Obama’s out to rid the world of terrorists, one drone strike at a time. He’s particularly worried about those inside the United States. In fact, he’s so bent on ending their threats that his administration is listening to our phone calls, intercepting our emails, and desperately trying to protect us from reporters who investigate the Benghazi scandal.

Yet there’s one well known, unrepentant, terrorist who has managed to escape the President’s gaze.  We speak, of course, of Bill Ayers.   Continue reading “Obama should be tried for war crimes ….says terrorist Bill Ayers?”

OK, this is 164 years old. Change a few names and it could very well have been written yesterday. Truth is timeless!

Transcendentalists – by Henry David Thoreau

[1849, original title: Resistance to Civil Government]

I heartily accept the motto, “That government is best which governs least”; and I should like to see it acted up to more rapidly and systematically. Carried out, it finally amounts to this, which also I believe–“That government is best which governs not at all”; and when men are prepared for it, that will be the kind of government which the will have.   Continue reading “On the Duty of Civil Disobedience”


The Obama administration-friendly MSNBC is taking a stunning ratings crash dive – averaging a dismal 175,000 viewers in the adults 25-54 demographic.

The network is struggling with double-digit drops from last May, with viewership down approximately 20 percent. It had only 539,000 viewers in primetime.   Continue reading “Ratings Crash! MSNBC in Massive Plunge”

WLOS – by Sherrill Barber

Deputies raid a Mitchell County farmhouse and find a moonshine still in the basement. It happened Memorial Day in Mitchell County.

Police arrested Edd Silver and charged him with misdemeanor possession and sale of non-tax paid alcohol and making liquor without a permit. Deputies say Silver allowed them to search his home. They complement him for inviting them in and showing them a first-class still up and running downstairs.   Continue reading “Moonshine Bust”

disobeyThis is presented for informational purposes only. Follow these directions at your own risk. I am not responsible for your actions!

This is the product of numerous discussions scattered around From The Trenches World Report. To date most of the information has been accurate and where it wasn’t I have attempted to set the record straight. In doing so I have seen an interest in the subject and a lot of questions. There have been a couple articles and links to videos, yet I detected a reluctance to attempt something that has the bad reputation of blinding folks. I think it may be a sense of distrust in the information of anonymous somebody’s.   Continue reading “Shining for Dummies”

Signs of the Times – by David Swanson, War is Crime

Imagine if at some point during the 1990s or 1980s the President of the United States had given a speech. And this was his speech:

My fellow Americans, I’ve been regularly shooting missiles into people’s houses in several countries. I’ve wiped out families. I’ve killed thousands of people. Hundreds of them have been little children.   Continue reading “Memorial Day THIS”

After the verdict, Vernon Hershberger is hugged by supporters.Journal Sentinel

Baraboo — Dairy farmer Vernon Hershberger was acquitted on three of four criminal charges early Saturday morning in a trial that drew national attention from supporters of the raw, unpasteurized milk movement.

Jurors in Sauk County Circuit Court deliberated about four hours, until nearly 1 a.m. Saturday, before returning a verdict of guilty on one charge of violating a holding order placed on products on the Hershberger farm following a raid there in the summer of 2010.   Continue reading “Dairy farmer acquitted on three of four charges in raw milk trial”

wannabesWe have Kokesh, We have Alex Jones. We have Rand Paul. Ad nauseum. Adam Kokesh has written a declaration of revolt that appears to be a morphing of the Declaration of Independence and V’s TV rant (V FOR VENDETTA.)  A revolt true patriots need to avoid! It’s up to us to take the moral high ground. Like Lexington and Concord, let the enemy bring the fight.

What we really have is a group of WANNABES! Here on FTTWR we know these “men” to be agent provocateurs. We know that this revolution is leaderless and the “American Revolutionary Army” in fact does not exist except in Kokesh’s head. That is not to say there is NO army. There is a bigger army of armed patriots than all the mercenaries this imposter government can possibly muster. But for sake of argument let’s say that they are real and not Agent provocateurs.  So who do these wannabe’s want to be?   Continue reading “Wannabes”

CryHavoc2013FRONTV2_3Eyre International

The 2nd Act of this Shakespearean play is unfolding and dear Willy is weeping with his tissue at his eyes wondering where he can find more actors to cover this extremely busy season at the Globe in London that is proving to be so very popular!!    Continue reading “London’s false flag even more pathetic than the Boston Bombing – Part 2”

A scientist holds cultures containing a pink fluid to grow new Human-Engineered Meat for Human Consumption.IntelliHub – by Shepard Ambellas

MAASTRICHT — Starting with a very particular cell extracted from dead cows necks at a local slaughterhouse, a select team of scientists are now close to serving up the world’s first human-engineered, cultured meat burger. That’s right. A whopping 5 ounce burger will be freshly made from lab grown bits of cultured meat and muscle tissue. The burger, the first of its kind, will be served to curious diner’s somewhere in London in the coming weeks.   Continue reading “First Human-Engineered ‘Meat Burger’ To Be Consumed In London”

kokeshDr. Sharon Schuetz, May 15, 2013

America will be closely watching the Open Carry March on Washington DC on July 4th. Activist Adam Kokesh and his followers intend to march across the Memorial Bridge with loaded guns slung over their shoulders. Once in Washington, they want to walk around the Capitol, the Supreme Court, and the White House, then return to Virginia across the Memorial Bridge.   Continue reading “The Man Behind the Open Carry March”

Institute for Political Economy – by Paul Craig Roberts

You know that gold bear market that the financial press keeps touting? The one George Soros keeps proclaiming? Well, it is not there. The gold bear market is disinformation that is helping elites acquire the gold.

Certainly, Soros himself doesn’t believe it, as the 13-F release issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission on May 15 proves. George Soros has significantly increased his gold holding by purchasing $25.2 million of call options on the GDXJ Junior Gold Miners Index.   Continue reading “No Bear Market In Gold — Paul Craig Roberts”

Live Wire – by TOM KLUDT

Jon Stewart on Monday skewered the Internal Revenue Service over revelations that the agency improperly targeted conservative organizations, arguing that the emerging scandal will embolden right-wing conspiracy theorists.

Stewart blasted senior IRS official Lois Lerner, who seemed to suggest on a conference call last week that the agency’s apology was adequate.   Continue reading “Jon Stewart: IRS Scandal Gives Credibility To ‘Tin Foil-Behatted’ Right-Wing”

Renew America – by Sylvia Thompson

It is time to state openly, often, and unapologetically that Barack Obama is a socialist operator who despises much of what America stands for. His policies, his actions, his unveiled contempt for its institutions are on display everywhere. Anybody who looks upon this man as just another politician is woefully foolish. Likewise for Eric Holder, the chief law official of the land, who shows open disdain for law.   Continue reading “Identify the problem”