Mexico VigilantesChristian Mercenary – by T.L. Davis

Who knows more about government corruption than Mexico? It has been battling the drug cartels for generations. The problem is bribery and fear. Cartels and local drug lords bribe cops to alert them when a raid is to take place. If the cops don’t take a bribe, the next step is to threaten their lives or those of the family. Subsequently, Mexico has failed to address their biggest issue: roving bands of murdering gangs. They have used the military to try and come to grips with it, but the government is incapable of moving quickly, silently.
Continue reading “We Don’t Want Them, We Don’t Recognize Them”

microwaveI’ve been preaching against the use of these devises for years…..

I stopped using them many years ago. When I put two and two together about them killing food and the lack of nutrients in food consumed. All you’re eating is “dead food filler” once it’s been irradiated. In fact, I just heated up my supper in the oven…..a BBQ plate.   Continue reading “When a microwave oven is running, you should be too”

nutsNatural News – by Dr, Sofiya

Nuts have long been a popular snack food. Inexpensive, readily plentiful and easy to pack for traveling, the large variety of nuts available virtually ensures that almost everyone will find a favorite. As if that were not enough, there are a number of health benefits that can result from eating a handful of nuts on a daily basis.   Continue reading “Fight heart disease and lower cancer risk with a daily dose of nuts”

Information Clearinghouse – by Nick Bernabe

It seems like only a few months ago (because it was) when the government that rules America was condemning the brutal crackdown against protesters by the Ukrainian government. The then-Russian backed regime was fending off large crowds of protesters who were angry about the Ukrainian government’s close ties with Russia, resorting to violence and anti-riot tactics to disperse the crowds.

In a statement issued by the White House on January 19th, before the new Western backed ‘legitimate’ government of Ukraine took power, US officials condemned the violence against protesters:   Continue reading “The US Government Thinks it Can Fool Us Into a War With Russia”

Israel UNewsweek – by Jeff Stein

When White House national security advisor Susan Rice’s security detail cleared her Jerusalem hotel suite for bugs and intruders Tuesday night, they might’ve had in mind a surprise visitor to Vice President Al Gore’s room 16 years ago this week: a spy in an air duct.   Continue reading “Israel’s Aggressive Spying in the U.S. Mostly Hushed Up”

Conservative Refocus – by Barry Secrest

Nations considered as Socialist are illustrated in red hues, while blue hues denote capitalist nations…..the problem becomes readily apparent….


1 : renunciation of a religious faith

2 : abandonment of a previous loyalty : defection   Continue reading “The Great American Apostasy: A Scheme of Redistribution and Its Grand Departure from The Truth”

The History of the Future – by Dr. Robert Owens

When faced with the highest levels of unemployment in American History why does the government trumpet a falling unemployment rate?  In the face of overwhelming evidence of ineptness at best in Benghazi why do our hacks and their flacks insult us with answers like, “Dude this was two years ago!”  With the obvious politicization of the IRS why does the president tell us there isn’t even a smidgen of corruption in the IRS while professional bureaucrats who really run this country take the 5th, stonewall, and lie?   Continue reading “Why Do They Lie to Us?”

FBI Drafts Law to Require Websites to Grant Backdoor Access to Government AgenciSCG News

I’m sure you’ve heard about PRISM, the NSA’s surveillance program which enlisted the cooperation of tech giants like Google, Yahoo, Microsoft (and thereby Skype). That program involved companies voluntarily granting the U.S. government backdoor access to user communications and data. This was a scandal, and of course the companies involved were not about to reveal the technical methods used to grant that access. In the case of Microsoft, we have specific documents from the Snowden leaks which show that Microsoft helped the NSA by developing a way to break their own encryption, thereby allowing real time monitoring of Skype audio and video. If you think that’s creepy, wait till you hear what they are trying to do next.   Continue reading “FBI Drafts Law to Require Websites to Grant Backdoor Access to Government Agencies”

Charleston Voice

Center for Defense Information{CDI}
1500 Massachusetts Ave., N.W.
Washington, DC 20005

Formed in 1973 as a project of the tax-exempt Fund for Peace(FFP). CDI and its sister FFP projects – the Center for National Security Studies(CNSS) and the Center for International Policy(CIP) – are spin-offs from projects initiated by the Institute for Policy Studies(IPS), the Washington-based , internationally active revolutionary think-tank. CDI director Gene R. LaRoque has worked closely with IPS cofounder Richard Barnet, and longtime IPS fellow Earl C. Ravenal as a CDI advisor.   Continue reading “Center for Defense Information{CDI} and its Marxist Sphere of DC Influence”

Ukranian_PartisansThe Captain’s Journal – by HERSCHEL SMITH

Politico Magazine:

It is here in the forest that you leave behind, once and for all, Ukraine’s cosmopolitan present and take a step back into its violent past—as well as glimpse what could become its bloody future. It is here, locals say, where Ukraine’s fate could be decided once again.

Continue reading “Yuppie, Get Your Gun!”

American Rifleman – by Bruce Canfield

Early 1942 was a time of crisis for the Allies. The Japanese had dealt America’s Pacific fleet a crippling blow on Dec. 7, 1941, and just a few months later would force the surrender of the Philippines. On the other side of the world, most of Western Europe was under the heel of the Nazi jackboot, and the seemingly invincible Wehrmacht was sweeping across the steppes of the Soviet Union. Against that bleak backdrop, Allied planners were tirelessly exploring ways to stem the Axis aggression and take the fight to the enemy.   Continue reading “The Liberator Pistol”

Visual News – by Benjamin Starr

Of all the water on earth, only an incredibly small percentage is available for us to use and drink… the remainder is largely highly salty water, or at best brackish water with unhealthy levels of salt. For much of the western world, where water is plentifully available and piped right to your location this is hardly an issue for concern; but in countries where limited water availability is compounded by heavy pollution and miles of walking each day to collect it, the situation becomes a lot more dire. Enter Italian designer Gabriele Diamanti and his fascinating Eliodomestico.   Continue reading “Solar Oven Transforms Salt Water to Drinkable Water”

Northwest Liberty News

    Although I have never served in the military, my work has allowed me to befriend plenty of fine men and women who have.  For the record, I appreciate the service of each and every one of them; even if I may disagree with their particular politics.  To voluntary sign-up for a program that could result in your making the ultimate sacrifice takes a special kind of courage, and something that I admire.     Continue reading “The Best Way to Anger a Ranger”

herbNatural News – by Ethan A. Huff

Spring is in the air, which means the sweet essences of flowering citrus, leafy greens and other fresh fare are soon to follow. But for some people, joining in on this bountiful chorus with their own vegetable or herb gardens might sound too intimidating, or they’re not exactly sure where to start. If this is you, the following tips will help simplify the learning curve and get you on track to reaping your own delightful harvest right from your own backyard.

Herbs are among the easiest garden plants to grow during the summertime because they typically perform their best with lots of sun exposure. They can also be grown densely in small spaces, which makes them a preferable option for people who live in condominiums or apartments, or who live on small lots. With just a few square feet, the average backyard grower can maintain a full array of herbs with a lot less effort than you might think.  

Continue reading “Helpful tips for building your own herb garden”

bloodNatural News – by Michael Ravensthorpe

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an estimated 67 million Americans — approximately one in three adults — suffer from hypertension, or high blood pressure. In 2009 alone, high blood pressure was the primary or contributing cause of almost 350,000 deaths in the United States, which averages at 1,000 deaths per day. The disorder is, in essence, an epidemic in the Western world.   Continue reading “Four foods that lower blood pressure”

Top Conservative News

Think telemarketers are bad? How would you like to have a local cop pull you over so he can advertise a business? This is really happening in Plumas County.

Plumas County, California Sheriff’s Department is using deputies to pull over motorists and give them actual ice cones from the British ice cream company Wall’s. The company makes individually wrapped ice cream cones that are commonly sold at gas stations and convenient stores.   Continue reading “Merging cops with corporations. Plumas County deputies pull over motorists to advertise ice cream company”

Wall Street Journal – by Daniel Henninger

In the U.S., the politics of the left versus the right rolls on with the predictability of traffic jams at the George Washington Bridge. It’s a lot of honking. Until now. All of a sudden, the left has hit ramming speed across a broad swath of American life—in the universities, in politics and in government. People fingered as out of line with the far left’s increasingly bizarre claims are being hit and hit hard.   Continue reading “Obama Unleashes the Left”

The New American – by Jack Kenny

The U.S. Supreme Court’s refusal to hear the appeal of a New Jersey gun owner in Drake v. Jerejian, means the state may continue to deny most residents permits to carry a handgun outside their homes. The high court’s decision to deny a hearing, issued without comment Monday, apparently allows other states to also require, as New Jersey law does, the demonstration of a “justifiable need” to carry a firearm outside the home before a permit is issued. Critics say the law grants officials virtually unlimited discretion over a citizen’s right to bear arms. New Jersey state Senator Jeff Van Drew, who wants to amend the law, says the permits are rarely granted.   Continue reading “High Court Leaves Second Amendment in Limbo”