waterNatural News – by Ethan A. Huff

An Oregon landowner has been subjected to a 30-day prison sentence for what he says was a simple act of collecting rainwater on his own property. CNS News reports that Gary Harrington was convicted of nine misdemeanors and sentenced to 30 days in prison, as well as slapped with a $1,500 fine, for diverting snow runoff and rainwater into three reservoirs on his property, a move that local officials say violates an antiquated law governing personal water use.

Known as the “Rain Main,” Harrington reportedly built the reservoirs, which hold some 13 million gallons of water, for his own personal use. One of the reservoirs he stocked with largemouth bass for leisure purposes, and when wildfires emerge in the area, he says the water from this and the other two reservoirs can be used for mitigatory purposes. In Harrington’s mind, the operation is perfectly legal and a legitimate use of his own property. Continue reading “Oregon man serving prison sentence for collecting rainwater on his own property”

GMOsNatural News – by Jonathan Benson

No matter what personal views you might have on genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), these relatively new biological creations are wreaking havoc on both the environment and human health, as thoroughly demonstrated in the scientific literature. And here are seven concrete examples of why:

1) GMOs lead to superbugs and superweeds. There is no denying the massive ecological changes that occur as a result of GMOs and their respective growing chemicals. Farmers all across North America now face a steadily increasing onslaught of “superweeds” and “superpests” that have spawned as a direct result of biotechnology. Continue reading “7 ways GMOs are destroying humanity and the planet”

healthNatural News – by J.D. Heyes

Increasingly, when Americans “dare” to color outside the lines of government food regulation, those who seek to rule us label them extremists and, now, even “agri-terrorists.”

As noted by Daisy Luther at The Organic Prepper, officials in more than one state have turned into food Nazis:

It looks like Michigan is not the only state with a Department of Agriculture that is adamant about the best interests of their citizens. Residents in Pennsylvania can now breathe a little bit easier since an illegal enterprise has been shut down. Continue reading “Heirloom seed proponents now labeled ‘agri-terrorists’ by government”

Breitbart TV

Thursday at the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health hearing titled, “Combating the Ebola Threat,” Samaritan’s Purse’s vice president of programs and government relations Ken Isaacs said, “Ebola is out of control in West Africa,” and then criticized the reporting on the crisis by saying, “I look of the Drudge Report, it can drive a lot of panic.”   Continue reading “Samaritan’s Purse Chief Admits Ebola ‘Out of Control,’ Slams Drudge for Reporting It”

nj-logan-screenshotCaptain’s Journal – by Herschel Smith


HOLMES BEACH, Fla. – An 80-year-old Florida woman grabbed her gun and called 911 during a home invasion. While the burglars were breaking a window to her residence, the police dispatcher told her to “put the gun down.” Huh?

As N.J. Logan was upstairs resting from recent hip replacement surgery in her Holmes Beach, Fla. home, she heard a racket coming from the main level, according to MyFoxTampaBay:

Continue reading “911 Operator Tells Home Invasion Victim To ‘Put Gun Down’”

ebola cdc command centerThe Last Refuge – by Sundance

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has activated emergency response containment status to Level 1 – CDC central command center (pictured below) now activated.   WHO in emergency meeting considering declaration of “P.H.E.I.C” (Public Health Emergency Of Immediate International Concern)   Continue reading “CDC Activates Defcon 1 – Nigerian Ebola Patient Was Not Initially Quarantined”

Freedom Outpost – by Richard Anthony

Let me ask you all a couple of questions before you start reading my article, OK?

  1. Is our Border secure?
  2. Are you happy with the work ethic of your elected officials?

As you read, you’ll understand why I asked those questions.

Now, I’ve been a registered Republican my entire adult life, but watching what certain establishment Republicans have been doing against their Tea Party opponents makes me re-think my loyalties. No, I’m not going ‘liberal,’ it’s just that over the last few years, my eyes have really been opened.    Continue reading “Elected Officials Going on a 5 Week Vacation Now Should be Arrested and Charged with Dereliction of Duty”

Freedom Outpost

In our weekly radio show, “Truth Trends,” Dr. Fred and I often laugh as we make references to the fact that we are of the conspiracy theory mindset in a number of areas. Every week there is usually some mention of needing to don our “tin foil hats” because we are venturing into territory that many may view as “being way out there.” I suppose to some people the topics Dr. Fred and I discuss may be a little much for them to handle, and thus, they brush it off as being conspiratorial or just plain nonsense. That’s fine; however, the subjects we discuss are actually of a very serious nature and not everybody can handle that subject matter. To do so would require re-wiring the gray matter between the ears and rearranging the brain housing group. To accept that there is any premise of truth within a conspiracy theory is to admit that you have absolutely no control of anything going on around you and most of us simply cannot handle that, so it is rejected outright.  Continue reading “What was Once Called Conspiracy Theory is Actually Happening Now”

TownHall – by Michelle Malkin

The voice on the other end of the line is exasperated. “It’s insane,” he wants America to know. “We’re in a war zone.” And there’s no room for apathy.

“This is coming to a town near you,” he warns.

The man on the phone is a veteran of the Department of Homeland Security who works in South Texas. He reached out to me Monday night in the wake of an off-duty U.S.   Continue reading “Murder in Rio Grande Valley: ‘This Is Coming to a Town Near You’”

farmNatural News – by Julie Wilson

Martha Boneta, operator of a small family farm in Paris, Virginia, achieved success not only for her business but also for small farmers and property owners across the state when the “Boneta Bill” finally became law on July 2.

Despite efforts from local and state government officials, including Fauquier Zoning Administrator Kimberley Johnson, who accused Boneta of violating zoning ordinances, HB-268 passed, which protects traditional farming and agricultural practices against over-regulation on the county level. Continue reading “Small family farmer fights back against over-reaching government forcing her off her land”

The IRS Will Be Stifling Free Speech in ChurchesJohn Birch Society – by Art Thompson

In this week’s analysis behind the news video, JBS CEO Art Thompson discusses how the IRS agreed on July 17 to monitor church sermons for political content as part of an agreement made with the Freedom From Religion Foundation; how tax collection in the United States has always been rife with corruption; how our original Constitution prevented the the imposition of the federal income tax; how our original Constitution provided for U.S. Senators to be chosen by state legislatures, not by a popular vote of the people; and how we need to get back to a truly independent Senate that represents the state legislatures, repeal the income tax, and thereby get back to our original system of financing the government.

Continue reading “The IRS Will Be Stifling Free Speech in Churches”

WND – by Leo Hohmann

Shootings and killings barely make the news in major American cities, but in a rural county outside of Raleigh, North Carolina, residents are alarmed by a recent wave of violent crime and they’re looking for answers from their sheriff.

Harnett County Sheriff Larry Rollins didn’t hesitate to give a straight answer. When called upon at a prayer vigil Monday night, he urged them to get armed and get serious about defending their homes.   Continue reading “Sheriff: Pack heat to stop bloody crime wave”

The regime has already made indications that they’ll endorse this creature. This whack job has the mentality to be easily manipulated, hence, another puppet, a puppet that the “boy” believes, he and Jarret, can pull the strings on. Also, we know that their endorsement of Clinton will not be forth coming, so this is not a far fetched conclusion.

There is evidence that the “whack-job” can get votes, for it’s hugely popular with socialists. Quite frankly though, I don’t foresee us making it to the elections of 2016, as things continue to spiral out of control. These are sad days for our Republic, but the silver lining in the whole picture is …RESTORATION is just an event away.   Continue reading “Will Elizabeth Warren be the Next Know Nothing Inexperienced President?”

Ebola Vaccine - Public DomainThe End of the American Dream – by Michael Snyder

As the Ebola death toll rises and as images of bodies being abandoned in the streets of Liberia are broadcast around the globe, there has been a growing outcry for the scientific community to “do something” about this deadly virus.  And as luck would have it, there is an “experimental Ebola vaccine” that is ready to be tested on humans next month.  If Ebola starts to spread outside of Africa, and especially if it starts spreading inside the United States, people will be absolutely clamoring to get this vaccine.  But will it be safe?  And there will certainly be millions of people that do not want to take this vaccine under any circumstances.  If the outbreak gets bad enough, will it be made mandatory at some point?  If they do make it mandatory for all Americans to take an Ebola vaccine, what will you do?   Continue reading “What Will You Do If They Make It Mandatory For All Americans To Take An Ebola Vaccine?”

eric_holder_550Front Page Mag – by Matthew Vadum

Attorney General Eric Holder argues in a new interview that activism is the proper role of the nation’s chief law enforcement officer — and it is precisely this radical conceit that by itself ought to disqualify him from holding the office.

“If you want to call me an activist attorney general, I will proudly accept that label,” he told left-wing journalist Juan Williams.   Continue reading “The Arrogance of Eric Holder”

hagmann080414lNortheast Intelligence Network – by Douglas J. Hagmann

Forty years ago this week, our country experienced a monumental constitutional crisis that led to the first and only resignation of a sitting president in our nation’s history. Richard M. Nixon resigned from the U.S. Presidency forty years ago this Friday, August 8, 1974 consequential to three Articles of Impeachment that were adopted by the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives on July 27th, 29th and 30th, 1974.   Continue reading “From Watergate to today: Descent into lawlessness”

Leaving the American SectorWeaponsMan

The gun law that emerged from the conference committee in Massachusetts has the state’s anti-gun politicians, mostly but not all Democrats, thrilled; it makes the right to have any gun at all, including a single-shot shotgun, subject to police discretion.

The law erases, or, pending court action we might say attempts to erase, the 2nd Amendment from the rights of subjects of and visitors to the Bay State and converts them into a privilege bestowed, or not, by a police official; although the cop must seek a rubber stamp from a Massachusetts court to deny the right. This was not a near-run thing: the vote was extremely lopsided, 122-29 in the state House and 37-3 in the state Senate.   Continue reading “Poly-Ticks: Extreme anti-gun law passes in MA”

Young_Folks'_History_of_Rome_illus1741. What benefits the enemy, harms you; and what benefits you, harm the enemy.

2. Whoever is more vigilant in observing the designs of the enemy in war, and endures much hardship in training his army, will incur fewer dangers, and can have greater hope for victory.

3. Never lead your soldiers into an engagement unless you are assured of their courage, know they are without fear, and are organized, and never make an attempt unless you see they hope for victory.   Continue reading “Machiavelli’s 27 Rules of War”