Breaking: Israel has just bombed the oldest christian church in Palestine – the Greek-Orthodox Church of Saint Porphyrius.

2 thoughts on “Breaking: Israel has just bombed the oldest christian church in Palestine – the Greek-Orthodox Church of Saint Porphyrius.

  1. The post ends, “Christians, are you awake yet?”
    I am, and have been for years. Unfortunately, there are too many who are not. When you “stand” with Talmudic Jewry and completely disregard Palestinian Christians… I have a funny feeling a karmic moment just might happen with these folks…. Hmmmmm….

  2. Keep reading that most of those bombs used were made in America. Makes me think of those who have gotten rich off the stock market that pays the lion’s share for investment in defense companies. Must feel quite luxurious to know your wealth came from mass slaughter.


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