Four years ago when this picture was taken of my son and myself, I still held out hope that the alternative media could rescue this country from the tyrants that have hijacked our government. I had this picture made into a poster where it is now displayed just outside my office where I write and broadcast. The picture formerly symbolized the hope that I held out for the next generation. Today, this picture represents what has been lost and what may never be recovered. It also serves as a reminder of my parental responsibility to adequately prepare my son for what lies ahead as he prepares to become a citizen in the New World Order. The Common Sense Show – by Dave Hodges

Four years ago when this picture was taken of my son and myself, I still held out hope that the alternative media could rescue this country from the tyrants that have hijacked our government. I had this picture made into a poster where it is now displayed just outside my office where I write and broadcast. The picture formerly symbolized the hope that I held out for the next generation. Today, this picture represents what has been lost and what may never be recovered. It also serves as a reminder of my parental responsibility to adequately prepare my son for what lies ahead as he prepares to become an unwilling citizen in the New World Order.   Continue reading “What Are We Leaving Our Children?”

You have two families: “Joe Legal” and “Jose Illegal”. Both families have two parents, two children, and live in California .

Joe Legal works in construction, has a Social Security Number and makes $25.00 per hour with taxes deducted.

Jose Illegal also works in construction, has NO Social Security Number, and gets paid $15.00 cash “under the table”.   Continue reading “Joe Legal vs. Jose Illegal”

New York Democratic Mayoral Candidate Bill De Blasio This creature must be laughed out of contention for the office which he seeks.  It’s infuriating to see and hear his lies, without his positions being exposed for what they truly are …COMMUNIST!

Bloomberg – by Henry Goldman 

Bill de Blasio, who won the Democratic mayoral nomination vowing to tax New York’s richest residents to pay for universal pre-school, called himself a “fiscal conservative” in a speech to business leaders.    Continue reading “De Blasio Says He’s a ‘Fiscal Conservative’ Raising NYC Taxes”

Max Velocity Tactical

The alternative view:

Yesterday at the White House, 34 year old female dental hygienist Miriam Carey was shot to death, riddled by multiple gunshots, as she tried to escape gun wielding thugs in the vicinity of the White House with her young daughter in the car.

Allegedly the young black democrat was suffering from some mental health and post-partum depression issues, which resulted in a death sentence at the hand of Capitol cops.   Continue reading “Tragedy at the White House”

Ruth Bader GinsburgOf Arms and the Law

Interview here.

“In the wake of the fierce, nationwide debate over gun rights and gun control, Justice Ginsburg also explained the historical basis for her view on the Second Amendment.

“The Second Amendment has a preamble about the need for a militia … Historically, the new government had no money to pay for an army, so they relied on the state militias,” she said. “The states required men to have certain weapons and they specified in the law what weapons these people had to keep in their home so that when they were called to do service as militiamen, they would have them. That was the entire purpose of the Second Amendment.”   Continue reading “Justice Ginsberg’s view of the Second Amendment”


Whatever other — ahem — eccentricities antivirus software company founder and technology mogul John McAfee may have, I think we can at least safely conclude that the man knows his stuff when it comes to online security, and he is decidedly not impressed with the setup of the many separate yet intertwining systems flying under the banner of ObamaCare. Divorcing his criticisms from the underlying purpose of the law itself, McAfee ripped ObamaCare’s technological arrangement and worried that all of its huge moving parts will make it a perfect environment for hackers to steal Americans’ identities, personal information, and money.   Continue reading “McAfee Antivirus founder: “What idiot put this system out there?””

Max Velocity Tactical

Recently, I did a post called ‘Realistic Rucking‘. I am spurred to write again about operational fitness, or realistic SHTF fitness.

My intent is to cut through the one-upmanship, the unrealistic goals and give you some tips about real operational fitness. Please have a read of the ‘Realistic Rucking‘ post and take note of its practical pointers. What I am trying to achieve today is to give you perspective and situate your fitness regimen on a realistic foundation.    Continue reading “Operational Fitness”

** FILE ** In this Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2013, file photo, dark clouds pass over the Capitol in Washington. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh, File)The Washington Times – by Wesley Pruden

The games politicians play: Barack Obama is having a lot of fun using the government shutdown to squeeze the public in imaginative ways. The point of the shutdown game is to see who can squeeze hardest, make the most pious speech and listen for the applause. It’s a variation on the grade-school ritual of “you show me yours, and I’ll show you mine.”   Continue reading “The cheap tricks of the game”

**FILE** Guns are offered during a buyback program on Jan. 26, 2013, in San Mateo, Calif. Authorities are offering up to $100 cash for a handgun, shotgun or rifle, or up to $200 for an assault rifle at the event at the San Mateo Event Center. (Associated Press)The Captain’s Journal – by Herschel Smith


California Gov. Jerry Brown will soon decide whether to sign a bill that expands his state’s “assault weapon” ban to cover any centerfire rifle with a detachable magazine. That’s a very broad category, the National Rifle Association notes, since “millions of semi-automatic rifles have magazines that can be removed with the push of a button,” including ”classic hunting rifles like the Remington Woodsmaster, Browning BAR, and the Ruger 99/44, among many others.” Continue reading “California’s Legislature Says Hunting Rifles Are Assault Weapons”

Dan Morgan 76

This article presents an example of how message encryption is done using a one-time pad(OTP).

In cryptography, the OTP is a very simple, yet completely unbreakable, symmetric cipher. The OTP is essentially a pad of papers on which each page has a unique set of random letters. The sender and receiver are given two pads. One half of one set for encipher and one half of another set for decipher goes to each person. Each letter on the pad is used to determine a single letter of the enciphered message. Since the letters on the pad are random, there is no formula that can be determined by studying the letters. Assuming that the pad is not compromised, and each page is used only once, the OTP system is unbreakable. That is why the one time pad is considered to be the holy grail of cryptography.   Continue reading “Encryption via a One-Time Pad”

Peter_AdamAndEveInTheGardenOfEdenWood Trekker – by Ross Gilmore

Ah, living off the land. Thriving in the wilderness with the use of your skills. It is the ultimate goal of many bushcrafters and survivalists. Numerous posts have been written on forums about this subject, and as soon as one ends, another is started. Of course, actual evidence is rarely presented. We often fall back on positions such as “our ancestors did it, so clearly I can do it”, or “I was out last week and saw a bunch of cattails and barriers, so my food sources are secure”.   Continue reading “Living Off The Land: Delusions and Misconceptions About Hunting and Gathering”

Max Velocity Tactical

So: I am now revealed as a rabid communist, intent on victimizing innocent families just trying to survive, redistributing their stuff.

That is not even half the truth of it: in fact I am a secret agent of King George (who is still alive in a sealed wing of Buckingham Palace). My mission is to foment revolution in order for the King to take back the thirteen colonies, upon which two hundred years of back tax is due to the Crown. The King will also outlaw coffee, making tea drinking compulsory. There is a fleet of Royal Navy wooden ships armed with cannon off the coast of Virginia right now, loaded with Red Coats armed with muskets, who will invade to enforce this..    Continue reading “Teamwork Vs. Collectivism”

The Constitution vs the UN Arms TreatyTenth Amendment Center – by Lesley Swann

Last week, Secretary of State John Kerry signed a UN arms treaty that opponents say will implement a broad firearms registration scheme and eventually lead to global bureaucrats imposing gun control on the American people in spite of the Second Amendment. Despite the Obama administration’s support for the treaty, it remains to be seen whether the Senate will ratify it.

The Obama administration and other supporters of the arms treaty will likely claim that the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution places treaties above the Constitution and other U.S. laws as the supreme law of the land. Under this interpretation, they believe they can get around the Second Amendment protections on the right to keep and bear arms.   Continue reading “The Constitution vs the UN Arms Treaty”

Freedom Outpost – by Dean Garrison

The United States federal government is so big that it can shut down and somehow no one really notices. That’s the truth. What difference did you notice yesterday? I am sure there are subtle things that we could pick out but when vital services keep running there isn’t a lot to shut down. Because our government sees everything as vital.

The message of Tim Brown’s article the other day is something that a lot of people have been waiting to hear. I can’t tell you how many times I have had conversations in which someone interjected the inevitable…   Continue reading “Multiple Patriot Groups Set to Converge on Washington DC”

HWA2aMany, if not most, are aware of my feelings about the way things are going for I post articles here, and elsewhere, along with what some would call, inflammatory comments. I don’t apologize for speaking out on what I see and believe. I never will. That’s just who I am. Will I shirk away from my Sacred Duty to our Republic, NEVER! That’s what this article is about, those who Never shirked away.

The greatest generation, who defeated the axis powers of WWII, is in battle once again and they shouldn’t have to be. They’ve earned their place in the sun, and now it’s being denied them in more ways than one and they’re not taking it any more…nor should they. What we’re witnessing is just this….MEN and WOMEN of that era are taking charge AGAIN by leading the charge against Tyranny and Oppression, not in some distant land, but right here at home.   Continue reading “Warriors Leading The Way ONCE AGAIN”

Max Velocity Tactical

There was a very good response to my recent post ‘Realistic Rucking‘ some of which I want to extract and use to make some points in this post. As I progress with this blog and the training site, things are starting to coalesce. The method  in the madness is becoming more apparent to me.

What do I mean by that? Well, as I evolve on my journey with this, and I meet more people, train more people, blog more, and see comments, my ideas are evolving. How I want to train people, and how they should best plan to operate, is also evolving.   Continue reading “The Ingredients for your Victory: Tactics + Gear”

Max Velocity Tactical

Have you seen this video:


Bottom line, the guy was probably unarmed, it is after all New York. He is being attacked by multiple assailants on motorcycles, who are chasing him. He has his wife and child in the car. He probably did not know what to do. If armed, start killing them. Continue reading “Self Defense: Maximum Violence”