EAG News – by Kyle Olson

KYLE, Texas – Emotions are on a hair trigger in schools these days.

So much so, just hearing the word “gum” can cause a school-wide freak-out, as evidenced by an episode Wednesday.

A student at Lehman High School student reportedly asked for some chewing gum, but another student thought the student said “gun,” KCEN reports.   Continue reading “Panic strikes school after student says ‘gum’”

Gateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft

The Obama administration is spending $75 million a year arming EPA special agents with drones, night vision goggles, guns and assault ships.

The EPA special force was formed to take out US polluters.
The Spectator reported:   Continue reading “EPA Spends $75 Million to Equip 200 Special Agents With Drones, Night Vision Goggles, Guns and Assault Ships”

Yahoo News – by Greg Moore

MILWAUKEE (AP) — Jurors ordered a Wisconsin gun store to pay nearly $6 million on Tuesday in a lawsuit filed by two Milwaukee police officers who were shot and seriously wounded by a gun purchased at the store.

The ruling came in a negligence lawsuit filed by the officers against Badger Guns, a shop in suburban Milwaukee that authorities have linked to hundreds of firearms found at crime scenes. The lawsuit said the shop ignored several warning signs that the gun used to shoot the officers was being sold to a so-called straw buyer who was illegally purchasing the weapon for someone else.   Continue reading “Gun shop ordered to pay millions to injured police officers”

Yahoo News – by Dylan Stableford

Marijuana sales blazed past the $100 million mark for the first time in August, the Denver Post reported over the weekend.

According to sales data from Colorado’s Department of Revenue released Friday, sales of recreational pot topped $59.2 million for the month, while medical marijuana dispensaries pulled in $41.4 million, for a combined $100.6 million — the highest monthly total since legal recreational cannabis sales began there in January 2014.   Continue reading “Colorado’s monthly marijuana sales top $100 million”

Liberty Fight – by Martin Hill

  • “The holocaust has been proven to be a lie beyond a reasonable doubt…”
  • “It’s important to note that jews hate free speech & are known bullsh-ters”
  • “I’m a wage slave to ink and paper dollars we print to bailout jewish mega banks as kikes go on bout #WhitePrivilege & I’m not suppose to kill?” David Joseph Lenio – facing 10 years in prison for alleged Twitter posts ‘defaming’ Jews

Continue reading “Prosecutor Justifies Charges Against Man for “Criminal Defamation of Jews” in Montana”


Republican candidate Ben Carson continued his controversial remarks about guns Thursday — suggesting in a new interview that the Jews may have been able to diminish the likelihood of the Holocaust if they were armed.

Carson made the remarks, which drew swift condemnation — on CNN. He said that passengers on Flight 93, which crashed on 9/11, helped avoid further tragedy by rushing the gunman.   Continue reading “Ben Carson Suggests Holocaust Would Have Been Less Likely if Jews Were Armed”

Liberty Fight – by Martin Hill

An astute Facebook user has noticed that footage of the Umpqua, Oregon shooting scene aired on CBS News actually shows footage from the Sandy Hook shooting.

The facebook post, which has 64,007 views, notes that the CBS news video was abruptly removed from youtube. It is unclear if anyone got a copy of it or reposted it, but several people posted screenshots of the CBS video.   Continue reading “CBS recycling Sandy Hook footage as Umpqua shooting footage”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Beneath the surface of a St. Louis-area landfill lurk two things that should never meet: a slow-burning fire and a cache of Cold War-era nuclear waste, separated by no more than 1,200 feet.

As AP reports,

Government officials have quietly adopted an emergency plan in case the smoldering embers ever reach the waste, a potentially “catastrophic event” that could send up a plume of radioactive smoke over a densely populated area near the city’s main airport.

Continue reading “St. Louis Prepares For “Catastrophic Event” As Underground Fire Nears Nuclear Waste Cache”

State of Politics

After a community college shooting left 10 people dead, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said the 2016 presidential candidates — both parties — should be talking about gun control.

At the same time, Cuomo is calling on Democrats nationally to take a page from the GOP playbook and threaten a government shutdown over gun control.

“I would like to see Hillary and the vice president and whoever else is in the race on both sides talk about this issue of guns and let’s have that as one of the top priorities,” Cuomo said during an interview on NY1. “Rather than the political blather that is now going on and let’s put some real issues on the agenda and let’s put at the top: What are you going to do about guns?”   Continue reading “Cuomo Wants Gun Control To Be Issue In 2016 Campaign”

Off the Grid News – by Daniel Jennings

Off-the-grid newcomers have won a major victory in Costilla County, Colorado, as county commissioners shelved a plan to require water, septic tanks and electricity for building permits.

Proposed changes to the county’s zoning regulations would have effectively prevented many residents from building homes on off-grid properties they purchased in Costilla County, Colorado Public Radio and Off The Grid News previously reported. Dozens of off-grid residents may have been forced out of the county, simply because they couldn’t meet the requirements. Some, for example, are using composting toilets.   Continue reading “Victory: County Backs Down, Won’t Chase Off-Gridders From Land”

Electric Intifada – by Rania Khalek

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s mean-spirited and angry address to the United Nations General Assembly on Thursday was mostly as predictable as it was desperate and creepy.

But it did contain one surprise.   Continue reading “Netanyahu’s dreary and menacing UN speech provokes Internet mockery”


Less than six hours after the mass shooting today in Roseburg, Ore., President Obama called a press conference to demand new gun laws, a move he predicted would spur critics to accuse him of politicizing the issue. If they don’t accuse him of that, they might accuse him of making the tragedy about himself.

During today’s 12-minute address, President Obama referred to himself 28 times. (For those counting at home, that’s almost three times per minute.)   Continue reading “In 12 Minute Speech To America About Mass Shooting, Obama Refers To Himself 28 Times”

Daily Mail

A Georgia high school was brought to a standstill last week after a 10th grade student brought a Confederate flag with him to class.

The incident occurred last Wednesday at Rockmart High School in Polk County and lead to a lockdown.

The student – a white male – arrived at the school with the flag strapped to his backpack and walked through the cafeteria.   Continue reading “Georgia high school placed on lockdown after 10th grade boy arrived at school with a Confederate flag in his backpack”

Renegade Tribune – by Kyle Hunt

Jews have identified as “White” in order to infiltrate, take over, and subvert White Western civilization. However, now that they have achieved incredible power and used government, media, and academia to wage an all-out assault against White people, top jewish leaders are now telling jews to abandon “Whiteness” in order to join in the fight against “racism”. According to them, race is just a social construct, so there really is no issue with jews choosing to be White one day and an oppressed minority (that controls almost everything) the next.   Continue reading “After Inciting a Race War Against Whites, Jews Are Now Giving Up Their “Whiteness””

The Daily Sheeple

In the video below, the woman pictured above tells the story of what happened when her train to Vienna was besieged by migrants in Budapest. These people didn’t realize that the European woman was fluent in Arabic, and she overheard and understood everything being said around her.

A band of overwhelmingly adult male migrants (they try to spin it in the media like these waves of refugees are mostly women and children, but it’s not true) stormed her train car and casually threatened to take the five people who bought tickets hostage thinking no one else could understand what they were really saying.   Continue reading “The Refugees Didn’t Realize This European Woman Was Fluent in Arabic”