Voters in New York started a petition ballot initiative to investigate 911. There had never been a criminal investigation into either the assassination of President Kennedy or into the deaths of some 3,000 people on 911. A city official of Jewish descent asked of the proposed investigation into 911, ‘Will this be good for Israel?’ Apparently the Jews of New York decided that an investigation into the truth of 911 would not be good for Israel because they denied the petition ballot access. The Goyim should not be allowed to decide for themselves who was responsible for an act that pushed America into spending trillions of dollars and killing the neighbors of Israel who said No to Jewish Supremacism. Continue reading “The BRICS Nations Will Take Down The Dollar? But What About Israel?”
Author: Video Rebel
Before Obama made his Amnesty speech last Thursday I thought of The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe. One brick after another sealed the fate of an unsuspecting murder victim in Poe’s classic mystery story. We could all benefit if we began to interpret every action of the New World Order as part of an elaborate step by step scheme to kill the majority of Americans and to reduce the remaining survivors to Debt Slavery.
We need to define the term NWO before we explain their plans to exterminate at least 5 to 6 billion people. I guarantee you that many of those billions of human beings look a lot like you and me. Some of us might even be on the US government’s secretive Main Core list of people to be Disappeared the night before Bankers see people with pitchforks in the streets. This means that the Bankers only have to be worried that you might become justifiably be angry after they steal all of your pensions, savings and investments while inflating prices and cutting your wages 50 to 60%. Continue reading “Amnesty: One Brick in America’s Wall of Doom. Race Riots Another.”
The United States has had three coups if you count the first one as being Jekyll Island in November of 1910. Those first coup plotters met at Jekyll Island and secretly wrote the law that became the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. All of the bankers who met in secret were Rothschild agents. This included Paul Warburg of the Rothschild dominated Kuhn Loeb bank. Nelson Aldrich who was a Senator married into the Rockefeller family. The Rockefellers were created by the Rothschilds as were J P Morgan, the Harrimans and the Bush family. Senator Aldrich was head of the National Monetary Commission created by President Theodore Roosevelt. Roosevelt had become President after the Jews had successfully assassinated President McKinley. They previously had assassinated President Lincoln. John Wilkes Booth was Jewish. But I prefer not to count these earlier assassinations as coups. The remaining members of the Jekyll Island Six were Treasury Department employees, who did what they were told to do. Continue reading “Israel Killed JFK And Has Ruled America Ever Since.”
1) General Smedley Butler won the Congressional Medal of Honor twice. In his book War Is a Racket, he described an election he conducted in a Third World nation in Central America. He said he had a ballot box stuffed with all the ballots to be counted already in it. He opened the polling, closed the voting a few hours later, turned the box upside down and pulled out the ballots confirming victory for Wall Street’s candidate.
Are you be sure that America’s elections are any more honest than what General Butler was doing in a Banana Boat Republic 100 years ago? If electronic voting machines tally votes, why do they have algorithms that permit a candidate’s vote to be multiplied? And why are millions of illegal aliens permitted to vote? And why are some people allowed to register and vote from several addresses? Continue reading “Checklist: America’s Third World Status.”
The Petrodollar just died. Zero Hedge ran an obituary notice for the Petrodollar last week.
Reuters reports energy-exporting countries are set to pull their “Petrodollars” out of world markets this year. This shift is likely to cause global market liquidity to fall: “this year the oil producers will effectively import capital amounting to $7.6 billion. By comparison, they exported $60 billion in 2013 and $248 billion in 2012. This is according to BNP Paribas calculations. Petrodollar recycling peaked at $511 billion in 2006.” Continue reading “The Petrodollar Died. So what happens next?”
The Federal Reserve has announced the end of Quantitative Easing 3. QE is an unconventional monetary policy in which a central bank purchases government securities or other securities from the market in order to lower interest rates and increase the money supply.
Zero Hedge reports that Quantitative Easing which by lowering interest rates and raising the asset values of bonds made the rich $9 trillion richer since 2009. Corporate managers can borrow money at near zero interest to buy their company stock. Buying their stock with borrowed money drives share prices higher. This makes them eligible for bonuses worth millions of dollars. It also allows them to unload their stock options at very high values. An example would be IBM’s “value creation”. Stock buybacks since 2012 $37.7 Billion. Debt issued since 2012 $33.6 Billion Continue reading “Debts Beyond Reason, Bubbles And Debt Cancellation.”
Some critics of Barack Obama have taken to calling him President Obola. I will continue to call him the American Teleprompter Reader. He is a figurehead and nothing more.
Judicial Watch has uncovered evidence of a clandestine program to bring foreign nationals with Ebola into America despite the fact that we do not have sufficient facilities for more than 20 patients at a time. The two nurses in Dallas who got Ebola from Duncan worked in a hospital that did not have adequate facilities for that disease. Amber Vinson, the second nurse to get the disease, was not on the CDC Watch List of 125 people who had been exposed. This means that Ebola is more contagious than we have been told. Continue reading “Ebola Proves The NWO Equally Despises Whites And Africans.”
A week ago I noticed that the Treasury published our total increase in Treasury bonds for the past year. It had grown by $1,085,888,854,036.50. Some people mistakenly think that this is the Treasury deficit. Not quite. They have not accounted for the privilege certain Too Big To Jail Banks have which is that one or more of them is allowed to counterfeit US Treasury bonds and pocket the cash.
The Treasury deficit is calculated the old fashioned way. You take federal expenses and subtract revenues. The total Treasury deficit for 2013 cited by Joint Statement of Secretary Lew and OMB Director Burwell on Budget Results for Fiscal Year 2013 was $680 billion. Continue reading “Counterfeiting Trillions of Dollars in US Treasury Bonds And Other Crimes.”
This was originally written by Erico Tavares.
What if military strategy were timeless?
Sun Tzu was a Chinese military general, strategist and philosopher, and is credited to have written “The Art of War”, a seminal treatise on managing conflict and warfare. It is uncertain when he actually lived, but some traditional historians date his lifetime to 544–496 BC.
The Art of War discusses military strategy within the wider context of public administration, politics and planning. Organized in thirteen chapters, the text outlines theories of battle, but also advocates diplomacy and cultivating relationships with other nations as essential to the health of a state. For centuries, it has been regarded as the definite reading for strategists and warriors of all types. Continue reading “Sun Tzu And The Cost Of War Plus Vidrebel’s Comments”
Let’s begin with 1910-1913. The Rothschilds had several prominent business partners in America. Amongst them were John D Rockefeller, J P Morgan, the Warburg brothers and Jacob Schiff. There was a gathering of their agents on a private railcar across the river from Manhattan on November 22, 1910. They went from there to Jekyll Island Georgia to draft the legislation that would become the Federal Reserve Act. Also in 1913 the IRS was created. The Federal Reserve Act gave Bankers the right to charge us interest on money they created out of nothing. The IRS was needed to pay the interest on the money that was created out of thin air.
1917. The Jewish Bankers of London and New York had decided to sell America’s entry into WW I in exchange for the Balfour Declaration written in the form of a letter to Lord Rothschild. Wealthy Jewish families financed the Soviet revolution. Continue reading “Israel’s Cost To America. And What Happens When We Are Of No Use To Israel?”
This is what Paul Craig Roberts said to King World News about a recent Federal Reserve policy change and the Big Banks. He said the Too Big To Jail Banks can no longer contribute to the growth in our real economy. The Banks are part of an asset stripping mechanism. The Banks follow the IMF into destitute countries stealing islands from Greece or demanding local utilities be sold to foreign buyers.
Now the Federal Reserve is setting its sights on American cities and counties and their pension funds. The Federal Reserve has ruled that banks can no longer use municipal bands as tier 1 assets. There are $3.7 trillion dollars in these US municipal bonds out there. If the banks have to sell their bonds and are not allowed to buy new ones from the cities, then pressure will be put on new municipal bond sales. Roberts thinks that this policy is designed to deliberately hurt the financing of American cities. Continue reading “Paul Craig Roberts: Banks Are A Looting Mechanism. Dollar To Die In 2015?”
A Step-by-Step Guide to Understanding the Present World Situation (From Tomato Bubble)
1998 – 2000
Powerful elites and influential think tanks forecast a coming period of American aggression. Zbigniew Brzezinski speaks for the Globalist faction of the western PRC (Predatory Ruling Class) in ‘The Grand Chessboard’, a book in which he openly advocates for bolder American action in dominating the Eurasian land mass. Continue reading “World War 3 for Dummies”
Obama has done it again. He is threatening war against Syria, Russia’s main ally in the Mediterranean. Obama had been funding a proxy war against Syria. He hired Al Qaeda, ISIS, Al Nusra and those fun loving cannibals in the FSA to wage war against Syria. This was all strategized years ago by Richard Perle, a Bilderberg Steering Committee member. He wrote it down in A Clean Break, a document written for Benyamin Netanyahu. The plan was to use proxy armies to attack Syria over the issue of chemical weapons. Obama’s proxy army used chemical weapons several times to kill innocent civilians while blaming it on the Syrian government. The lapdog media and the US and even the UK governments accepted these lies as true. Continue reading “Obama Undone: Will The Joint Chiefs Walk The Plank?”
Obama’s speech on September 10, 2014 has to be challenged. It cannot stand unexamined because it is a recipe for disaster and destruction. Let me first list the lies before explaining a simple way out of his prescription for war without end.
1) He claims he killed Osama bin Laden on May 2, 2011. No He did not. Osama had two terminal illnesses and died in December of 2001. The Bush admin and the Israelis made Osama videos after 2001 in which the actor playing Osama’s role looked nothing like the real man. The controlled media never asked questions. The alternative media does because we have higher standards. Continue reading “12 Obama Lies and Obfuscations. Uncovering His Plans For War Without End”
Video Rebel’s Blog – by Lasha Darkmoon
WHO DID 9/11?
1. Introduction
LASHA DARKMOON: I’d like to start by saying that every statement you read here is a 100 percent authentic quote. Nothing has been fabricated. You can check out every word and phrase on the internet. The only bits you won’t find already published are my own interconnecting comments. As the editor of the article, I have allowed myself the privilege of taking part in this imaginary “debate”. Continue reading “Lasha Darkmoon 9/11: The Shocking Truth Laid Bare”
The BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) at their summit in Brazil said they would give the United States until the end of 2014 to reform the world monetary system including the IMF and the World Bank. The Obama administration has since decided to up the ante and pass more toothless sanctions against Russia. The US had fined BNP Paribas $9 billion for daring to trade with Russia and Iran.
The facts left out of the above in most media accounts are that the Rothschilds own BNP Paribas. and that their Parisian bank is technically bankrupt. In American parlance we are at the point where the rubber meets the road. Do the economic experts running the United States actually know what they are doing? Continue reading “Jim Willie: Saudis to Kill Petrodollar. Germany to Scuttle the EU And Wall Street.”
ISIS has changed its name several times. It has also been called IS or Islamic State and ISIL (Islamic State in the Levant.) They used to be known as Al Qaeda in Iraq but they got rid of that name. Too many people had caught on to the fact that Al Qaeda was just a bunch of Muslims willing to sell their souls to the CIA and the Mossad. So after their name change they launched the new brand by invading Iraq and declaring Sharia law. But changing their name did not alter who they are and who their paymasters are. Continue reading “If ISIS is a Bomb, Israel is the Bombmaker”
1) Iceland has 130 volcanic mountains of which 89 have erupted since 900 A.D.
2) Katla volcano last erupted 96 years ago in 1918. It normally erupts every 13 to 95 years. Katla’s last major eruption was in 1918. It threw so much water from the glacier above it into the atmosphere that it flooded the trenches in Europe making the war difficult to wage for almost a week. Continue reading “19 Facts About American Earthquakes And The Iceland Volcanoes”
The National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 did make America a War Zone. It took away our Bill of Rights that had protected us from torture and indefinite detention and guaranteed us the right to a speedy trial, to legal counsel and to a trial by jury. Courts everywhere have said the police are allowed to use pain to force you to comply with an officer’s orders. If you raise your hands to defend yourself from a cop’s blows, you can be arrested and convicted of a felony for resisting arrest. The California Supreme Court even went further and ruled that if we refuse to talk to the police that the authorities can take that as an admission of guilt. Continue reading “Obama Wants America To Become A Killing Zone”
I am a Constitutional lawyer. Barack Obama 2008
What Obama didn’t say was that he had a part-time job at night school teaching law to George W Bush’s Department of Justice staff. You know. The guys who said kidnap and torture of children was OK. Anonymous Wag 2014
Seriously, the United States Army released a new Army manual: U.S. Army Techniques Publication 3-39.33: Civil Disturbances. It was originally published April 21, 2014 but was not released publicly until now. It might have been made public as part of an intimidation tactic to prevent people from attending protests. There is more Security Theater than anything else in Washington. Continue reading “Obama’s Army Manual: It’s Cool To Shoot Peaceful Protesters”