Canada: Police to Make Home Visits to Check Quarantine Compliance

Summit News – by Paul Joseph Watson

Police in Canada will visit the homes of people under coronavirus quarantine to check they are in compliance, with those who flout the law facing a fine of up to $1 million dollars and three years in jail.

Under the law, Canadians who have returned from abroad or are at risk of having been infected with COVID-19 are mandated to remain at home for 14 days.

Police say they will visit the homes of those under quarantine and advise them of the “potential consequences of non-compliance,” adding that violators could face “significant penalties, including fines and imprisonment.”

“The maximum fine for failing to comply with the quarantine is $750,000 and up to six months in prison, but those who put others at risk through could face harsher penalties: up to a $1-million levy and three years imprisonment,” reports Global

The RCMP said that the checks would be facilitated through authorities first contacting persons by phone, text or e-mail and then having officers perform a “physical verification with the individual while maintaining physical distancing.”

Police say arrests of people flouting the law would be a last resort but that officers could issue them with a summons requiring them to appear in court.

Summit News


One thought on “Canada: Police to Make Home Visits to Check Quarantine Compliance

  1. Hahaha so like two punks show up at the door to “enforce a rule”

    What if you grabbed the two and dragged them inside ?
    Guess what ?
    They can’t leave now , you have these pigs to f!@k with for a solid month
    Or more
    Oh the fun and games we could have

    Imagine the paybacks one could dream up in 30 days of being stuck with two pigs in your house
    That can’t leave
    And you wouldn’t let them leave now anyways

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