587e10359ad2902d94d1704b606833f1_MThe New American – by Alex Newman

The U.S. government often manufactures and creates the alleged “terrorism threats” it purports to be fighting, in some cases even prodding mentally challenged dupes into bogus “plots” that authorities concocted in the first place, according to a newly released report highlighting the troubling practices. Perhaps the most outrageous finding: Almost every high-profile domestic terror case across America since the September 11 attacks featured the “direct involvement” of government agents or informants. In some cases, virtually the entire “terrorism” plot — from start to finish — was actually led and financed by government operatives.   Continue reading “Feds Often Create Terror Threats, Study Finds”

The New Boston Tea Party

We have devoted much ink to the violent El Salvador Mara Salvatrucha gang , better know by its nom de guerre MS-13 and the lesser know 18th Street gang.  They have infiltrated major cities committing felonies, murdering, extorting, running guns and prostitution rings, peddling drugs and smuggling.

In many cities the police do not dear tread on their turf. But what is more interesting is their sudden recruitment of illegals who are being lodged at an Arizona facility. We should be alarmed. As detailed in the article members of the gang cross the border and are subsequently housed in government holding pens pending their release.   Continue reading “Community Organizing MS-13 Style”

WEB Commentary – by Sher Zieve

As not one soul in Congress has lifted anything heavier than a limp pinky finger to stop him–likely because most of them are on the Leftist side–we knew this would eventually occur. Treason has become a daily occurrence in the former United States of America which has now become Illegal Aliens of the World Central. Continuing to laugh roaringly, debasingly and hysterically at the ongoing majority of stupid Americans who won’t stop him either, Obama has announced that he will very shortly issue an Executive Order to begin flying illegals (renamed “refugees”) from Central Americans countries into the USA. These will be indoctrinated as Democrat voters and trained to worship Obama the minute they set foot on the plane…or even before.   Continue reading “Obama to Issue Executive Orders to Bring in Thousands of new Foreign Democrat Voters”

Freedom Outpost

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” –John Adams

The above quote was made by John Adams on October 11, 1798 while addressing the Massachusetts Militia. This statement holds a great deal of significance because it not only alludes to the fact that our nation was founded upon Judeo-Christian Principles, it clearly indicates that failure to live up to them, would signify the end of the Constitution.   Continue reading “Freedom Demands Personal Responsibility – Communism Seeks to Destroy it”

Freedom Outpost

Ohio Sheriff Richard Jones had a unique idea to help with the cost of illegal aliens, who had committed crimes, currently taking up space in his jail. He sent a letter to Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto charging him for the cost of each illegal alien housed in his jail. In response to Jones’ letter, the federal government sent him a letter stating he had violated “a treaty of like, 1790.”

In an appearance on BlazeTV’s “Dana,” the Butler County Sheriff told Dana Loesch the details.

“I sent him a bill for the prisoners that are in my jail. They came here illegally. I’ve not gotten any money from them, but I billed them so much. And, I’ll tell you what I got in return, my life was threatened.”
Continue reading “Ohio Sheriff Bills Mexico for Illegals in His Jail – FBI Warns Him Mexican Drugs Cartels Will Kill Him”


Think a banana peel is only good for the trash? Guess again. Have you ever thought about where all those discarded peels end up? Yep, with the rest of the trash at the landfill, where they produce methane gas, a greenhouse gas 21 times more potent than carbon dioxide, as they rot. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, uneaten food accounts for 20% of methane emissions, which are a major contributor to global warming. Here’s a handy infographic with ideas on how you can help protect the peels! Continue reading “10 Things to Do With Banana Peels”

“Fascism, socialism, communism, progressivism… all must all be resisted. To a slave of the state it matters little whether he is allowed to own his cage.” – Don Fredrick

“[W]hen you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing; when you see that money is flowing to those who deal not in goods, but in favors; when you see that men get rich more easily by graft than by work, and your laws no longer protect you against them, but protect them against you. . . you may know that your society is doomed.” – Ayn Rand   Continue reading “Thought Provoking Quotes”

WND – by Bob Unruh

The head of a gun-rights organization is delivering a lesson on the Constitution to a member of Congress who claimed his statements on the Second Amendment constituted a threat against her.

“Allow me to explain the obvious,” Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America, wrote in an open letter to Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y.   Continue reading “Congresswoman sees ‘threat’ in Constitution”

probioticsNatural News – by J. Anderson

From helping prevent asthma to treating stomach ulcers, probiotics are being found to be incredibly beneficial. These live microorganisms found in foods like yogurt and sour cream have now been found to help improve our blood pressure through their regular consumption. Recent research has found that individuals who regularly consume probiotics over an extended period of time (at least eight weeks) modestly lower their blood pressure.  

It is estimated that one in every three Americans suffer from high blood pressure. This is said to cost the United States over $100 billion in healthcare services per year (estimated from a 2008 study) due to the fact that high blood pressure can lead to brain damage, heart disease and premature aging. The ability to naturally suppress high blood pressure with fewer side effects than pharmaceuticals is vitally important.
Continue reading “Probiotics can help lower blood pressure”

Senate Dems Quietly Revive Radical UN Disabilities TreatyThe New American – by Alex Newman

After being defeated in 2012, Democrats on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee quietly announced that they would be holding yet another vote on ratification for thewidely criticized United Nations “Convention on the Rights of Persons With Disabilities.” The radical planetary agreement, known as UN CRPD for short, purports to grant oversight of U.S. policies on disabled Americans to an unelected global “committee” of self-styled “experts.” While the latest bid to ratify the scheme has flown largely under the media radar so far, the opposition is once again gearing up for a fight to stop it.   Continue reading “Senate Dems Quietly Revive Radical UN Disabilities Treaty”

The Grave in the Middle of a Rural Indiana RoadLaughing Squid

On a rural stretch of County Road 400 in Amity, Indiana, the road splits around a small mound of earth located in the center of the roadway. That mound is the grave of Nancy Kerlin Barnett (1793-1831) and it is in the middle of the road for a most unusual reason. As the 1912 historical marker at the site explains, when the county planned to run a road through the cemetery in which Barnett was laid to rest, her grandson Daniel Doty guarded the plot with a gun until the county relented and built the road around the grave.   Continue reading “The Grave in the Middle of a Rural Indiana Road”

The Intercept – by Jeremy Scahill and Ryan Devereaux

The Obama administration has quietly approved a substantial expansion of the terrorist watchlist system, authorizing a secret process that requires neither “concrete facts” nor “irrefutable evidence” to designate an American or foreigner as a terrorist, according to a key government document obtained by The Intercept.

The “March 2013 Watchlisting Guidance,” a 166-page document issued last year by the National Counterterrorism Center, spells out the government’s secret rules for putting individuals on its main terrorist database, as well as the no fly list and the selectee list, which triggers enhanced screening at airports and border crossings. Continue reading “Blacklisted: The Secret Government Rulebook For Labeling You a Terrorist”

Freedom Outpost – by Larry Pratt

Pastor and state Representative Dan Fisher(R-OK) has rescued a crucial part of our history from near oblivion – namely, the role that many pastors played in our War for Independence. In his book, Bringing Back the Black Robed Regiment (2013), Fisher examines the “patriot preachers” of the 18th Century, who led their congregations to battle the abusive tyranny of the Redcoats.

I was familiar with the Shenandoah Valley (Virginia) Pastor Peter Muhlenberg because I have a reproduction of him on my office wall. It’s the famous scene where he removed his clerical gown, revealing his Colonel’s uniform of the Continental Army.   Continue reading “It’s Time to Bring Back the Black Robed Regiment”

Bearing Arms – by Bob Owens

Beretta issued a stunning press release a short time ago confirming the centuries-old truth that “Berettas don’t bluff.”

It seems that Martin O’Malley and his fellow anti-gun Democrats have successfully created hundreds of new jobs… in Tennessee.   Continue reading “GONE: Beretta Sending Entire Manufacturing Operation Out Of Maryland Due To Anti-Liberty “Assault Weapon” Ban”

The Importance of Morality in Our System of GovernmentOur Republic was based on Christian morals and ethics … It only works when those elected, or placed in office, are of like mind. When we allow creatures who have the morals of an alley cat into positions of authority, it’s then we end up as we are now. Fractured, unethical, spiritually bankrupt, and lost….. On the way to the dust bin of history!

The only hope this Republic has, is to repent. Turn back to God. Find their moral compass, along with the grit to expel ALL usurpers. Regardless who they may be, or from where they come.   Continue reading “The Importance of Morality in Our System of Government”

WEB Commentary – by Sher Zieve

Over last weekend, it finally got out–despite suppression from the White House and the media–that the Mexican drug cartels/human traffickers are now firing .50 caliber ammo at our USBP Agents. These are bullets that can reach their targets as much as a mile away. This is an act of war. Yet, neither the Pretend POTUS and Dictator-in-Chief Barack Hussein Obama nor any of his minions comment on it at all. Neither does Obama try to stop the thousands of illegals (largely gang members, drug cartels/human traffickers and Islamists…not children) that he has invited into the country as a foreign invasion force to replace US citizens and help him bring down the USA. Besides, he’s already decimated most of the US military, demanded the Border Patrol “stand down” and no longer attempt to stop anyone entering the USA while placing them on diaper and baby-sitting duties for the children coming in with their parents. What difference do some USBP deaths–or any additional US citizen deaths–mean to him? He does, after all, have a one-month vacation in August coming up.   Continue reading “US Government turns fully against Americans and few seem to care”