Gurning contest winner Maloney doesn't like the First Amendment any better than she does the Second.Examiner – by David Codrea

Rep. Carolyn Maloney of New York wants Capitol Police to investigate Gun Owners of America Executive Director Larry Pratt for … it’s not quite clear what laws she alleges he’s broken, or what authority either they or the House Sergeant at Arms would have for following up on her complaint.

The news of the latest baloney from Maloney comes from a Wednesday entry on Roll Call, where we learn she was reacting to yet another in a seemingly interminable line of transparently ridiculous anti-gun hit pieces in Rolling Stone.    Continue reading “Right to arms isn’t only freedom ‘progressives’ want to eviscerate”

Guerrillamerica – by Samuel Culper III

I had a couple really good questions this past weekend about looking for indicators signaling a SHTF situation. How can we tell an emergency event is going to happen before it happens?  What can we look for?  Those are very good questions but they’re not easily answered.  We’ll work on breaking it down here.  I want each of you to have a way forward to start developing your own Early Warning Indicators (EWI) for whatever threats you may be expecting.   Continue reading “Identifying SHTF Indicators”

robin-sageWestern Rifle Shooters

Rather than focus on tactics, which vary somewhat depending on terrain and situation (British…thoughts aside.) let us consider the Principles of War as a series promoting nationwide coordination and synchronization.


UNITY OF COMMAND – For every objective, ensures unity of effort.   Continue reading “Community Organizer Sends”

New America Now – by KrisAnne Hall

Our government has been infected by Federal Supremacists. They commonly assert that the Supreme Court has the power to ultimately interpret the Constitution through judicial review and therefore sovereignly determine the limits of the power delegated to the federal government. They sometimes assert that federal law itself is superior to the Constitution. In reality, the Supreme Court does not have the authority to limit or expand the power of government. Neither does Congress have the authority to pass a law that is contrary to the Constitution itself. To allow such action means that the Constitution has NO MEANING and the government has NO LIMIT. Continue reading “Oligarchy of Thieves”

bizarreacctThe Daily Sheeple – by Melissa Melton

Sorry to be so grotesque, but there aren’t a lot of other ways to say it.

The Associated Press article floating around the mainstream media in source after source (surely before it gets buried forever) is simply titled, “Rebel Leader Gives Bizarre Account of Plane Crash”.

How bizarre, exactly?   Continue reading “Rebel Leader: Many of the Dead Bodies from Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 Crash Weren’t “Fresh””

2ad474f579b6fb41aeabe39fb274e926_MThe New American – by Rebecca Terrell

Are you one of the more than 40 million Americans who suffer from depression or anxiety? If so, then hold on to your guns, because a trip to your doctor for relief could strip your constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms.

In typical Machiavellian fashion, President Barack Obama is using public safety as an excuse to violate federal law, pry into your personal medical records, and add your name to a federal database tracking individuals with diagnoses of mental illness. Obama originally announced his intent on January 16, 2013, when he signed 23 executive orders purportedly intended to curb gun violence. One of them aims to “address unnecessary legal barriers, particularly relating to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act [HIPAA], that may prevent states from making information available to the background check system.” Notice that the president regards your medical privacy rights as “unnecessary legal barriers.”   Continue reading “Playing Mind Games With the Second Amendment”

ALGORE_MANBEARPIGjgflaShenandoah – by John Galt

There is one nation starting on its path from neo-Marxist insanity back towards reality so if they repeal their ban on firearms, Australia might well become a place for sane, non-vegan brain mattered individuals to return to. The Algore tax was repealed, finally, on the third attempt tonight:   Continue reading “Australian Lawmakers Repeal the AlGore, er, Carbon Tax”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

If you thought the latest round of US sanctions against some largely unknown Russians and a few new companies listed here, most notably Rosneft and Gazprombank – but not Gazprom, never Gazprom – that would cut off Russian gas to Europe and Merkel doesn’t want that – would be largely a non-event, you are right. Unless you own a Kalashnikov, aka AK-47 rifle. In which case read on.   Continue reading “If You Own A Kalashnikov Rifle, Obama Just Sanctioned You”

PictureSierra 12

Night Vision Devices or NVDs are a much  more common piece of support gear as compared to just a few years ago.  Today quality NVDs can be purchased at a reasonable price, the utility of owning a set of NVDs is not lost on the average person who fully understands how much an NVD can enhance their low light / no light defensive capabilities .  When purchasing NVDs keep in mind certain considerations….

The price of quality night vision is much more affordable today, but we don’t want to make uninformed decisions and find out  that the newly purchased NVD will not suit the requirements of our specific needs. Continue reading “Night Vision Equipment selection”

Freedom Outpost – by Suzanne Hamner

For many, it came as no surprise when reported that House Majority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) “disagreed” with Sarah Palin’s call for Obama’s impeachment. Boehner would rather have the House of Representatives file a lawsuit against Obama aimed at “forcing” this president to “faithfully execute the law.” Impeachment has been tabled by Boehner because he “disagrees” with impeachment; even though, the Constitutional remedy for an out of control executive is just that – impeachment.   Continue reading “John Boehner: “We have a system of government outlined in our Constitution” But I won’t follow it Concerning Impeachment of Barack Obama”

DoD Documents - Military Authorized to Quell Civil Unrest in the U.S.SCG News

First of all, I would assert that it’s never ok to use the military to crush internal unrest. Such measures are the hallmark of dictators and failed states. Some people however, might be inclined to justify the use of military force if the stakes are high enough. Trouble is once you open that door, who is to say where that line gets drawn?

Well, we don’t actually have to ponder that question. The U.S. government has already given us their answer. Unfortunately according to a 2010 Department of Defense document entitled Directive 3025.18, the military is authorized to deploy within the U.S. to quell civil disturbances “when necessary to protect the Federal property or functions.”   Continue reading “DoD Documents – Military Authorized to Quell Civil Unrest in the U.S.”

The Captain’s Journal – by Herschel Smith

Self defense against criminals or self defense against — criminals?  Kurt Hofmann asks the question:

But as a practical matter, does that really make much difference? When you defend yourself against an assailant who happens to be a common criminal, after all, you’re defending your rights from violation, no less than if your attacker–and aspiring rights violator–draws a government paycheck, carries a tax revenue-supplied firearm, and is acting on government orders. Likewise, in resisting a tyrannical government, you are defending yourself from that government–and the hired muscle of said government, from whom you are defending yourself, is no less criminal than the common street thug or rapist.

Continue reading “Is The Second Amendment About Self Defense And Hunting Or Amelioration of Tyranny?”

Captain’s Journal – by Herschel Smith

The setup for this has been occurring for quite a while.  The collectivists on the right have helped the leftists gain strength, but the rate and fury of activity that has been consequential in destabilizing the United States has increased almost beyond comprehension.

The long term evolution of America to a position where such a strategy might stand a greater chance of success began long ago with the move towards urbanization.  The flight from rural America was helped along with family farms bought out by Monsanto and Archer-Daniels-Midland, with low paid migrant workers on those farms, all subsidized by tax payers and rate payers who couldn’t see that there was avery high hidden cost for the low cost of produce.   Continue reading “The Administration Implementation Of The Cloward-Piven Strategy”

Liberty’s Torch – by Francis W. Porretto 

Time was, people could both read plain English and could recognize (and would jeer aside) an attempt to distort it. But time was, people were both better educated and less disgusted with politics than they are today.

A quick question for you, Gentle Reader: In Constitutionally enumerating and separating the powers of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the federal government, what purpose or purposes were the Founding Fathers trying to serve?   Continue reading “War Over The Documents”

Photo By Robin Jerstad / For the Express-News The Free Thought Project

After a 9 hour deliberation, a jury has found  Adrian Perryman, not guilty on all four counts of aggravated assault on a peace officer.

The incident that led to the charges against Perryman happened during the pre-dawn hours of October 26, 2010 in San Antonio, TX.

SAPD’s tactical response unit was executing a no-knock search warrant. The occupants in the house at the time were Perryman, his girlfriend Rebecca Flores, and Flores’s 3 year old grand daughter Savannah.   Continue reading “Man Who Shot at Cops During No-Knock Raid Acquitted on All Charges”