

BIDEN: “Secondly, we’re in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for our — the President Obama’s administration before this. We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”

See video here:

Courier & Press – by Thomas B. Langhorne

EVANSVILLE, Ind. — Shawn Skelton, the Oakland City woman who went viral with Facebook claims that a COVID-19 vaccine caused her uncontrollable shaking and tongue spasms, is home from the hospital.

Saying she was discharged from Deaconess Orthopedic Neuroscience Hospital with body shaking that doesn’t stop and still no answers, Skelton said Tuesday she doesn’t know what lies ahead. She said an MRI, CT scan and blood cultures failed to produce anything. Continue reading “CDC says vaccine side-effects ‘tend to be mild’ in response to Indiana woman’s claims in viral video”


About 60 percent of nursing home staff in Ohio have elected not to take the COVID-19 vaccine, Gov. Mike DeWine (R) said Wednesday.

DeWine made the comment during a news briefing in which he was discussing the pace of vaccinations in the state.  Continue reading “Ohio Gov: 60 percent of nursing home staff elected not to take COVID-19 vaccine”


“Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.” ~ George Santayana

Never forget what happened in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1904. I highly recommend everyone read the article on Wikipedia because this is beginning to happen right here in America. I’ll post just a few snipets, see if you can spot any comparisons to today’s events regarding covid19. Continue reading “Vaccine Revolt”

I had reached out to several news outlets trying to seek assistance with the ridiculous “administrative fees” that I was being charged by NJ EZ-Pass on behalf of the Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission.

Only one returned my e-mail, Karin Price Mueller from She inquired about why I was charged these fees when 79,000 other people on the NJ Turnpike never received their first notices and were being wrongfully charged similar late fees (they have all since been waived and/or refunded). Continue reading “Road Pirates the Conclusion”

If anyone remembers my original article “Road Pirates” this is a follow-up on where things stand. I saw that NJ E-ZPass (more like Sleazy-Pass) finally cashed my two two-dollar checks, so I went to their website to see if the cases were closed.

I was beyond furious when I saw that the case is still listed as open and that the site says I still owe $90.00 (three of the four $30.00 “administrative fees”, I guess one was waived). Continue reading “Road Pirates follow-up.”

Civilized society as we once knew it is gone, and it won’t be coming back anytime soon. The human race has been so dumbed-down that hope for a recovery is impossible under the current fraud and corruption.

How did it happen? There is no one source, but rather a number of things such as “political correctness” where the powers that be seek to eliminate anything that could “trigger” or “offend” anyone. Corrupt powers that believe unproven “science” somehow grants them the authority to issue “executive orders” telling everyone what they can and cannot do, even if such orders are contrary to the laws. Continue reading “Goodbye yellow-brick road”

During the Covid19 plandemic/scamdemic, there were no cash lanes available at the Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge (the bridge on Interstate Route 80) during the month of April. I had made four trips to my house in New Jersey to do renovation work and to also pick up prescriptions from the pharmacy. Since there were no toll takers on duty, most of the lanes were E-Zpass only. Anyone without an E-Pass account and tag were instructed by signs to drive through the toll booth on the far right of the plaza and await a bill in the mail.  Continue reading “Road Pirates”

TownHall – by Scott Morefield

The partisan divide over mandatory face coverings is one of the more interesting, if sad, twists of the Chinese coronavirus era. On the one hand, the mask police insist that not wearing one is equivalent to being a literal Typhoid Mary and trying to purposefully kill everyone’s grandma. On the other, many conservatives, including this one, see it as yet another unnecessary and overblown reaction to what has been a pandemic defined by unnecessary and overblown reactions, and a particularly unsightly one at that. Continue reading “8 Reasons Why I Don’t Wear A Mask And You Probably Shouldn’t Either”

Yahoo News

HONOLULU (AP) — Former longtime television reporter Angela Keen knows how to track people down.

During the coronavirus pandemic, she’s putting her skills to use finding tourists who defy Hawaii’s mandatory two-week quarantine on arriving travelers. Continue reading “Volunteer sleuths track down Hawaii’s quarantine scofflaws”

A beautiful woman, a beautiful soul, a beautiful life.

My mom passed away today at 2:00pm. My brother Steve and I were there at her bedside along with one of the home health aides Karen. Tomorrow after my doctor appointment, I will be going to the funeral home to make arrangements. A beautiful woman, a beautiful life. Thank you to everyone at the Trenches for all the love, support, thoughts and prayers.

Rest in peace Susie Theresa (Festa) Sammarco, December 23, 1932 to March 27, 2019

On February 10th, my brother and I had to take our mom to the emergency room at Morristown Medical Center. She was quite ill, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. She was admitted that night. She had CT scans, x-rays, and blood work done. She was diagnosed with Diverticulitis and a urinary tract infection. She was there receiving antibiotics via IV for two weeks.

They then sent her to a rehab place for physical therapy, but after just one night there, her hemoglobin levels dropped to 6.1 (normal levels are around 12). She had more x-rays and CT scans done.   Continue reading “Trencher Alert”

WICHITA, Kan. (AP) — Three militia members convicted of taking part in a foiled plot to massacre Muslims in southwest Kansas were sentenced Friday to decades in prison during an emotional court hearing in which one of the targeted victims pleaded: “Please don’t hate us.”

U.S. District Judge Eric Melgren sentenced Patrick Stein, the alleged ringleader, to 30 years in prison and Curtis Allen, who drafted a manifesto for the group, to 25 years. Gavin Wright, who authorities said helped make and test explosives at his mobile home business, received 26 years. The plot was foiled after another militia member alerted authorities.   Continue reading “Militia members get decades in prison in Kansas bomb plot”


South Africa’s 140-year-old gold industry – which was once the world’s largest – is now facing a major crisis. The country’s mineral council says 75 percent of gold mines are unprofitable or barely making money.

The announcement comes as the sector enters wage talks with its employees. Around 200 employer and employee representatives are set to start the negotiations on Wednesday. The number of work stoppages in South Africa increased by eight percent over the past two years to 132.   Continue reading “75% of South African gold mines unprofitable – mineral council”


John Mark Dougan resigned from the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office and started a one-man crusade against what he saw as pervasive corruption there. Years later his home was raided by the FBI and he made an escape to Russia.

Dougan is former Marine, who turned to police work after resigning from the military. What he found, he says, was a corrupt system which operated to protect the interests of the rich people of Palm Beach County, Florida, the home of President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort and cover up the misdeeds of the police itself. Continue reading “Facing the FBI & fleeing to Russia: US ex-cop reveals epic struggle to expose corruption”

LOS ANGELES (AP) — The Trump administration’s failed attempt to detain migrant families together indefinitely ran into a formidable obstacle in a judge whose upbringing was shaped as the daughter of immigrants and who previously rejected requests to allow the government to lock up children with their parents.

Judge Dolly Gee, the first Chinese-American woman appointed to the U.S. District Court, has joked that her mother was her first pro bono client because she had to translate for her at medical appointments and help her apply for jobs as a seamstress when she was just a girl.   Continue reading “Judge puts blame on Trump, Congress for immigration crisis”

SUN PRAIRIE, Wis. (AP) — A firefighter was killed and at least a dozen other people were injured when a natural gas explosion leveled at least two buildings in a Wisconsin community, authorities said Wednesday.

Firefighters arrived to investigate a gas leak in the Madison suburb of Sun Prairie when the explosion happened Tuesday evening, destroying several buildings and igniting a fire that sent billowing smoke that could be seen for miles around.   Continue reading “Firefighter killed in gas explosion, fire near Madison”