On New Year’s Day, I was sitting at a restaurant eating dinner with my wife and like most restaurants these days, they have this uncanny ability to be able to know how to ruin a customer’s appetite by simply putting up televisions at different areas of the restaurant and forcing you to watch one of three stations and those are CNN, FOX News or ESPN.

Why do they do this? Well, because they feel that by turning a television on, it will give them a homier, dining experience. What they fail to understand is that the reason why most people go out to eat is to have something other than a “homier, dining experience”. They want to get away from it all and enjoy a night out with their friends, family or loved one. But on the contrary, We the People are forced to watch what’s on TV and instead of enjoying our $20 meal at a fancy restaurant, we are either ready to throw it up or toss it at the TV. Great experience! And don’t forget the tip!   Continue reading “CNN Rings in the New Year with Terror Propaganda”

Activist Post

As the National Defense Authorization Act 2014 heads to Obama’s desk as an even more draconian piece of legislation than it was previously, states have taken notice and are beginning to intensify their efforts to nullify it.

Michigan was the latest to opt for full nullification after Governor Rick Snyder (R) signed bill SB0094 into law.

New Hampshire has now taken a critical step toward nullification with the introduction of their bill HB1279, scheduled to be formally presented on January 8th, 2014.   Continue reading “New Hampshire Moves Toward Nullifying NDAA”

Activist Post – by Digby Jones

In this latest piece of propaganda hogwash from the Department of “Defense” (Offense), Soldiers from the 2nd Cavalry Regiment are teaching Afghan Senior NCOs the skills needed to be an “effective leader” on the battlefield. This of course amounts to nothing more than augmenting their ability to take the lives of other human beings, while cheating their own death as much as possible.   Continue reading ““Building Afghan Leaders” (By Teaching Them To Kill)”

FILE - In this Saturday, Dec. 14, 2013, file photo, Arapahoe County Sheriff Grayson Robinson holds a picture of Claire Davis, the 17-year-old student who was shot in the head by a classmate, during a briefing at Arapahoe High School in Centennial, Colo. Hospital officials said in a statement Saturday, Dec. 21, 2013, that Davis has died. (AP Photo/Ed Andrieski, File)Yahoo News

LITTLETON, Colo. (AP) — A suburban Denver high school student who was shot in the head by a classmate died Saturday afternoon, hospital officials said in a statement.

Claire Davis, 17, was in critical condition after being shot at point-blank range at Arapahoe High School on Dec. 13. Friends and well-wishers had posted prayers online and raised money to help pay for her medical care.   Continue reading “Hospital: Teen who was shot at Colo. school dies”

Yucca Dry Lake: This site is part of the Tonopah Test Range, where Lockheed Martin reportedly tests 'experimental unmanned aerial vehicles' on a secluded airstrip east of the lake, according to Trevor Paglen's book, Blank Spots on the MapDaily Mail

The U.S. military can be a sensitive lot when it comes to the location of their military facilities.

With military bases on every continent, in every corner of the world, for the kinds of tasks they perform, it’s no wonder that many of the locations are blacked out and hidden from public view.

The Pentagon says there are around 5,000 bases in total with around 600 overseas.   Continue reading “Blank Spots on the map: Almost all the U.S. Army’s secret military bases across the globe revealed on Google and Bing”

Dallas Craigslist

Community Connect, LLC
Location: Dallas, Fort Worth and Houston

Position Description:

Community Connect, LLC is working with Planned Parenthood’s National Office on a new Affordable Care Act (ACA) Outreach Campaign. Community Connect, LLC in support of this work is launching a dynamic operation to reach, engage, and educate women and help them begin the process of obtaining health coverage.   Continue reading “Obamacare Job Posting found on Craigslist”

Jon Rappoport

Whether we know it or not, like it or not, want it or not, we are engaged in a struggle, and that struggle concerns the human spirit—understanding it, experiencing it, defending it against attacks.

The spirit isn’t some vague ghost or apparition. It’s front and center, even in this blind world. It animates action. It has great power. It defies reduction.   Continue reading “Technocracy is failed mind control”

Activist Post

A new algorithm designed at the University of Toronto has the power to profoundly change the way we find photos among the billions on social media sites such as Facebook and Flickr. This month, the United States Patent and Trademark Office will issue a patent on this technology.

Developed by Parham Aarabi, a professor in The Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, and his former Master’s student Ron Appel, the search tool uses tag locations to quantify relationships between individuals, even those not tagged in any given photo.   Continue reading “New Algorithm Will Hunt You Down In Untagged Photos”

police stateThe Sleuth Journal

As, “We the People”, try to figure out how to contend with the presence of Russian and Chinese soldiers on our soil as well as how we are going to deal with the NDAA and Executive Order 13603 when martial law is upon us, we do not need to be dealing with a local out of control police force. Yet, increasingly your local police poses the greatest man-made threat to your freedom and longevity.

Although there are still some quality people filling the ranks of our local law enforcement forces, increasingly, we are contending with officers who view you and me as the enemy. As a result, the Constitution, fair play and common sense take a holiday when you deal with the police.   Continue reading “Take The Police Out Of The Police State”

Home Security - Photo by Intel Free PressThe American Dream – by Michael Snyder

The wealthy are spending more to protect themselves from all the rest of us than ever before.  So why are they so concerned about the future?  Do they know something that the rest of us don’t?  Or do they just have the money to buy the type of security that the rest of us would if we could?  Over the past few years, wealthy people all over America have been equipping their homes with futuristic high tech security systems that go far beyond the kinds of things portrayed in recent Hollywood films such as “The Purge“.

We are talking about security bunkers with their own sustainable sources of food and water, hidden passageways that lead to ballistics-proof panic suites, and thermal heat detectors that can detect someone hiding up to 15 kilometers away.    Continue reading “Why Are So Many Wealthy People Building Futuristic High Tech Security Bunkers?”

Screenshot from www.kleargear.comRT News

Nearly five years after a Utah couple cancelled a transaction with a company called KlearGear.com, the web company has slapped them with a hefty fine in retaliation for a negative online review, damaging their credit rating.

John Palmer told CNN that in 2008 he cancelled a gift order meant for his wife Jen because it was never delivered. Frustrated by the customer service, or lack thereof, the Palmers explained their situation in a post on Ripoff Review, a complaint site where dejected customers warn others to stay away from certain companies.    Continue reading “Utah couple hit with $3,500 fine for leaving negative online company review”

U.S. President Obama reaches for a pen as he signs a bill in the Oval Office of the White House in WashingtonHere we go….the MSM Communists are finally bringing the burning question to light and easing it in like they always do just like we knew they would. Hear we go talking about it. Can’t we just talk about it? Trying to make Obama the Communist dictator for life. Expect to see more of this from other news outlets as time goes on.

Yahoo News – by Chris Nichols

The time has come to end presidential term limits, because continuing the restrictions on how long one can serve in the country’s highest office is bad for the United States, a university professor argued this week.   Continue reading “Presidential term limits: necessary and right, or bad for democracy?”

Rescue workers gather near the scene where a police helicopter crahed onto the roof of a pub in GlasgowYahoo News – by CASSANDRA VINOGRAD

LONDON (AP) — A police helicopter crashed Friday night through the roof of a popular pub in Glasgow, sending injured revelers there to see a ska band fleeing through a cloud of dust in what witnesses called a scene of horror. Scotland’s leader warned that fatalities are likely.

Photos aired on local television showed what appeared to be the helicopter’s propeller sticking out of the top of the pub’s roof. Rescue workers swarmed the door of the pub and several fire trucks were on the scene.   Continue reading “Helicopter crashes into Glasgow pub roof”

In this frame grab taken from enhanced video made by NASA's STEREO-A spacecraft, comet ISON, left, approaches the sun on Nov. 25, 2013. Comet Encke is shown just below ISON, The sun is to the right, just outside the frame. ISON, which was discovered a year ago, is making its first spin around the sun and will come the closest to the super-hot solar surface on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, Nov. 28, 2013, at 1:37 p.m. EST. (AP Photo/NASA)Yahoo News

STOCKHOLM (AP) — A comet that gained an earthly following because of its bright tail visible from space was initially declared dead after grazing the sun. Now, there is a sliver of hope that Comet ISON may have survived.

New images being analyzed Friday showed a streak of light moving away from the sun that some said could indicate it wasn’t game over just yet.

“It certainly appears as if there is an object there that is emitting material,” said Alan Fitzsimmons, an astronomer at Queens University in Belfast, Northern Ireland.   Continue reading “Did Comet ISON survive? Scientists see tiny hope”

We all know it’s coming and for some of us, it’s already here. Gun confiscations and invasions into our homes will happen and to deny it is like an ostrich putting its head in a hole in hopes of hiding from it.

I have taken some time to compile some excerpts from the book, Total Resistance: Swiss Army Guide to Guerrilla Warfare and Underground Operations by Major H. von Dach Bern in order to explain just one of the ways they will come and how to be on the lookout and prepare for it and, through careful analysis of it, possibly find your own way to counter it.  Continue reading “How They Will Disarm Us and Search Our Homes”

President Obama speaks in Boston on October 30 about the Affordable Care Act (AP)Yahoo News – by Eric Pfeiffer

President Obama said in an interview on Thursday that he’s sorry a number of Americans are being forced to change their health care plans despite previous assurances that the Affordable Care Act would allow them to keep their existing plans.

“I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me,” Obama told Chuck Todd during an interview with NBC News at the White House.   Continue reading “President Obama says he’s sorry for Americans losing insurance plans”

What has our country become?

People are battling to be the next ones on Jerry Springer or Dr. Phil type talk shows or are competing to be on “The Biggest Loser” (which has a double meaning). Our children are idolizing people like Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, the Kardashians, Tim Tebow or people who don’t even know themselves, let alone give a damn whether you are alive or not as long as you pay lip-service to them. Teenagers and young adults are humiliating themselves on reality shows like “Fear Factor”, “The Apprentice” or “Beauty and the Geek”.

All of these idiotic shows brought on by Hollywood and the MSM via the idiotbox, encourage Americans to come up and make fools out of themselves by demoralizing and degrading their self-worth, individuality and humanity in front of the whole country, if not the world.   Continue reading “What Happened to God’s Country?”

There are those who say, “The Revolution will not be televised”. If I had a coin for every time I’ve heard that saying, I’d probably have my own private security force and my own MSM communications company setup already.

Too often we are made to think that the revolution will not be televised. It’s almost becoming a psychological deterrent that is holding us back from doing what needs to be done. We must hop over this stumbling block and face the MSM head on.   Continue reading “It’s Time to Knockout the MSM and Broadcast the Revolutionary Spirit on the Airwaves!”

KWA, April 4, 2012

What is a False Flag Operation?

A false flag operation is any procedure, which is carried out by one organization, but designed to appear as though it was orchestrated by another entity. The term “false flag” comes from the days of wooden ships, when one ship would hang the flag of its enemy and then attack a ship in its own fleet. These operations often precede war and are sometimes employed to provoke enemy retaliation. They occur in the context of war, terrorism, politics, the corporate world, and religious ideology.   Continue reading “When Drills Go Live: How to recognize the signs of False Flag Terrorism (Operations)”

When the war with Syria failed miserably and all the escalated rhetoric for a global war came to a direct halt, people believed that our leaders listened and caved in to the demands of We the People. We thought we had the power to finally push back these elitists who have manipulated us all this time. While it may seem that we did just that, was it just another part of the elitists plan? Was it both a distraction and intentionally done in order to make the U.S. out to be the enemy and to turn the U.N. and the entire world against the U.S.?

If so, it would symbolize the dramatic shift from military warfare to social warfare. All the elites have done so far and are continuing to do is implement a social change rather than a military change, as social control rather than military dominance seems to be the key here.   Continue reading “Was the Attempted War with Syria Meant to Fail in Order to Shift the Entire World Against the U.S.?”