american_flag_crystal_ball_big_7-13-1PJ Media – by Roger L Simon

As we approach July 4, 2013, is America in a pre-revolutionary state? Are we headed for a Tahrir Square of our own with the attendant mammoth social turmoil, possibly even violence.

Could it happen here?

We are two-thirds of the way into the most incompetent presidency in our history. People everywhere are fed up. Even many of the so-called liberals who propelled Barack Obama into office have stopped defending him in the face of an unprecedented number of scandals coming at us one after the other like hideous monsters in some non-stop computer game.   Continue reading “Is America in a Pre-Revolutionary State this July 4th?”

ross-Death_of-the_Republic_smallThe Federal Observer – by Neal Ross

In recent news two scandals have caused a certain degree of embarrassment for the Obama administration and also caused some people to begin questioning some of the things our government is doing; specifically the fact that the IRS has targeted certain conservative groups who applied for tax exempt status, and the fact that the government is data mining all our phone calls and other electronic signals such as e mail and Facebook posts. These scandals, while disturbing, are nothing new, our government, to some extent, has been doing these kinds of things for a long time now.   Continue reading “Ross: Why Aren’t You Fighting Mad Yet?”

Am I a traitorMilitia News – by Andrew C. Wallace

Elected and appointed officials at all levels of government are Traitors or Cowards who positively refuse to obey the Constitution and laws of the United States of America taking their orders from the large corporations rather than the people. Government employees who attempt to serve the people are branded as whistle-blowers and persecuted. Government employees who protect the people are framed and jailed when they interfere with the profitable flow of drugs and slave labor.   Continue reading “Government By Traitors And Cowards.”

Korean Shopkeepers during the 1992 Rodney King Riots.Bob Owens

As much as no sane person would want urban and suburban rioting, there are thugs making noise in social media that they would use the acquittal of Florida neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman as an excuse to riot and loot on a grand scale, not just in Sanford, FL where events took place, or in Florida, but nationwide. These criminals—there’s no other way to describe them—are asserting that they will use an acquittal as a excuse nationwide to go on a rampage in many areas.   Continue reading “Surviving a riot”

Leo blog : A gas flare burns at a fracking site in rural Bradford County PennsylvaniaGuardian – by Nafeez Ahmed

Top secret US National Security Agency (NSA) documents disclosed by the Guardian have shocked the world with revelations of a comprehensive US-based surveillance system with direct access to Facebook, Apple, Google, Microsoft and other tech giants. New Zealandcourt records suggest that data harvested by the NSA’s Prism system has been fed into the Five Eyes intelligence alliance whose members also include the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.   Continue reading “Pentagon bracing for public dissent over climate and energy shocks”

Max Velocity Tactical

I often get asked about “how fit do I need to be to train with you” and my answer is that you don’t have to be very fit, because you will learn the basics, but that the fitter you are the more helpful it will be. I tell people that even if they are not moving fast on the ranges, they are still running through the maneuvers, the principles, and applying accurate fire to the enemy, thus creating and maintaining momentum. Let’s be realistic – many people are older, 50’s/60’s and are still doing this tactical training. They will invariably not be as fast as when they were in their 20’s, but they still need to be able to do the business if this thing collapses around us.   Continue reading “Keep Low, Move Fast – PT for survival”

Town Hall – by Leah Barkoukis

If you’re sick of high gas prices, too bad—they’re not going down, according to outgoing Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood.

“Gas prices aren’t going down,” he said in his final press conference, “they are not going to go down.”   Continue reading “Transportation Secretary: Gas Prices Will Never Go Down”

coloradomags12.jpgFox News

With just days to go before Colorado’s strict new gun control law is set to take effect, gun accessories manufacturer Magpul says it plans to distribute 1,500 30-round magazines to gun owners for free.

The company, which has vowed to leave the state over the law, will take part in what organizers are calling a “Farewell to Arms Festival,” on Saturday in Glendale, reports.   Continue reading “Colorado company to give away ammunition magazines ahead of ban”

combat_triad.jpgEvery Citizen Soldier

“Out of a hundred men, ten shouldn’t be there and 80 are just targets.  Nine are the real fighters, and we are thankful for them because they make the battle.  But the one, the one is a warrior and he brings the others back.”

That quote from 500bc is as true now as it was then.  Think back and realize, this was the time of the Greek citizen soldier, the height of hoplite warfare.  The city states of Greece were defended by their citizens who drilled in the summer time and engaged in brief campaigns against their neighbors.  If you took 100 modern American civilians I would imagine a similar ratio.  The Spartans, still citizen soldiers, took their soldiering seriously.  Through dedication and training they upped the ratio of real fighters and warriors and were able to clean house.   Continue reading “The Combat Triad”

Max Velocity Tactical

I had a good group for this last weekend’s training. I will update here with any AARs or photos that come in. I have evolved the training schedule for the weekend a little. I have to base the progress of the training on how the students respond to it over the course of the two days and I had a goal this weekend of doing at least an introduction to team flanking assault, in order to show this technique following the training in basic fire and movement tied in with break contact drills up to team (four person) level.   Continue reading “June 22/23 Training Weekend + Bunker Assault”

Freedom Outpost – by Bradley Dean

This last week my ministry team made national news (again) as we came under fire for seeking and saving the lost. A deranged “Constitution teacher” physically assaulted my street team ministry leader for stating that “separation of church and state” is not found in the Constitution.   Continue reading “I’m Not Asking Permission To Obey God!”

Free North Carolina – by Gun Owners of America

Sell-out amendment falls three votes short of Schumer’s goal of 70

Sometimes victory is relative.  But that doesn’t make it any less definitive.

Monday, beginning at 5:30 pm (EST), only 67 Senators — three short of Chuck Schumer’s 70-vote target — voted to shut off debate on the anti-gun Hoeven-Corker-Leahy amnesty amendment. It is noteworthy that only 15 Republicans voted for cloture (to end debate), while an overwhelming majority of GOP Senators voted against it (that is, most Republicans wanted to keep the filibuster in place).     Continue reading “Gun Owners Score Big in the Senate”

The report below was done by the Naval War College.

1) Tactics and Innovations

2) Leadership and Shaping the Battlefield.

I’ve read the biography which Wyatt wrote. Bedford was not only a genius, he was absolutely fearless… “Because of his Faith”.
Continue reading “Operational Leadership of Nathan Bedford Forrest”