Common Dreams – by Jacob Chamberlain

Thousands of fast food workers went on strike in branches across seven U.S. cities on Monday in what could be the largest strike of its kind in U.S. history.

The workers are protesting unlivable wages and are calling for a nationwide living wage of $15 dollars an hour.

“A lot of the workers are living in poverty, you know, not being able to afford to put food on the table or take the train to work,” said Jonathan Westin, director of Fast Food Forward, who has been organizing fast-food workers in New York City.   Continue reading “Largest Fast Food Workers Strike Hits Seven Cities Across US”

PJ Tatler – by Bryan Preston

Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott is responding quickly and forcefully to Obama Attorney General Eric Holder’s decision to rope Texas back into the Voting Rights Act. The US Supreme Court just struck part of that law down.   Continue reading “Texas Officials, Activists to Holder on Voter ID: If It’s War You Want, It’s War You’ve Got”

 CDC 'Disappears' Page Linking Polio Vaccines To Cancer-Causing VirusesGreen Med Info – by Sayer Ji

The alternative media is justifiably abuzz with a story about the CDC deleting a page on their website admitting that as many as 98 million Americans received polio vaccine contaminated with the cancer-linked monkey virus SV40, with the added twist that although they removed the page sometime after July 11th, a cached version is still available to view online.   Continue reading “CDC ‘Disappears’ Page Linking Polio Vaccines To Cancer-Causing Viruses”

Alt-Market – by Brandon Smith

It’s a strange and terrible tragedy when a culture forgets its own history and identity. It is even more tragic when that culture becomes deluded enough to think it can replace its heritage from scratch; that it can conjure political and social reformations out of thin air, and abandon the centuries upon centuries of accomplishment and failures of generations past. To think that one can live without the lessons and principles of one’s ancestors is a disease – a mental disorder of the highest caliber. It is an insanity that leads to terrifying catastrophe.   Continue reading “Is The Safety Of The State Really Worth More Than The Truth?”

Aerial view of the HAARP facilityARRL

The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) — a subject of fascination for many hams and the target of conspiracy theorists and anti-government activists — has closed down. HAARP’s program manager, Dr James Keeney at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico, told ARRL that the sprawling 35-acre ionospheric research facility in remote Gakona, Alaska, has been shuttered since early May.   Continue reading “HAARP Facility Shuts Down”

21st Century Wire – by Patrick Henningsen

One day before members of the Icelandic Parliament are due to break for summer vacation, leaders of three political parties have submitted a special piece of legislation which would make NSA whistleblower and fugitive, Edward Snowden, a citizen of Iceland.

The issue was raised this morning by MP and former Minister of the Interior  Ögmundur Jónasson, which could be decided before the weekend.   Continue reading “BREAKING NEWS: Iceland Congress puts forward bill to grant Snowden citizenship”

AlterNet – by April M. Short

Alex Timofeev’s doorbell rang after miidnight one morning in late September. The 35-year-old father of two in Madison, Wisconson left his fiancé in bed and opened the front door. Two officers were outside. They identified themselves as officials with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and Timofeev’s first thought was about his petition for permanent residency in the states, which—as he told Madison’s Isthmus news—has been in the works for years.    Continue reading “Wisconsin Dad Faces Deportation for Smoking Weed a Long Time Ago as a Teen”

The Examiner – by Carl Herman

(Satire): President Obama announced at a White House press conference today that Paul Revere would be exhumed and posthumously hanged for spying, domestic terrorism, and treason on July 4th outside his home that still stands in Boston. Press conference excerpts:

President Obama: Mr. Revere spied on his own government and revealed national security secrets to domestic terrorists that killed 73 and wounded 174 government troops. These brave soldiers had lawful orders to enforce gun control. If it’s one thing we learned from American history, it’s that public acceptance of gun control prevents terrorist attacks on American soil.   Continue reading “July 4: Obama to exhume, posthumously hang Paul Revere for spying, treason”

CNS News – by Charlie Daniels

I think that if anything exemplifies the overt prejudice and determination of the American media to report only the news that suits their social and political interests and concept of what does and does not fit their agenda, it’s the totally overblown coverage of something Paula Deen said 20 years ago, and some party she planned that she wanted to resemble a plantation scene featuring black male waiters in period dress.

If Hollywood plans a movie featuring black waiters in a plantation scene or portrays women as prostitutes or cast minorities in caricature roles does the media get upset and start calling the movie moguls racists?   Continue reading “The Press and Paula Deen”

Photo: www.happy-mothering.comIntelliHub – by Cassius Methyl

In Early June, on 2 nights a few days apart, unknown people calculatedly destroyed 6500 genetically modified (GMO) sugar beet plants, toxic products of Monsanto and Sygenta, Genetically Modified not to have a higher quality or provide more yield, but simply to withstand higher doses of Monsanto’s poison “Roundup”, to benefit the company at the expense of he people.   Continue reading “40 Tons of GMO Sugar Beets Destroyed by Unknown Movement in Oregon”

scaliakennedyban.jpgThe Atlantic – by Tim Grieve

Dissenting from this morning’s opinion on the Defense of Marriage Act, Justice Antonin Scalia — as expected — holds nothing back.

In a ripping dissent, Scalia says that Justice Anthony Kennedy and his colleagues in the majority have resorted to calling opponents of gay marriage “enemies of the human race.”   Continue reading “Scalia’s Blistering Dissent on DOMA”

Saint Obama of the digital inquisition: God contacts Rome, Christ holds press conference. 50405.jpegPravda – by John Stanton

Christ held an Apostle’s Conference (White House Press Corps) at the White House Rose Garden recently in Washington, DC, the Capital of the Holy American Judeo-Christian Empire.

Before taking questions, Christ opened with a brief statement.

He knows when you are sleeping. He knows when you’re awake. He knows if you have been bad or good. So be good for goodness’ sake. He makes a list and checks it twice. You had better not cry or pout. He knows who has been naughty and nice.”   Continue reading “Saint Obama of the digital inquisition: God contacts Rome, Christ holds press conference”