Charleston Voice

You say it doesn’t affect you because you’re not Jewish – – but, it certainly does when your own government takes the side which chooses the destruction of you and your country.

This website was created to expose the violence and oppression perpetrated by the Zionists and their State of “Israel” against the Jewish people who remain true to the Almighty, Judaism and the Torah.   Continue reading “Israel Versus Judaism”

constitutionWND – by John Aman

High-school history teachers nationwide will give their top students a dark retelling of U.S. history this fall, courtesy of the College Board, a nonprofit college readiness firm led by Common Core architect David Coleman.

The College Board – which administers AP (advanced placement) courses and tests – is rolling out a revised curriculum framework for AP U.S. history, offering the 450,000 students who take AP U.S. history classes a hero-free account of America’s deeply stained past.   Continue reading “U.S. history takes drastic left turn this fall”

Right of ResistanceCanada Free Press – by Kelly O’Connell

Do Americans have a right to oppose unjust authority? Given our history, this right goes without saying. You see, our country was founded by men resisting the unjust rule of Great Britain. More precisely, in one of history’s most famous recitations of the Right of Resistance, the American Declaration of Independence itself says,   Continue reading “The Right to Resist Evil Leaders—The Christian History”

The New Boston Tea Party – by Michael Oberndorf

The Mad Hatter has become violently psychotic, the Red Queen has converted to Islam, the Looking Glass is broken and we may never be able to get home again. Indeed, our beloved country and the world appear to have tipped over an evil edge and no one with any power or authority is doing a thing to drag it back. It’s as if God put LSD and meth in the world’s drinking water and filled the air with angel dust instead of pollen.   Continue reading “Through the Broken Looking Glass”

White PeopleThe Conservative Treehouse – by sundance

A former senior advisor to Nancy Pelosi, now on the Civil Rights Commission, wants to restrict free speech on campus because college student brains are not completely formed…..

…. which begs the ultimate “D’oh” question:   Continue reading “Dem Civil Rights Commission Wants College Restrictions On Free Speech Because Student Brains Not Formed…”

42dfa9700b43ba1543d117aefb5ce51b_MThe New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

“The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.”

— James Madison, The Federalist, No. 47

The principle of separation of powers was well-established for centuries before James Madison wrote those now famous lines. Madison, Hamilton, Jefferson, and the other members of the Founding pantheon were familiar with this core concept of self-government from reading it in Montesquieu’s seminal Spirit of the Laws, as well as from the history of Rome written in the second century B.C. by Greek historian Polybius.   Continue reading “The Tyranny of the Federal Bureaucracy”

EbolaNatural News – by Mike Adams

Today Kurt Nimmo from is incorrectly reporting that “aerosol transmission is not possible” with Ebola. (2) That statement is part of an article entitled, “Don’t Fear Ebola, Fear the State” which is, overall, a very compelling article.

Nimmo is a fantastic writer and a great researcher, but in this case his statement is factually incorrect and probably needs to be addressed. As clearly explained by the Public Health Agency of Canada: (3)    Continue reading “Ebola transmission by aerosols confirmed: virus survives for days outside infected hosts”

OJJPAC – by Steve Salvi

Sanctuary Cities: What are they?

Despite a 1996 federal law [the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act ( IIRIRA )] that requires local governments to cooperate with Department of Homeland Security’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), many large urban cities (and some small) have adopted so-called “sanctuary” policies.  Generally, sanctuary policies instruct city employees not to notify the federal government of the presence of illegal aliens living in their communities. The policies also end the distinction between legal resident aliens and illegal aliens–so illegal aliens often benefit from taxpayer funded government services and programs too.   Continue reading “Sanctuary Cities, USA”

A World 2010: A New Order of NationsAmerica the Battlefield – by Timothy A. Pope

“It is inconceivable that those with power and wealth would not band together with a common bond, a common interest, and a long-range plan to decide and direct the future of the world.”
― Milton William Cooper, Behold A Pale Horse, (Light Technology Publishing, December 1, 1991), Introduction, p. 2

This is an extension of my earlier article from October 30, 2013, entitled Treason: The Disarmament of the United States, and the Declaration of World Government. Continue reading “Officer Corps of the U.S. Military Complicit in Treason and the Establishment of World Government”

Attorney General Eric HolderWND

A federal court has ruled that the Obama Department of Justice must turn over to the non-profit watchdog group Judicial Watch an index of materials related to the “Fast and Furious” gun-running scandal that were withheld by the White House under executive privilege claims.

Judicial Watch sued because the government didn’t respond to its Freedom of Information Act requests in June and September of 2012.   Continue reading “Court releases ‘Fast and Furious’ info withheld by Obama”

Freedom Outpost

When it comes to alternative news, the choices in which one can obtain information is growing daily. However, the real challenge is not in finding the information, the challenge is finding information that you can trust and rely on. For myself, and for millions on the web, one such outlet for reliable and accurate information is the website,, and the reporting of its founder and editor, Mike Adams.

Health Ranger, Mike Adams, is a pretty remarkable fellow. He not only exposes food contamination at a microscopic level, but his website, Natural News, is literally one of the biggest in the world; and is in the top 750 web sites in the US, according to Alexa. In my opinion, Mike’s success is richly deserved.   Continue reading “Health Ranger Mike Adams: We Are On the Verge of a Global Pandemic”

Freedom Outpost

This report is indisputable proof that high treason and the plan for the establishment of world government under a “New Order of Nations” are being brought about by the efforts of domestic enemies among the commissioned ranks within our own military. It is also proof that the plan has been greatly delayed.

“It is inconceivable that those with power and wealth would not band together with a common bond, a common interest, and a long-range plan to decide and direct the future of the world.”
― Milton William Cooper, Behold A Pale Horse, (Light Technology Publishing, December 1, 1991), Introduction, p. 2

This is an extension of my earlier article from October 30, 2013, entitled Treason: The Disarmament of the United States, and the Declaration of World Government.   Continue reading “Officer Corps of the US Military Complicit in Treason & Establishment of World Government”

democracyThe Hoss USMC

I recently read an article, by a self proclaimed second amendment supporter, blasting open carriers again. I find myself sighing and trying to muddle through the article without getting angry, but it never fails to make me upset to see these articles. They are usually written by someone who is angry, ignorant, and often useless when it comes to actually defending rights. These are usually the guys who stay home when the gun rallies are on a Saturday, because they can’t be bothered to dip into their free time.   Continue reading “It’s Not About You It’s About Them”

camoThe Hoss USMC

My two favorite lines people who hate open carry use are, “You are hurting the Second Amendment” and “Just because you can doesn’t mean you should”. Inevitably they will always use this in their argument.  Let’s take a closer look at these two assertions.

“You are hurting the Second Amendment”

First of all the Second Amendment shouldn’t exist at all. WHAAA, HUHH??? Shocking I know, but if you have ever studied history you would know that many of our most liberty loving founding fathers actually hated the bill of rights. This may sound counter intuitive, but think about it for a second. The reason they opposed it is because they never wanted Americans to think that their rights were restricted to only what what in the bill of rights. Continue reading “Are You Helping or Hurting The Second Amendment?”

Western Rifle Shooters Association

MAJ XXX’s Top 10 Road Marching Tips Plus 1

1. Powder your piggies. Your feet will sweat profusely during a road march. Damp feet blister easily. The best way to keep your feet comfortable and avoid excess blistering is to powder your feet before you start. Use Gold Bond, talc, corn starch, or any brand of commercial baby powder. Sprinkle powder on your bare feet, then put your socks on. Put a light coat of powder on the outside of your socks, and then dust the inside of your boots with a little more powder. Remember, lightly coat everything with powder – don’t dump the powder in big globs. If you do, those big globs will become big wet globs when your feet sweat and you’ll be road marching with a boot full of biscuit dough.    Continue reading “The Weapons Platform: Major XXX’s Ruck Marching Tips”

Truth and Action

New York’s Division of Homeland Security is posting signs on businesses to encourage people to snitch on fellow citizens who buy such things as MRE’s (Meals Ready to Eat), ammunition, flash lights, match containers, gas masks and other items deemed to be ‘prepper’ in nature.

In this video a girl working at LZ Army Navy Surplus store in Auburn, NY tell us how a state trooper put up a flyer in their window which encourages customers to call the New York State Terrorism Tips Line to report this ‘suspicious activity’ under the as part of the “See Something, Say Something” campaign.   Continue reading “NY DHS Will Pay You $500 to Rat Out Fellow Citizens Buying Legal Goods”

Charleston Voice

NOTEThis is the fourth in a series of articles covering basic constitutional principles

So far in the Constitution 101 series, we’ve established that the Constitution created a limited federal government meant to exercise only specific, enumerated powers. All other authority remains with the states and the people. We also discussed the fact that the people stand as the sovereign in the system, and the Constitution was ratified by the people, through preexisting political societies – the states.   Continue reading “Introduction to Nullification”

ca175a91700129f19b20631b9fd743ba_MThe New American – by Thomas R. Eddlam

The Intercept has published a 166-page manual of how the federal government puts people on the “no-fly list” and monitors American citizens. Obtained from whistleblower Edward Snowden, the information on the Glenn Greenwald-founded website revealed that the Obama administration has lowered the legal threshold for warrantless government surveillance of American citizens.

The federal manual explains the standard of evidence for spying on Americans:   Continue reading “The Intercept Publishes Government Plan to Spy on You”