bbfb2181e9901f165f7cd2e150ee121d_MThe New American – by Jack Kenny

A proposed constitutional amendment to abridge the freedom of speech received the endorsement of the Senate Judiciary Committee by a 10-8 vote Thursday in an effort to overturn U.S. Supreme Court decisions in Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission and McCutcheon v. FEC.

The 2010 Citizens United ruling rejected on First Amendment grounds restrictions in the McCain-Feingold Campaign Reform Act of 2002 on spending for political advertising. In this year’s McCutcheon decision, the high court ruled that limits on how much a donor may contribute in aggregate to candidates for federal office, political parties, and political action committees are also violations of the First Amendment. Both decisions were by 5-4 votes of the justices, with the more conservative Republican appointees voting to strike down the restrictions and the liberal justices, appointed by Democratic presidents, voting to uphold them. Similarly, Thursday’s Judiciary Committee vote was strictly along party lines, with all 10 of the committee’s Democrats voting for the amendment and all eight of its Republican members voting against.   Continue reading “Sen. Judiciary Committee Endorses Amendment to Abridge Free Speech”

munozCapital City Project – by Joe Schoffstall

Federal funding surged to a radical immigration group under the Obama administration after a former top member of the organization joined the Obama team in 2009.

In 2009, Cecilia Muñoz was appointed as the Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Intergovernmental Affairs in the Obama administration. She served in this position until January of 2012 when she became the President’s Domestic Policy Advisor and the Director of the Domestic Policy Council, a position which coordinates the domestic policy making process in the White House.   Continue reading “Federal funding to La Raza more than doubled after former VP joined Obama administration”

I know I am not alone when I voice concerns over the ILLEGALS, especially, when they’re now to receive, not only a roof over their heads on our dime, but health care and lawyers too!

This is the last straw!

The Terrorist in the White House MUST GO! AND NOW! Along with him, all the known cohorts and allies. What we’re witnessing is what he said he’d do …Transform America. And he’s doing it with his own group of worshippers and gutter trash.    Continue reading “Illegals – Giving Away The Farm”

Another shot of top edge, showing high energy of spall fragmentation leaving the box.D-RMOR GEAR

As many of my readers know by now, steel plates offer tremendous advantages (low cost, extreme durability/multiple hits, thin profile), but do suffer from issues with front-face spall (fragmentation caused by defeated rounds) and weight. Most solutions that attempt to address this issue exacerbate the weight, and negate the advantage of a thin profile.   Continue reading “Shoot Test: Version 4.2.3 Spall Guard and Maingun Patriot Plate”

Last Resistance – by Onan Coca

The federal government and the environmental regulators who act capriciously in its name continue their assault on innocent American citizens.

The most recent horror story proving that the federal government has grown far too big and far too powerful comes to us from New Mexico. A family in the southwestern state is in danger of losing everything – their home and their livelihood – because the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has decided that a mouse that lives on their land is an endangered species.   Continue reading “Family to Lose Everything because of “Endangered” Mouse”

The Pope’s Apostate Church there is so much wrong with the current pope’s theology, that where does one begin? First off, as a disclaimer, I am not Catholic, but the Bible does hold truths that spans beyond Denominational lines and this current pope has shown that he either has NO knowledge of Biblical theology or he’s proving that he’s an Apostate.

Whichever the case may be, what he’s spouting off as Biblical truth is nothing more than heretical apostate views, which are to be expected in the closing days of the Age of Grace as the false prophet comes onto the world’s scene.   Continue reading “The Pope’s Apostate Church”

acbb11a5d3f412d4459390291d5f3b24_XLThe New American – by Selwyn Duke

While its corporate motto is “Don’t be evil,” its critics might say “Don’t be Google.” And this is especially true now that Google is saying “Don’t buy guns.”

The search giant has announced that, starting in September, it will ban advertising of firearms, ammunition, and gun paraphernalia. As Google Support writes on its “Dangerous Products or Services” page, “Our policy: We want to help keep people safe both online and offline, so we don’t allow the promotion of some products or services that cause damage, harm, or injury.” Consequently, the ad ban will include, explains the company:   Continue reading “Google’s War on Guns”

Prof. Lawrence LessigJohn Birch Society – by John F. McManus

Professor Lawrence Lessig’s long-range goal includes cancelling the Constitution in favor of a completely new law of the land.

Harvard Law School professor Lawrence Lessig has been beating the drums for a Constitution Convention for many years. In 1993, the Texas Law Review published his article “Fidelity in Translation” in which he boldly stated, “It is time to rewrite our Constitution.” More recently, he formed the group known as “Call a Convention.” He also participated prominently at a Conference on the Constitutional Convention held at Harvard in September 2011.

Continue reading “Lessig’s Real Goal: Change the Entire Constitution”

What a Drone Can See From 17,500 Feet, (close to 4 miles).

Are you ready to be awed?
Watch this short video and see what a drone can ‘see’ from altitude.

If you are one who is prone to tinkle in the back yard – be forewarned that you just  might have been ‘seen’.

Anyone still think that US didn’t watch this as the action in Benghazi unfolded?   Continue reading “What a Drone Can See”

spicesNatural News – by Sandeep Godiyal

(NaturalNews) Spices are widely used for increased health and well-being. Young adults, the elderly and anyone who is looking to find a healthier way of living can benefit from using spices when they cook meals. Just adding a few tasty spices to a meal is all that it takes. For those who are not likely to cook, or even learn, this information can still be helpful, as they can give suggestions to others in the home who are more likely to cook.   Continue reading “10 Healing herbs and spices for optimum health”

civil warBearing Arms – by Bob Owens

According to family lore, three Owens brothers from Wales left their home country, spent a brief amount of time in Ireland, and then immigrated to the United States in the 1850s, landing in Philadelphia. At least one of the three brothers moved to North Carolina, and when the War of Northern Aggression broke out, my ancestors—like so many families—fought wearing both the blue and the grey.

During that horrible conflict, the Confederate States of America were arguably better led and better fighters, killing roughly 105,000 more Union soldiers and generating 138,000 more casualties.   Continue reading “Firearms Producers Move South As Northern States Infringe Upon Liberty”

Liberty’s Torch – by Francis W. Porretto

Just a few days ago, Radley Balko wrote as follows:

The American Civil Liberties Union has released the results of its year-long study of police militarization. The study looked at 800 deployments of SWAT teams among 20 local, state and federal police agencies in 2011-2012. Among the notable findings:

  • 62 percent of the SWAT raids surveyed were to conduct searches for drugs.
  • Just under 80 percent were to serve a search warrant, meaning eight in 10 SWAT raids were not initiated to apprehend a school shooter, hostage taker, or escaped felon (the common justification for these tactics), but to investigate someone still only suspected of committing a crime.

Continue reading “Guilding The Polity”

Canada Free Press – by Judi McLeod

Has anyone noticed how it is the same “outraged” activists working on “Water Justice” who are taking the threatened water cutoff service for Detroit customers 60 days overdue in payment or more than $150 behind in their water bill payments to the Detroit Water and Sewage Department (DWSD) to the ubiquitous United Nations, are the same UN activists who have been in charge of water ‘equality’ for years?

In 2008, the UN’s “senior advisor on water”  was a Canadian hardline leftist activist by the name of Maude Barlow, the one and the same co-founder of the Blue Planet project, now—at least ostensibly—fighting DWSD on the water cutoff threats to residents of Detroit.   Continue reading “It’s time for the thirsting masses to toss leftwing activism from the world water supply”