weapons_of_mass_deception-293x307Global Research – by Jeffrey T. Richelson

A major controversy during the administration of President George W. Bush concerned the use or misuse of intelligence with regard to Iraqi weapons of mass destruction programs and possible links between Iraq and al-Qaida. The best known elements of that controversy were Iraqi motivations behind the procurement of aluminum tubes, whether Iraq had sought to acquire uranium from Niger, if Iraq was seeking to reconstitute its nuclear weapons program, and whether it was producing and stockpiling chemical or biological weapons.   Continue reading “U.S. “Special Plans”: A History of Deception and Perception Management”

FCC Commissioner Mignon ClyburnCanada Free Press – by Judi McLeod

Dress newsroom monitors of the Obama Regime’s FCC in jackboots and military caps when they come to invade because the “Multi-Market Study of Critical Information Needs” (CINS) they proposed last May is truly all about image.

Why are they sending monitors into the newsrooms at this particular juncture of the Fundamental Transformation of America?   Continue reading “It’s Talk Show Radio the FCC is REALLY After”

Anti-War – by John Pilger

Fifty years ago, E.P. Thompson’s The Making of the English Working Class rescued the study of history from the powerful. Kings and queens, landowners, industrialists, politicians and imperialists had owned much of the public memory. In 1980, Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States also demonstrated that the freedoms and rights we enjoy precariously – free expression, free association, the jury system, the rights of minorities – were the achievements of ordinary people, not the gift of elites.   Continue reading “‘Good’ War, ‘Bad’ War”

billboard pulls water from the airGajitz

Access to potable water is a problem in much of the world, but the impact is felt especially hard in the coastal deserts of Peru. There, annual rainfall is a mere half an inch, but atmospheric humidity is abundant – about 98 percent. Researchers at Peru’s University of Engineering and Technology believed that they could turn that humidity into life-preserving water.   Continue reading “Desert Billboard Makes Clean Drinking Water From Thin Air”

sleepgirl 263x164 Exciting: Study Reveals How Sleep Removes Toxic Waste from the BrainNatural News – by Elizabeth Renter

Although we don’t know exactly why, there is no question that sleep is crucial for brain and overall health. Without proper sleep, the chance of disease and stress increases notably. Now, researchers at the University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC) Center for Translational Neuromedicine have found that sleeping actually helps detoxify the brain, potentially offering clues into dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.   Continue reading “Study Reveals How Sleep Removes Toxic Waste from the Brain”

Washington’s Blog – by Carl Herman

Wolfgang Halbig has the perfect combination of expertise to evaluate what happened at Sandy Hook Elementary School:

Liberty Blitzkrieg – by Michael Blitzkrieg

Anyone that has spent any time whatsoever looking into the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade treaty, understands that it is a oligarch crony capitalists’ wet dream. Being negotiated entirely in secret, the treaty is designed to institutionalize corporate rule, giving companies the ability to sue governments and prevent them from exerting regulatory control over their own societies.

Bill Moyers has described the treaty as “Death for Democracy,” and now, unsurprisingly, we find out that several of the main negotiators for the TPP have received huge payments from taxpayer bailed out “Too Big to Jail” banks.   Continue reading “How Obama’s Chief Negotiators on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Treaty Received Huge Bonuses From Mega Banks”

bulletsCNS News – by Ali Meyer

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is contracted to purchase 704,390,250 rounds of ammunition over the next four years, which is equal to a total of about 2,500 rounds per DHS agent, according to a January 2014 Government Accountability Office (GAO) report entitled Ammunition Purchases Have Declined Since 2009.

“If DHS were to purchase all 704 million rounds over the next four years, and if they were used by 70,000 DHS agents and officers, it would be roughly 2,500 rounds per agent per year,” David Maurer, author of the GAO report, told CNSNews.com.   Continue reading “DHS Contracted To Purchase 704 Million Rounds of Ammo Over Next 4 Years: 2,500 Rounds Per Officer”

Lew Rockwell

Many people believe that they can “beat the case” if the officer doesn’t read them their Miranda rights during an arrest. This is a myth.

The only time an officer must read a person his or her Miranda rights is when: (1) the person has been placed under arrest, AND (2) the officer is about to question the person about a crime. For example, if you’re placed under arrest after consenting to a search request and confessing to ownership of found contraband, police do not need to read you your rights unless they want to question you about an unrelated crime.   Continue reading “Don’t Police have to Read me my Rights?”

ukraineprotestsDaily Slave

For the past several months we have seen all sorts of political turmoil hit the Ukraine including violent protests which have left many people injured or dead.  A former member of the Soviet Union and a Russian border country, the Ukraine has become a primary target of Zionist aggression.  They have been targeted primarily due to their historical ties with Russia which under Vladimir Putin have successfully blocked a number of Zionist agendas including a potential American military strike on Syria this past year.  By destabilizing the Ukraine they hope to bring in a puppet government that will move the country away from Russian influence.  The on-going protests against the current Ukrainian government are largely being financed and controlled by the United States and Israel.  This is not part of a true popular uprising as the corporate media propagandists will have you believe.   Continue reading “American and Israeli Zionists behind Civil Unrest in Ukraine”

Reuters / Mike Blake RT News

The US Department of Homeland Security is hoping to find a private company that is technologically capable of providing a system that will track license plates across the nation, according to a new report.

A government proposal noticed by various media outlets including The Washington Post on Tuesday shows that DHS is trying to gain the ability to sift through large amounts of data collected from roadside surveillance cameras and law enforcement license plate readers.   Continue reading “Homeland Security seeking to develop massive license plate database”

The U.S. military has begun testing troops to see if using low level shocks of electricity keep them alert during combat. Early experiments are underway using 'noninvasive' treatments, such as transcranial magnetic stimulation, stock image pictured, on volunteers who reported increased performance as a resultThe Boston Globe – by Bryan Bender

WASHINGTON — For some modern soldiers, caffeine is just not enough to stay vigilant, especially for the growing ranks of digital warriors who must spend hours monitoring spy drone footage and other streams of surveillance data.

So the Pentagon is exploring a novel way to extend troops’ attention spans and sharpen their reaction times: stimulate the brain with low levels of electricity.   Continue reading “Pentagon considers using electricity to stimulate troops’ brains”

Lew Rockwell – by Walter E. Williams

Evil acts are given an aura of moral legitimacy by noble-sounding socialistic expressions, such as spreading the wealth, income redistribution, caring for the less fortunate, and the will of the majority. Let’s have a thought experiment to consider just how much Americans sanction evil.

Imagine there are several elderly widows in your neighborhood. They have neither the strength to mow their lawns, clean their windows and perform other household tasks nor the financial means to hire someone to help them. Here’s a question that I’m almost afraid to ask: Would you support a government mandate that forces you or one of your neighbors to mow these elderly widows’ lawns, clean their windows and perform other household tasks? Moreover, if the person so ordered failed to obey the government mandate, would you approve of some sort of sanction, such as fines, property confiscation or imprisonment? I’m hoping, and I believe, that most of my fellow Americans would condemn such a mandate. They’d agree that it would be a form of slavery — namely, the forcible use of one person to serve the purposes of another.   Continue reading “Concealing Evil”

Canada Free Press – by Cliff Kincaid

The Sunday CBS “60 Minutes” program aired a dramatic story about murder and corruption in Russia and the criminals who run the regime in Moscow. But it did not mention the failure of the Obama administration to challenge the Putin regime over its blatant human rights abuses and official corruption.   Continue reading “What “60 Minutes” Didn’t Say About Russia”

This will be written from the first person plural… and I am it!

I’ll do the writing in somewhat of a hurry, in that, to do otherwise might cause a delay of the finished..number 2

The preferable manner is to do the delay. That manner allows the hot chocolate to cool a bit……..and also, I can order my dog to cast off my lap and I don’t like lap dogs…Christ, he is rather large. and only believes its his place, when the nonverbal communicai is in his favor……….Now:  Where have i put myself in that scene?  You Know Where.  Continue reading “From a Mason Jar, 2”

Canada Free Press – by Judi McLeod

Welcome to the era of the ‘Big Flaunting FLOTUS’.

Yesterday a picture of Obama dogs Bo and Sunny dining at a table set with fine crystal and china, bling-wearing Sunny sporting a necklace tweeted by Michelle Obama, travelled the Net.

The Tweet photo, captioned “Bone Appétit”, had some news sites like Thomas Lifson’s greatAmerican Thinker, headline the Michelle Tweet “stunning insensitivity”.  An apt headline under circumstances of the day where the children of many average Americans do not get to eat as well as the Obama dogs and daughters.    Continue reading “Era of the ‘Big Flaunting FLOTUS’”

Lew Rockwell – by Thomas DiLorenzo

As Clyde Wilson once pointed out, the symbol of America started out as “George Washington on his white horse” but is now “a corporate lawyer/lobbyist in an armchair.”  The latter refers to the Lincoln Memorial, which is not so much the symbol of “America” but of the governmental regime in Washington, D.C.  That is why Lincoln must be idolized, worshipped, and compared to Jesus Christ (“He died on Good Friday and died for America’s sins just as Christ died for the world’s sins” his idolaters and cultists have been saying for generations), and referred to as “Father Abraham.”    Continue reading “The Regime Celebrates its Birthday”