idaho Walmart while shopping with his cousins to spend their Christmas money. Back in August of 2014, a nine-year-old girl accidentally shot the instructor who handed her an Uzi at a shooting range near Las Vegas.   Continue reading “Why Some Americans Will Never Give Up Their Guns”

Vox – by Julia Belluz

It’s incredibly easy for adults to lose sight of which vaccines they do (or don’t) have. Doctors administer many of the shots as babies, and tracking down a childhood pediatrician isn’t exactly the simplest task in the world.

With this in mind, we created this guide to the vaccines you should have at every age.   Continue reading “Propaganda Alert: Every vaccine you should have as an adult, in one chart”

Image: SAb BiotherapeuticsNBC News – by Maggie Fox

On a farm outside Sioux Falls, South Dakota, a herd of cloned, genetically engineered cattle are busy incubating antibodies against the Ebola virus.

Researchers hope the cattle – which certainly don’t look like anything special – will produce gallons of blood plasma that could be used to treat people with the deadly virus, which has infected more than 21,000 people in West Africa and killed 8,500 of them.   Continue reading “Genetically Modified Cattle With Human DNA Might Hold Ebola Cure”

News-Leader – by Brandie Piper

CRYSTAL CITY, Mo. – A possible Ebola case is being investigated at Mercy Jefferson Hospital in Crystal City.

John Winkelman, a spokesperson for the hospital, says the male patient recently returned from West Africa and was admitted to the hospital Wednesday evening.

Winkelman called the patient “low-risk,” and says he has been isolated in an area not connected to the hospital.   Continue reading “Possible Ebola case in Jefferson County, Mo.”


PHOENIX (AP) — Arizona’s frustrations over federal enforcement of the state’s border with Mexico spawned a movement nearly a decade ago to have local police confront illegal immigration. Now, the state’s experiment in immigration enforcement is falling apart in the courts.

A ruling Friday that struck down the state’s 2005 immigrant smuggling law marks the latest in a string of restrictions placed by the courts on Arizona’s effort to get local police to take action on people living in the U.S. illegally. The smuggling law, like similar state statutes, was tossed because a judge concluded it conflicted with the federal government’s immigration powers.   Continue reading “Another Arizona immigration law struck down”

Eric Matthew Frein. (credit: Pennsylvania State Police)CBS Philly

CANADENSIS, Pa. (CBS) — Pennsylvania State Police say they have apprehended a man they say ambushed and killed one Pennsylvania state trooper and left another wounded.

Eric Frein, 31, was taken into police custody Thursday.

Sources tell CBS 3 Eyewitness News U.S. Marshals arrested Frein as he tried to enter a building in the Poconos. Sources say he was taken into custody without any resistance.   Continue reading “Pa. State Police: Accused Trooper Killer Eric Frein Taken Into Custody”

LIBERIA-WAFRICA-HEALTH-EBOLAAir Force Times – by Patricia Kime, October 6, 2014

Agencies within the Defense Department are hard at work on a potential Ebola vaccine, with safety testing on humans expected to begin as early as next week.

The Pentagon recently received approval from the Food and Drug Administration to start testing the vaccine, VSVΔG-ZEBOV or BPSC1001, for health risks and side effects on people.

It already has been tested for safety as well as performance against the deadly disease in animals, a defense official said Friday.   Continue reading “Potential Ebola vaccines studied by DoD agencies”

Truth Sector

UPDATE 1. Sept. 21, 2014

People who doubt or even deny until they drop that the 2014 ebola outbreak is being manufactured/scripted along the way as they, the UN, see it necessary in order to keep the world population fooled enough and the pockets and private bank account of Ban ki Moon filled royally enough, answer this question.

If the death rate for ebola is about 50-90% and if there is no cure for ebola then how is it possible that 75% of the alleged patients in the FIRST epicenter, in Guinea, of the outbreak have recovered (Bloomberg, July 29, 2014)?   Continue reading “The 2014 Ebola Outbreak is a Proven Fraud”

ABC News – by KRISTEN GELINEAU Associated Press

Police on Thursday said they thwarted a plot to carry out beheadings in Australia by supporters of the radical Islamic State group. They detained 15 people and raided more than a dozen properties across Sydney, though nine of those brought in were freed before the day was over.

The raids involving 800 federal and state police officers — the largest in the country’s history — came in response to intelligence that an Islamic State group leader in the Middle East was calling on Australian supporters to kill, Prime Minister Tony Abbott said.   Continue reading “Australia Raids Thwarted ISIS Beheading Plot”

Bashar AssadMint Press News

US President Barack Obama surprised his visitors, the delegation of Eastern Christians patriarchs, on Thursday when he told them that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad “protected the Christians in Syria.”

Obama met with the delegation in the White House for 35 minutes, during which the patriarchs presented a paper in which they exposed the situation of Christians in the Middle East and the threats and challenges they are facing, due in part to the expansion of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) militant group.   Continue reading “Obama: Assad Protected Christians In Syria”