Kennedy in Dallas Image 2  (563 X 499)Veterans News Now – by George Beres

The modern American tragedy is that persons with great wealth use it to expand their riches and to further diminish resources of the common person. That is the undeniable conclusion I’ve found after more than a decade studying evidence that has surfaced about the assassination of President John Kennedy, for which the wealthy of corporate America had a major responsibility.   Continue reading “George Beres : The Very Rich Fuel The Modern American Tragedy”

Mark_TwainWake Up World – by Lissa Rankin MD

How can you tell if you’ve found your calling? As a doctor who was called to medicine at a young age but then wound up disillusioned by the system, questioning my calling, I’ve asked myself this question a lot. It’s been a long strange trip- first leaving medicine, then feeling called back, then leaving again only to find my role in healing our broken healthcare system as a writer, speaker, revolutionary, and teacher of physicians. Along the way, I’ve learned a few things about how to know whether you’re on the right track.   Continue reading “10 Signs You’ve Found Your Calling”

Canada Free Press – by Bob Burdick

Mom plunged into depression when Dad died.  I had tested my wings and left the nest years earlier, and now, for the first time in her life, Mom was alone.  I lived nearby andchecked on her often, but it didn’t take a trained eye to see she wasn’t faring well.  She shunned friends and neighbors, lost weight because she wasn’t eating properly, and the “toddy” she once enjoyed before bedtime was now poured in mid afternoon.  One day I caught her drinking at noon.  I couldn’t allow this to continue.

“I can’t eat all that!”We spent the next day together.  I woke her at dawn; fixed my breakfast specialty of steak, eggs, and hash browns; and then set the platter before her with a fresh cup of coffee and a small glass of orange juice.   Continue reading “Cowgirls Need Love Too”

Lew Rockwell – by Eric Margolis

“Most armed; most free.”  So the renowned Italian thinker and strategist Niccolo Machiavelli described the Swiss five centuries ago.

That was a time when the 30 ft pikes and deadly halbards (pole axes) of Switzerland’s fierce mercenary armies were the terror of Europe.   The “furia Helvetica” ruled the battlefields until 1515 at Marignano when French guns, firing at point-blank range, tore apart the massed Swiss pike phalanxes.   Continue reading “Most Armed; Most Free”

Wheat Toxicity: As Serious As A Heart AttackGreed Med Info – by Sayer Ji

The “diseases of affluence,” as they are known, include diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, osteoporosis and cancer, and are sometimes referred to as the “Western disease” paradigm.  They emerge largely in response to the type of overnourishment that occurs in relatively wealthy societies, and particularly the excessive consumption of certain evolutionarily incompatible foods that nonetheless have become the nutritional centerpiece of agrarian, grain-based cultures. (Consider that we have only been consuming the seeds of cereal grasses, i.e. grains, en masse for 10-20,000 years, which while ancient in cultural time, is but a nanosecond in biological time!)   Continue reading “Wheat’s Cardiotoxicity: As Serious As A Heart Attack”

Osama-Bin-Laden-300x208Veterans News Now – by Paul Craig Roberts

By readers’ request, this is a reposting of a translation of a Pakistani National TV interview with an eyewitness to the alleged SEAL Team Six attack that allegedly killed Osama bin Laden. I made the translation available two years ago in an article prior to the creation of this website.

Before you believe “your” government’s lies about Syria, remember “your” government’s lies about Saddam Hussein’s “weapons of mass destruction.” Remember Washington’s lies about the Gulf of Tonkin that unleashed the Vietnam war. Remember the lies about Gaddafi and Libya. Remember the lies about 9/11, the lies about the murders of JFK, Robert Kennedy, and Martin Luther King. Remember the Northwoods Project that the Joint Chiefs of Staff wanted President John F. Kennedy to embrace.   Continue reading “Osama Bin Laden raid exposed as a complete lie by Pakistani National TV”

Barack Obama John Boehner Nancy Pelosi Harry Reid Mitch McConnellThe Economic Collapse – by Michael Snyder

If you want to live the high life, you don’t have to become a rap star, a professional athlete or a Wall Street banker.  All it really takes is winning an election.  Right now, more than half of all the members of Congress are millionaires, and most of them leave “public service” far wealthier than when they entered it.  Since most of them have so much money, you would think that they would be willing to do a little “belt-tightening” for the sake of the American people.  After all, things are supposedly “extremely tight” in Washington D.C. right now.  Continue reading “$5.25 Million For Senate Hair Care And 21 Other Ways Politicians Are Living The High Life At Your Expense”

mental health 263x164 How the Mental Health Industry Creates Disease, Works with Big PharmaNatural Society – by Elizabeth Renter

We spend a lot of time at NaturalSociety talking about Big Pharma and their role in the health care industry. These huge pharmaceutical companies make billions every single year by perpetuating a culture of dis-ease and illness. They exaggerate conditions, offer their solutions as the only viable treatments, and essentially market disease to the American people. But they aren’t acting alone. Some of their biggest sellers are drugs created to treat mental health issues, diseases, and symptoms. Doctors and professionals within the mental health industry, therefore, act as their top salespeople.   Continue reading “How the Mental Health Industry Creates Disease, Works with Big Pharma”

monsanto protection act stopped 263x164 Victory: Senate to Kill Monsanto Protection Act Amid OutrageNatural Society – by Anthony Gucciardi

In a major victory brought upon by serious activism and public outrage, new legislation changes will shut down the Monsanto Protection Act rider that granted Monsanto protection from legal action and was set to renew on September 30th.

This unprecedented move shows the true power of the anti-GMO, anti-Monsanto movement, and how elected officials are now being forced to side with the concerned population over the money-spewing Monsanto. After all, it was Monsanto who purchased its way into the initial Senate spending bill legislation via a rider dubbed the ‘Monsanto Protection Act’  through Senator Roy Blunt.   Continue reading “Victory: Senate to Kill Monsanto Protection Act Amid Outrage”

21st Century Wire

With all of the 24/7 righteous indignation about weapons of mass destruction in Syria and call for ‘compliance with international norms’, the mainstream media barely mentioned this week’s UN vote on whether or not Israel should enter the international community by allowing nuclear weapons inspectors to see what its been hiding for decades now – a full-blown nuclear weapons program.

Hiding a military nuclear arsenal is no small feat. What this latest US-led lobbying effort in the UN demonstrates clearly, is that the State of Israel, shielded by its chief backers the United States, Great Britain and France, maintains its own set of rules outside of international laws and norms.    Continue reading “51 UN Countries Vote to Keep Israel’s Nuclear Arsenal Hidden from Public View”

Cracked – by David Christopher Bell

Everybody knows that power corrupts, but we all tend to forget that even the tiniest scrap of power can turn you into an A-plus dickhead. No better reminder of this is the fact that, in the last month alone, four totally unrelated American cities used what little administrative power they had to pull colossal dick moves on their citizens. And the worst part? It’s all infuriatingly legal.   Continue reading “4 U.S. Cities That Are Sadistically Screwing With Residents”

The DC Caller – by Josh Peterson

Nearly 2 million of First Lady Michelle Obama’s Twitter followers are not real.

According to the Twitter analytics application Status People, 37 percent of Michelle Obama’s 5,290, 506 Twitter followers — or approximately 1,957,487 followers — are considered fake. Thirty-five percent of her followers are inactive, and 28 percent are considered “good,” or real.   Continue reading “Michelle Obama has nearly 2 million fake Twitter followers”

states-private-prisonsStoryLeak – by Daniel G. J.

State and local governments have signed contracts that obligate them to keep a certain number of people in jail (with numbers around 96% occupancy) to bolster the profits of privately run prisons, a survey indicates.

Many governments have signed contracts with corporations that contain “prison-bed occupancy guarantee” clauses, a group called In the Public Interest reported. These lockup clauses obligate the governments to keep between 80% and 100% of prison beds full even if the crime rate is falling. Once again, we see a complete disregard of constitutional rights.   Continue reading “Slave Dollars: State Guarantee Private Prisons 96% Occupancy”

Hey Lyndsey, I have something here that might interest you!Veterans Today

Hey Lyndsey, I have something here that might interest you!  – ” Oh my!”

Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson voices a common opinion for the military and intelligence communities, who generally despise both of them as political and personal low lifes

[ Editors Note:  McCain has long been regard as a security risk, and Graham, although for different reasons. People who have gotten close to McCain’s hidden story of his Hanoi Hotel days have ended up dead. As for Graham, his being the Air Force reserve colonel who can collect a pension, but never showed up for work, does not go down well.   Continue reading “McCain, Graham ‘bordering on being traitors’”

Activist Post

In an effort to restore the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights, 11th Ward Councilman Anton Konev of the Albany, NY Common Council, has introduced Resolution 80.92.13, the strongest resolution in the nation, designed to protect Albany’s citizens from any application of sections 1021 and 1022 of the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), or the Law of War in the City of Albany.   Continue reading “Albany, NY Introduces Strongest Resolution in America Against NDAA”

Vice President Joe Biden in Mexico CityCNS News – by Terence P. Jeffrey

Speaking at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Mexico City on Friday, Vice President Joe Biden said that the international partnerships he and President Barack Obama are seeking to build–including one between the United States and Mexico–are “literally going to shape the future for my country for the next 10, 20, 30, 40 years.”

Part of that future, Biden said, should involve letting “undocumented” people “out of the shadows” in the United States—terminology the administration and others  have used to describe a policy that would legalize illegal aliens and allow them to eventually become U.S. citizens.   Continue reading “Biden in Mexico: U.S. Needs ‘to Bring 11 Million Undocumented … Out of The Shadows’”

Buzz Feed – by Andrew Kaczynski

Several of the House Republicans who voted Thursday for a bill that slashed billions of dollars from the food stamp program personally received large farm subsidies for family farms. The bill cutting the food stamp program narrowly passed on a mostly party line 217 to 210 vote.

During the food stamp debate, GOP Rep. Stephen Fincher, who received thousands in farm subsidies, responded to a Democratic Congressman during the debate over the cuts by quoting the bible, saying “the one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.”   Continue reading “These Republicans Who Voted To Cut Food Stamps Personally Received Large Farm Subsidies”

1950s. Evil apple.Buzz Feed – by copyranter

Big Sugar

The Sugar Association was started in 1947, and its PR division, Sugar Information, soon followed.

And over the ensuing years, Big Sugar, through Sugar Information, didn’t just settle for “the treat” sell. They expanded their messaging to include “the energy” sell and “the weight loss” sell, until the FDA put a soft-stop to those ads. (They weren’t outright banned, but Big Sugar stopped them.)  Continue reading “One Of The Biggest Con Jobs In Advertising History, Part 2”