10 thoughts on “Man Dragged Off Bus In Philadelphia For Not Wearing A Mask

  1. All too eager to enFORCE as much overreach as they can. I have noticed videos from all over the country showing different versions of intensifying aggression from the state and it’s good squads. Whether it be pugs or city/state beurocrats. How will you react when they do this to your kids or yourself?

  2. Notice how most of these stories show the pigs attacking defenseless people in areas where they know people won’t fight back. We’re always told that “predators” are at the top of the food chain BUT if you know anything about how nature works the vast majority of predators feed themselves by picking off the weak, injured or young because they are much easier prey.

    I live in a country where our guns for protection were taken away long ago. Only hunting weapons & those stored at rifle ranges for sport shooting are allowed but are heavily regulated. We see you true men & women patriots in strongholds in the US as pretty much the last bastion of the strong stock that once populated our ancestory. To tell the truth many of us have been looking forward to a day when the spark would ignite an inferno that would burn down this whole NWO cabal of parasitic creatures & have looked at people like yourselves who would be the ones that kicked it off. Not by choice or anything rash but because it was finally brought to you. I think you might well be the last people these so-called “predators” want to mess with but when they do we wish you all the best, we watch & wait, we send you the strength of our thoughts & spirit for it’s all we can at this stage & we know you will be victorious over this evil that has plagued our kind for way too long!

    1. Harrison, I was very moved by your communication. I’m sorry you were disarmed. Some might say you guys let that happen. But here, too there are things we “let happen,” and now we have to undo so much of the tyranny that is stepping on our rights. The water is indeed at the door. In thinking of all who have been disarmed, I know there are many innovative ways to self-defend, from the most primitive sling-shot, to the ball-peen hammer, to many innovative craftings of homemade weaponry – the things that can make a difference in saving your life and the lives of those you care about. I can see you value freedom and have to believe you will find ways to protect yourself. Thank you for believing in us. Some doubters pop up now and then, but they are soon exposed as defeatists being of no help to anyone; so your words are a balm to the spirit.


    2. Amen brother
      We’re all in this together
      The sooner the rest of them figure it out the shorter and more precise this war will be
      Maybe it will be door to door

      1. I have to agree, EOTS, regarding us all being in this together. It’s like the good people of the world have all been done to by this evil that crosses all borders. And now, so many of the good people are awake and giving evil a run for its money. I’m thinkin’ of those burnin’ cell towers, just one example of fighting back. I can’t imagine what kind of setback that is for the surveillance apparatus comin’ out of Tel Aviv.


    3. Liberty above LIfe. I’m not sorry for any of you that allowed your disarmament. Rather, I am ashamed for you.

  3. There are billions of people who have died and are now forgotten and unless we do something significant as individuals, the same will happen to us.

    Seen on the chive, no accreditation.


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