5 Towns Jewish Times – by Morris Smith

A few months ago, the Associated Press reported that newly released tapes from US president Lyndon Johnson’s White House office showed LBJ’s “personal and often emotional connection to Israel.” The news agency pointed out that during the Johnson presidency (1963-1969), “the United States became Israel’s chief diplomatic ally and primary arms supplier.”

But the news report does little to reveal the full historical extent of Johnson’s actions on behalf of the Jewish people and the State of Israel.  Most students of the Arab-Israeli conflict can identify Johnson as the president during the 1967 war. But few know about LBJ’s actions to rescue hundreds of endangered Jews during the Holocaust – actions that could have thrown him out of Congress and into jail. Indeed, the title of “Righteous Gentile” is certainly appropriate in the case of the Texan, whose centennial year is being commemorated this year.  Appropriately enough, the annual Jerusalem Conference announced this week that it will honor Johnson.   Continue reading “Our First Jewish President Lyndon Johnson? – an update!!”

Maine Republic – by Anna von Reitz

Money, by definition, has to have value in and of itself.  It is a substitute for other things of value.

An ounce of silver for a loaf of bread, a peck of apples, and ten pounds of flour reflects the “exchange rate” and this exchange rate constantly fluctuates even on a local level.   Continue reading “A Note About Money and Foreclosures”


GAZA, (PIC)– Palestinian police in Gaza were able on Sunday to deal safely with a white phosphorous bomb of the remnants of Israeli aggression on Gaza in 2008 – 2009.

The general administration of explosives engineering of the police department in Gaza revealed that a Palestinian man found the bomb in his land in al-Nusairat refugee camp.   Continue reading “Israeli white phosphorus bomb found in Gaza”

National Center for Scientific Education – by Ellery Schempp

[Textbook disclaimers are down, but not out. This satirical look at “only a theory” disclaimers imagines what might happen if advocates applied the same logic to the theory of gravitation that they do to the theory of evolution.]

All physics textbook should include this warning label:   Continue reading “Gravity: It’s Only a Theory”

Medical Kidnap – by Brian Shilhavy

A new film exposing the corruption behind much of the Shaken Baby Syndrome diagnosis used to remove children from the custody of their parents, and in some cases put parents behind bars, is currently making its way through the film festival circuit. The Syndrome is a film produced and directed by Meryl Goldsmith, a Los Angeles-based filmmaker who teamed up with her cousin and investigative reporter Susan Goldsmith as the co-producer and editor. It is Meryl Goldsmith’s feature directorial debut, according to the film’s website. Included in the cast are doctors and law professors.   Continue reading “New Film Exposes Shaken Baby Syndrome Myth – Opponents Want to Silence it at Film Festivals”

The New American – by William F. Jasper

There is a startling omission in a newly released official“Incident Report” on the shooting death of LaVoy Finicum that has reopened controversy over a key figure in the Oregon standoff with federal authorities. Recent Facebook postings by supporters of the occupation point to the conspicuous exclusion of this individual’s name in the 360-page report released last week as further evidence that he is “the informant and rat” who betrayed Finicum, Ammon Bundy, and the other occupiers.   Continue reading “Finicum Shooting: Was Bundy Driver/“Bodyguard” an FBI Agent Provocateur?”

Yahoo News

Jerusalem (AFP) – Israel has declared 234 hectares of West Bank territory as state land, officials said Tuesday, leading a watchdog to warn of possible settlement expansion that could increase tensions with Palestinians.

COGAT, the Israeli defence ministry body responsible for implementing government policies in the Palestinian territories, said the move was taken “in accordance with the decision of the political level”.   Continue reading “Israel seizes 234 hectares of West Bank land: officials”

Mzansi Celeb Gossip

A Pretoria pastor has claimed he wants to be crucified on the cross and be buried so that he can resurrect on the third day, just like Jesus.

Pastor Daniel Malatji of Revival Ministries in Soshanguve Block C shocked congregants last on Sunday when he instructed his followers to come to easter Friday service (25 March) with nails and hammers as he wanted to be nailed on the cross just like Jesus.   Continue reading “Pretoria pastor to crucify himself on Good Friday”

Real Farmacy

Here’s a simple, printable list of companies that use Monsanto products. By avoiding products made by companies on this list, you can help ensure your money isn’t going to Monsanto and also watch out for the health of your family and yourself.   Continue reading “Printable List of Monsanto Owned “Food” Producers”

Lew Rockwell – by Chuck Baldwin

It seems that every time someone such as myself attempts to encourage our Christian brothers and sisters to resist an unconstitutional or otherwise reprehensible government policy, we hear the retort, “What about Romans Chapter 13? We Christians must submit to government. Any government. Read your Bible, and leave me alone.” Or words to that effect.   Continue reading “The Myth of Romans 13”

US Legal History

Law is contract, universally and in the U.S., so we must follow the progression of contractual agreements which constitute the underlying U.S. Law. (We cannot address all individual laws and cases or you would not have time in a life to review it, even though ignorance of the millions of laws, statutes, codes, etc… is no excuse in Private Admiralty Jurisdictions.)

In basically chronological order, the following progression of contracts, and our interpretation of them follows:   Continue reading “U.S. Law is Private Merchant Law, leaving the people as Surety and Debtor on the bankruptcy.”


Note to all people, when you have to navigate in the court rooms, know that these quasi-courts so called judges are really Magistrates or Administrators, and they are practicing Law over the bench and making legal determinations for the people, which is an absolute violation of due process of Law. Also know that there are only two courts, such as Criminal and Civil, there is no indices in the Constitution for Traffic Court, which means that every ticket they give you is illegal. So when you are in Criminal Court, there must be indictment papers before any acceptance of you of charges against you, in which most courts want you to take a plea, which is really to give up your rights.   Continue reading “Bar Association Exposed”

Revisionist Review – by Michael Hoffman

I can be on guard against my enemies, but God deliver me from my friends!” ― Charlotte Brontë

“Traditional Catholics” and allegedly “conservative” Protestants are engaged in ecstasies of praise for the life and career of the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who passed away at age 79 on February 13.   Continue reading “Justice Scalia’s Sordid Simulacrum”

The Ugly Truth

Latest development in multiyear battle leaves 60 children, 18 adults without dwellings.

ed note–SHHHHHHH…..Do you hear that? That’s the tsunami of protests coming out of the Judaic community over the fact that 80 people were made homeless at gunpoint and forced to watch as their homes in OCCUPIED HEBRON were destroyed. SHHHHH…..Do you hear that? That’s the ear-splitting wall of noise coming out of the Judaic community about how this is a ‘violation’ and a ‘perversion’ of Judaism and of ‘Judaic ethics’ which are ‘peaceful and just’.    Continue reading “God’s Chosen People Demolish 23 Homes in Hebron Area to Make Way for IDF Training Zones”

Euro Folk Radio – by David James

Cincinnati(SINSINati) Outlaws Quoting The Bible.

Starting Wednesday, quoting the the Bible will officially be illegal in Cincinnati. A new ordinance places a $200 per day fee on any therapist or counselor who uses Christian doctrine to guide their clients.   Continue reading “SINSINnati Outlaws Quoting The Bible”

Humans are Free – by Alexander Light and Paul Joseph Watson

I. Top Mexican Drug Lord: ‘I Trafficked Cocaine For the U.S. Government’

The “logistical coordinator” for a top Mexican drug-trafficking gang that was responsible for purchasing the CIA torture jet that crashed with four tons on cocaine on board back in 2007 has told the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois in Chicago that he has been working as a U.S. government asset for years.

Jesus Vicente Zambada Niebla is the son of Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada Garcia, one of the top kingpins of the Sinaloa drug-trafficking organization.

Continue reading “Overwhelming Evidence that the CIA has been Smuggling Drugs for Decades”