Independent – by JAMES BARGENT

It is a phrase now commonly heard in the hillside slums of Medellin, Colombia: “Take care of your daughter, or she will be sold.” The warning – or threat, depending on who is talking – is literal. The street gangs that rule the slums known as comunas are recruiting 10 to 15-year-old girls and auctioning off their virginities to drug lords and foreign tourists.

The girls are selected for their looks, and then approached by gang leaders or other girls already involved in the gang life, who act as recruiters.   Continue reading “Colombia: The virgin auctions in Pablo Escobar’s home town”

A University of Michigan graduate penned an open letter that went viral online as she described how President Barack Obama’s signature health care law hurts the working poor, and has “raped” her future.  KAREN BLEIER/AFP/Getty Images)CBS Washington

(CBSDC) – A University of Michigan graduate penned an open letter that went viral online as she described how President Barack Obama’s signature health care law hurts the working poor, and has “raped” her future.

Ashley Dionne, 26, posted the now-viral letter to conservative radio host Dennis Prager’s Facebook page earlier this week.   Continue reading “College Grad Says Obamacare ‘Has Raped My Future’ In Viral Letter”

Max Velocity Tactical

A couple of points to follow up on this topic:

This post isn’t about camouflage pattern clothing. So long as you are wearing appropriate camouflage or earth toned clothing, you are mostly good. I mean, for example, don’t wear desert camo in the woods, etc. Other than that, if you start getting into detailed discussions of things such as IR performance of camouflage clothing, when wet, when soaked in tabasco sauce, when soaked in Budweiser etc., then…..yawn….you are losing me…wake me up when you are done please… point: wear something appropriate, don’t disappear down a rabbit hole over it, just make it work. I wear Brit DPM because I like it, that’s all: it reminds me of the good old days and it works pretty well in the woods. Nothing more.   Continue reading “On Camouflage”

FeaturedImageFreedom Outpost – by John Risselada

While the government shutdown games continue, and the left carries on with their temper tantrums, the United States is still faced with the issue of raising the debt ceiling or defaulting on our massive 17 trillion dollar debt. In all reality, you can rest assure that this shutdown will be over by the time that would happen because no one is going to take the blame for defaulting.  The same thing has been happening every year since President Obama was initially inaugurated in January 2009. His failure to pass a budget has led to a government shutdown scare every October since then.   Continue reading “The Creation of Good Little Communists”

Nation Rising Up Against Obama RegimeMilitia News

Americans are sick and tired of the Obama regime and are rising up against it now in many different ways.

One million Veterans are planning a walk on Washington DC to protest against this incredibly corrupt administration and how they are treating American vets since the US government shutdown began and what is happening to America. While Barack Obama has come out on the attack against US War Veterans, Americans are getting angry and getting organized. A going viral facebook page has been set up for the march, which coincidentally will be held on October 13th, 2013.   Continue reading “Nation Rising Up Against Obama Regime”

Oleg Volk

We now learn that cops were among the bikers who attacked a traveling family in New York and took an active role in the beating. Two lessons jump out at me:

1. Given a choice, try to avoid jurisdictions like New York, New Jersey, DC and California. Places where armed self-defense is restricted or illegal are also locations where “law enforcement” tends to act in criminal ways.

2. Make sure that all adults and teenagers in your family can use weapons. Practice using small arms from a vehicle (which is quite difficult to do effective and safely), so that the driver can concentrate on escaping the threats while another family member can shoot down boarders if necessary.  Continue reading “Two lessons from the biker attack on a family in NY”

Hawkins_photo (3).JPGFox News – by Justin Fishel

It’s another ugly symptom of the partial government shutdown — and this time it impacts the families of soldiers who are dying for their country.

The Pentagon confirmed Tuesday that, as long as the budget impasse lasts, it will not be able to pay death benefits to the families of troops who’ve been killed in combat.

“Unfortunately, as a result of the shutdown, we do not have the legal authority to make death gratuity payments at this time,” said Lt. Cmdr. Nate Christensen, a Defense Department spokesman. “However, we are keeping a close eye on those survivors who have lost loved ones serving in the Department of Defense.”   Continue reading “Pentagon freezes death benefits for fallen soldiers’ families”

Fox News – by Todd Starnes

“I am now occupying the building at this time.”

And with that one decision – restaurant owner Glenn Helseth joined the ranks of Americans who’ve decided to defy the strong-arm tactics of the National Park Service.

For the past 11 years Helseth and his wife have operated the Carrot Tree Kitchens Restaurant inside the historic Cole Digges House in Yorktown, Va.

At least 20 of Helseth’s longtime employees are facing unemployment. They can’t make rent and some are faced with choosing between buying food or buying medicine.

The National Park Service owns and operates the building. So when the government shut down on Oct. 1, the Helseths were given 48 hours to pack up and move out.   Continue reading “The 2013 Battle of Yorktown — restaurant owner defies feds”

Jon Rappoport

Ask yourself this question: if you’re forced to buy a product, will the seller also want to make sure you use it?

The first part of the question is called a clue. Who forces you to buy a product? What kind of person or group?

Forced purchase and forced use go hand in hand.   Continue reading “Obamacare: the ticking time bomb in “better health””

Edward SnowdenBCC News

Electrical supply problems at a National Security Agency data centre have delayed its opening by a year, reports the Wall Street Journal.

Power surges at the giant Utah centre had ruined equipment costing almost a million dollars, it said.

The technical problems had also led to lengthy investigations that had meant its opening date had been pushed back.   Continue reading “Power surges ‘cripple NSA data centre’”

Target alignment at NIFBBC News

Researchers at a US lab have passed a crucial milestone on the way to their ultimate goal of achieving self-sustaining nuclear fusion.

Harnessing fusion – the process that powers the Sun – could provide an unlimited and cheap source of energy.

But to be viable, fusion power plants would have to produce more energy than they consume, which has proven elusive.   Continue reading “Nuclear fusion milestone passed at US lab”

VALLEY FORGE, Pa. (AP) – A marathoner says he was fined $100 for running in Valley Forge National Historical Park during the government shutdown.

John Bell, 56, said he parked his car on Sunday in a remote parking lot, not one blocked by a barrier. Bell, of Chadds Ford, said two rangers were waiting with their car lights flashing when he returned.   Continue reading “Runner fined $100 at Valley Forge amid shutdown”

Max Velocity Tactical

I feel it would be useful to post a comment about the purpose of the training videos that I have put up recently. I want to make it clear that I use them to illustrate specific points or training objectives, and not as the all encompassing answer to tactics. I’ve posted videos from the 1960’s, the OBUA (MOUT) training videos yesterday, and they are all full of useful nuggets but also lessons to be learned and sometimes ways not to do things and to learn from.   Continue reading “Training Videos: The Purpose Of Them”

Military SF

Two men make up a battleteam and they will never be far from each other. This is very important on a battlefield. First is the morale factor. A person is much more likely to panic if he is alone. He will feel cut off, in extreme danger and about to die. If someone else is nearby it provides a great deal of support because, if the individual is injured or lost, there is someone to help him or go for help. Other factors come into play also. If someone else is present the individual will attempt to mask his fear and in this way, more easily over come it. (This is one reason military forces do not readily acknowledge a soldier’s fear and encourage the ‘fearless’ attitude). Another factor is that in ‘tight’ units that the two (or more) are looking out for and relying on each other. When someone knows that someone else is doing their best to protect him from harm it has a very calming affect.     Continue reading “Tactics – The Battleteam”

Max Velocity Tactical

SP sent the following videos, with this comment:

Thought you might find these OBUA (MOUT) videos interesting. From 2005 so somewhat old by today’s standards. Each video is quite long but gives a fairly good insight into how urban ops are conducted and serves to illustrate just how slow and disorientating it can be. Certainly shows that using SWAT/LE bollocks to gain entry against even a determined lone opponent would lead to said SWAT team getting minced.   Continue reading “Training Video: OBUA Attacks”

The words of Thomas Paine, below, are intact….but for one word being updated.

These days in which we live, are so similar to his, we should act NO differently.

December 23 1776 / 2013

These are the times that try Men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine Patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of this country; but he that stands it NOW, deserves the love and thanks of man and women. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly:    Continue reading “These Days In Which We Live”

Matt Walsh

Dear President Obama,

You strike me as the sort of man who spends a lot of time staring at his own reflection. I wonder, what do you see when you gaze so admiringly at yourself? What image do you find in that mirror of yours? Let me guess: a graceful Greek god with a golden crown, draped in luxurious robes, perched on a giant, magnificent throne atop a mountain in the sky? You see a throng of angels singing your praises and masses of subservient peasants prostrated before you, trembling with fear and awe? You see a man who is more than a man, and a president who transcends the presidency; you see a historic figure of immortal importance?   Continue reading “An open letter to President Obama”

Border_PatrolTea Party Headlines – by Todd Cefaratti

Upon his inauguration, the president takes an oath. This oath of office is a bond with the American people, a responsibility the president assumes to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, our rule of law. The president places his hand on the Bible and is, so long as he remains in office, honor-bound to support the rule of law for the American people.   Continue reading “Putting America at Risk: Border Patrol Told to ‘Stand Down’ Amidst Government Shutdown”