St George News – by Bryan Hyde

OPINION — Those who maintain that what happened in Bunkerville in April of 2014 was simply about Cliven Bundy’s cows and the federal Bureau of Land Management are getting a much needed reality check.

It was a symptom of a much larger long-term problem involving government power being exercised without proper limits or accountability.   Continue reading “The Bundy mistrial, the government’s false narrative is exposed”


White nationalist leader Richard Spencer gave Israel as an example of an “ethno-state” he aspires to create in the United States during a controversial speech at the University of Florida on Thursday. Hundreds protested Spencer’s presence outside the auditorium.

“The Jewish state of Israel is not just another country in the Middle East. It is a country for Jews around the world,” he said. The audience booed at the mention of Israel.   Continue reading “White Nationalist Richard Spencer Gives Israel as Example of Ethno-state He Wants in U.S.”


Anthony Scaramucci’s new media organization is sparking outrage for a poll question asking readers how many Jews they thought had been murdered during the Holocaust.

Tweeters accused The Scaramucci Post, which President Donald Trump’s former communications director launched in September, of pandering to Holocaust deniers by asking its 24,000-plus Twitter followers this question on Tuesday morning:   Continue reading “The Scaramucci Post just tweeted the most outrageous poll about the Holocaust”

Infowars – by Paul Joseph Watson

Documents uncovered as part of a separate court case reveal that multi-millionaire Silicon Valley elitist Anthony Levandowski started a religion based around the concept of worshipping artificial intelligence as a God.

Levandowski, who is currently embroiled in a high profile lawsuit with Google over accusations he stole sensitive data about their self-driving car program and gave it to Uber, founded a religious organization called Way of the Future two years ago.   Continue reading “Silicon Valley Elitist Starts Religion To Worship Artificial Intelligence As God”

New York Post – by Tamir Lupin

A group of volunteer soldiers announced this week the first ever LGBT unit formed to kick ISIS butt.

The Queer Insurrection and Liberation Army, or TQILA (pronounced “Tequila”), is now fighting alongside Kurdish forces in Syria, the group announced Monday, according to Newsweek.   Continue reading “LGBT soldiers are going after ISIS in Syria”


North Korea is notorious for its totalitarian regime and human rights violations. Fewer people may realize the secretive country is also sitting on trillions in untapped wealth.

Embedded deep beneath the country’s mountainous zones are some 200 varietiesof minerals, including gold, iron, copper, zinc, magnesite, limestone, tungsten, and graphite, Quartz reports.

Some of these stockpiles are among the largest in the world, and North Korea, a tiny and cash-strapped nation, frequently uses them to bring in additional revenue — no matter the laws against doing so.   Continue reading “North Korea is sitting on a stockpile of minerals worth trillions”

NBC 26

(CNN) — A former soldier facing felony animal abuse charges after police say she tied up, shot and killed her dog has been found dead.

Marinna Rollins’ body was found Sunday morning, officials said. Her death is being investigated as a suicide, the Fayetteville Police Department told CNN.   Continue reading “Veteran arrested for killing dog in video found dead”

Forward – by JTA

“Herr Adolf Hitler of Germany would be covered with confusion if he dared to enter the strictly kosher home of Mrs. Rose Hitler, pretty young Jewish housewife, who lives at 233 E. 92nd Street, in the heart of Brooklyn’s Brownsville.”

That is the start of an improbable article from June 1933, entitled “Kiss the Mezuzah — and meet the Brownsville Hitlers.”
Continue reading “When Hitler Was A Common Last Name In Jewish Brooklyn”


WASHINGTON — Corey Statham had $46 in his pockets when he was arrested in Ramsey County, Minn., and charged with disorderly conduct. He was released two days later, and the charges were dismissed.

But the county kept $25 of Mr. Statham’s money as a “booking fee.” It returned the remaining $21 on a debit card subject to an array of fees. In the end, it cost Mr. Statham $7.25 to withdraw what was left of his money.   Continue reading “Charged a Fee for Getting Arrested, Whether Guilty or Not”

What, no synagogues?


The Islamic State is urging its followers to attack U.S. churches and has published names and addresses of thousands of prospective targets, according to a report in the news website Vocativ.

Messages posted in Arabic to the group’s “Secrets of Jihadis” social media site called “for bloody celebrations in the Christian New Year.” The post, under the name Abu Marya al-Iraqi, said the Islamic State, also known as ISIL, hopes to tap lone wolf attackers to “turn the Christian New Year into a bloody horror movie,” Vocativ reports.   Continue reading “ISIL issues hit list of U.S. churches for holiday attacks”


ALBANY — A federal court judge handed a 30-year prison sentence to Glendon Scott Crawford, the Ku Klux Klan member who plotted to use a mobile radiation-spewing device to annihilate Muslims in the Capital Region.

Senior Judge Gary Sharpe imposed the sentence Monday after Crawford, 52, delivered a rambling statement about physics and government statutes. The judge cut off Crawford’s physics lesson and told him to speak about what he believes his sentence should be.   Continue reading “Judge gives 30-year sentence to Crawford in death-ray case”


(Bloomberg) — Technology industry leaders including Facebook Inc.’s Sheryl Sandberg and Inc.’s Jeff Bezos met with Donald Trump on Wednesday, seeking to persuade a man whose presidential bid many of them opposed to avoid policies they believe would hurt their companies.

“I’m here to help you folks do well,” Trump told the executives as the meeting began on Wednesday.   Continue reading “Trump Tries to Soothe Tech Chiefs With Pledge He’s an Ally”


Maine Gov. Paul LePage is still supporting Donald Trump because he wants him to “show some authoritarian power.”

LePage, who is known for his controversial comments, told a Maine radio station that the country needed Trump to take back the reins from what he described as “anarchy” under President Obama.   Continue reading “LePage: We need Trump to show ‘authoritarian power’”


A meeting about lifting a moratorium on building the first-ever mosque in a quaint Georgia county was canceled this week after officials discovered a video in which a self-described militia group threatened violence.

“Unfortunately in today’s society, uncivil threats or intentions must be taken seriously,” Newton County Manager Lloyd Kerr said of the video, which he said appeared to show the militia group possibly “trespassing on private property, and exhibiting harassing or violent behavior.”   Continue reading “Georgia Mosque Construction Delayed Over Militia Video”

The New Nationalist – by Russ Winter

Star chamber defined: “In modern usage, legal or administrative bodies with strict, arbitrary rulings and secretive proceedings are sometimes called, metaphorically or poetically, star chambers. This is a pejorative term and intended to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the proceedings.”

In the American justice system, defendants used to have the right to a speedy trial before their peers. With rare exception, court proceedings were open, so the public could quietly observe hearings and trials. Public records — meaning any records about an American citizen collected by a public body — could be openly examined by any interested party. Today, these rights designed to protect individuals and inform the public are blatantly ignored with alarming frequency.   Continue reading “Update on Alleged LAX TSA Shooter Paul Ciancia”

Yahoo News

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Vanderbilt University announced Monday that it will pay more than a million dollars to remove an inscription containing the word “Confederate” from one of its campus dorms.

The private university has referred to the Confederate Memorial Hall simply as “Memorial Hall” since 2002, but was blocked in court from changing the name chiseled on the building because it was constructed with the help of a $50,000 gift from the United Daughters of the Confederacy in 1933.   Continue reading “Vanderbilt pays $1.2M to remove ‘Confederate’ from dorm name”