Falcon Hypersonic Technology Vehicle 2 (HTV-2), (AFP Photo / Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency DARPA)RT News

China confirmed conducting a test flight of a new hypersonic missile delivery vehicle capable of delivering nuclear warheads with record breaking speeds. The move is purely scientific and not targeted at any country, said the Defense Ministry.

“Our planned scientific research tests conducted in our territory are normal,” said the Beijing Defense Ministry as cited by Reuters on Wednesday. “These tests are not targeted at any country and at any specific goals.”   Continue reading “China confirms new hypersonic glide vehicle test-flight”

Visible Origami

In the book, “Dune”, a member of the Bene Gesserit said something like, “Fear is the mind killer”, if I remember correctly. I believe that to be true. Fear at a certain level is paralyzing. There’s are two results to states of great fear. One is that you become incapable of action and the other is that you panic. In this day and age, Fear is becoming more and more prominent and more and more pervasive. There’s the usual fears of losing one’s job, one’s place to live and running out of food and water. Increasingly, there is fear of the police. When things like this can happen and justice is publicly pissed on, there is reason for fear. Of course, this isn’t happening to everyone and never does. That’s an area worthy of examination. “Karma, neh?” As America tumbles down into ruins, in a horrifying slo-mo collapse, we increasingly enter into the age of “Road Warrior” and apocalyptic circumstance. Order is vacating the stage and the institutions and individuals that were erected or elected for the protection of the populace have become utterly corrupt.   Continue reading “Fear and the Artificial Landscapes of Terror.”

Capitol Christmas TreeThe Daily Sheeple – by Chris Carrington

Christmas Eve In The White House

T’was the night before Christmas and throughout the White House,

Not much was happening, they were all partied out.

‘Chelles stockings were hung by the mantle with care,   Continue reading “T’was The Night Before Christmas and All Through The White House…”

pushofbutton2SHTF Plan-  by Mac Slavo

Late last week it was learned that some 40 million charge cards were obtained using physical processing systems located in Target retail locations nationwide. Though no details of the how the hack attack was executed have been released by Target, the FBI or other agencies investigating the breach, it is likely that the processing machines themselves were compromised. Target claims that the hack was sophisticated, but on the technical side, once hackers found a way into the credit card processing machines, probably via remote entry from servers somewhere in Eastern Europe or Russia, the theft of credit card data itself would have been fairly straight forward by using scripts or applications that simply capture the data and send it off to servers owned by the hackers.   Continue reading “Push of a Button: This Is How Fast They Can Lock Down the Entire Banking System”

Well here it is Christmas eve. I’ve been trying to think of how to say this so as not to offend anyone on this day.


My political correctness needs work. Maybe next year. Naw, I’ll just have to go with MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR.

Have great day today and tomorrow everyone.

The task of prepping whether it is food or training or both is is an individual choice. Now I am by no means an expert in any of these and will never claim to be. I have gathered and stored food as I’m sure everyone else has and have trained with some people of like mind. My wife and I were doing this before the word prepper  was ever coined because in the case of food, well it just made sense.

As for the training part, I see it as an individual choice as to what someone considers that training to be. Some like to train as a group and others alone or maybe with a couple people of their choosing. Whatever or however you do this is your choice. Over the last four years I have trained with others and with just a few as well as alone. I have come to the conclusion that, for me, I may have overlooked some critical points of all of the scenarios that could happen. I call them my “what if “ scenarios. There is no one that can tell you to the second what, where or when the shtf .   Continue reading “The Art of Prepping”

The Pirate’s Cove


(Washington Times) In Missouri, legislation has been introduced to nullify every federal gun control measure on the books, “whether past, present or future.”

The 2nd Amendment Preservation Act, introduced as Senate Bill 613 (SB613) for the 2014 legislative session by Sen. Brian Nieves, follows on the heels of a failed effort to do the same in 2013.   Continue reading “Missouri Looks To Nullify All Federal Gun Laws”

So shove that up your dumb ass Harry.

Activist Post

Two weeks after her passionate plea went viral (seen below), the Clark County Commission passed Daphne Lee’s Anti-NDAA resolution 6-0 shortly after noon on Tuesday. This resolution condemns the detention provisions of the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) as unconstitutional, and urges Nevada’s congressional delegation to take action to repeal those provisions.   Continue reading “Clark County, Las Vegas, Passes Resolution Condemning Indefinite Detention”



I was picky who I sent this to. It had to be those who might actually remember. So have some fun my sharp-witted friends. This is a test for us ‘older kids!’ The answers are printed below, (after the questions) but don’t cheat!   Continue reading “Are You Smarter Than A 60 Year Old?”

Young Cons

It’s hard to argue with this…

Since President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law, he has changed it five times. Most notably, he suspended the employer mandate last summer. This is widely known, but almost no one seems to have grasped its significance.

The Constitution authorizes the President to propose and veto legislation. It does not authorize him to change existing laws. The changes Mr. Obama ordered in Obamacare, therefore, are unconstitutional. This means that he does not accept some of the limitations that the Constitution places on his actions. We cannot know at this point what limitations, if any, he does accept.   Continue reading “Forbes flat-out calls for Obama’s impeachment, and their argument is very compelling”

ECIG.jpgNow I use one of these and the statement that these could cause people to get hooked on nicotine is false. You can get 0% nicotine liquid to put in them. Although I’m not 100% convinced that vapor is that good for you eather I do feel better when using that rather than smoking cigarettes.

Fox News

New Yorkers who say electronic cigarettes helped them quit smoking asked city lawmakers at a hearing this week not to ban the nicotine inhalers from restaurants, workplaces and other indoor spaces, saying there isn’t enough evidence they pose a health risk to justify their exclusion.   Continue reading “New York City proposal seeks ban on electronic cigarette use in public”

cold-dead-handsSHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

Within the upper echelons of our military there still remain men and women who are committed to the fundamental laws of the land. But assuming that all members of our military will be there to support the Constitution of the United States when our nation needs them most would be a mistake.

Understand this: There are those within their ranks who would turn on their oaths and forcibly seize the very rights our Founders fought so hard to preserve without giving it a second thought.   Continue reading “Army Officer Wants You Disarmed: “We Will Pry Your Gun from Your Cold, Dead Fingers””

The Environmental Protection Agency says chemicals from CNN Money – by James O’Toole

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) — The Environmental Protection Agency said this week that chemicals from “fracking,” a controversial method of extracting natural gas from the ground, have polluted groundwater in Wyoming.

The findings represent the first time in the heated debate over fracking that the agency has drawn such a connection, which has long been claimed by environmental activists.   Continue reading “EPA sounds alarm on fracking in Wyoming”


“Quashed case” mystery solved: culprit is once again secret Israeli intervention.

2013 marks the 20th anniversary of the infamous “Anti-Defamation League (ADL) files controversy”  in which the ADL was discovered infiltrating, spying on and otherwise violating the privacy rights of a large number of anti-Apartheid, civil-rights and peace groups throughthe unlawful acquisition of private data from corrupt local law enforcement officials.  The single best retrospective is from long-time Middle East analyst and broadcaster Jeffrey Blankfort, who was also among those targeted by the ADL (see, “The Strange History of the Anti Defamation League: ADL Spies“).    Continue reading “FBI Investigated Anti-Defamation League (ADL) for Espionage”