Syria Report

A shocking report from pan-Arab TV station Al-Jadeed reveals America’s Republican Senator, John McCain, visited kidnappers of Lebanese pilgrims.

Elizabeth O’Bagy, political director for the “Syrian Emergency Task Force” and , a U.S.-based nonprofit providing support to the opposition, allegedly organised the visit which brought McCain just half a mile inside Syria on Monday 27 May.   Continue reading “McCain Visited Kidnappers in Syria”

WLOS – by Sherrill Barber

Deputies raid a Mitchell County farmhouse and find a moonshine still in the basement. It happened Memorial Day in Mitchell County.

Police arrested Edd Silver and charged him with misdemeanor possession and sale of non-tax paid alcohol and making liquor without a permit. Deputies say Silver allowed them to search his home. They complement him for inviting them in and showing them a first-class still up and running downstairs.   Continue reading “Moonshine Bust”

Roseville PoliceIntelliHub – by Cassius Methyl

In Roseville, California, the police are very bored. Instead of investigating thefts, or stopping rape, or crimes with victims, the police are spending most of their time going after teenage cannabis dealers, or issuing citations. Thanks to the constitution molesting Supreme Court, if a person has been arrested, or even given a citation (and the police therefore record the person’s phone number), the police can read the person’s texts, any of them, at will, without a warrant.   Continue reading “California Police Paying Cellphone Companies to Read Texts Without Warrants, Busting Teenage Cannabis Dealers”

(Image credit: Screenshot from CBS Miami report)End the Lie – by Madison Ruppert

A 14-year-old was reportedly choked by Miami-Dade police and charged with a felony count of resisting arrest with violence and disorderly conduct, all for giving police “dehumanizing stares,” clenching his fists and appearing threatening.

Unfortunately, it’s not all that rare for teens to be brutalized or even killed by police in the United States. There also seems to be something about police in Florida being especially violent for no apparent reason as they were when they beat a 66-year-old and when they murdered Nick ChristieContinue reading “14-year-old put in chokehold by police, charged with felony after giving police ‘dehumanizing stares’”

War DeploymentSHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

Most people think that World War I started as a result of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria. It’s an easily digestible narrative, and one that can be summed up in a thirty second talking point. But students of history understand that neither the assassination of Ferdinand or Pearl Harbor were the underlying reasons behind the wars that subsequently ravaged our planet. These were mere flash points – catalysts for a broader expansion of wars that were already in progress. The conflicts had been building for years, even decades, before these events took place.   Continue reading “They’re Going To Attempt This One Way or Another: Will You Send Your Sons and Daughters to Fight?”

screenshot from http://www.monsanto.comRT News

Hackers from the Anonymous collective claimed to have infiltrated the website for the biotech giant Monsanto, which has been the subject of recent international protests.

The cyber-attack was carried out as part of #OpMonsanto, an attempt to demonstrate against Monsanto’s reach into every aspect of the food industry, from nature to farmers to consumers. The corporation’s main website,, appeared to have been briefly disabled Wednesday night.   Continue reading “Monsanto website downed as Anonymous claims hack”

Prepared Christian – by John Elliot

As the author of books having to do with self-preservation and, far more importantly, as a Christian, I have had to answer some rather deeply personal questions that require a considerable level of introspection. At the forefront of those questions is the one that asks, “What does God say about Believers protecting themselves from criminals, terrorists, or anyone else who may wish to harm us?”   Continue reading “Christianity and the Bible’s Case for Self-Defense”

Mr. Conservative- by Bookworm

For those of you who always thought that Hillary was lying about everything, you’re about to be proven right. Moreover, the news is going to come from a very unexpected source: Hillary herself.

The National Enquirer, which has stuck very close to honest reporting since getting burned in a long-ago libel suit, reports that Hillary has decided to stop the lies and tell the truth in an upcoming memoir. Simon & Schuster will pay her $25 million for writing the book, which she hopes will inoculate her 2016 presidential run against any future ugly revelations.   Continue reading “Clinton Writing SHOCKING Book: Obama is an Alcoholic? Hillary is A Lesbian? And More!”

disobeyThis is presented for informational purposes only. Follow these directions at your own risk. I am not responsible for your actions!

This is the product of numerous discussions scattered around From The Trenches World Report. To date most of the information has been accurate and where it wasn’t I have attempted to set the record straight. In doing so I have seen an interest in the subject and a lot of questions. There have been a couple articles and links to videos, yet I detected a reluctance to attempt something that has the bad reputation of blinding folks. I think it may be a sense of distrust in the information of anonymous somebody’s.   Continue reading “Shining for Dummies”

article-0-1A0A2DA0000005DC-836_634x414All American Blogger – by Duane Lester

The stupidity of zero tolerance rules claims yet another victim, this time in Massachusetts:

A 6-year-old kindergartner sparked an uproar at his Massachusetts school when he was spotted brandishing a tiny plastic Lego gun on the school bus last week.   Continue reading “Kindergartener Gets Detention for Bringing a Lego Gun to School”

Mr. Conservative – by  Warner Todd Huston

This is the sort of upside down world that gives every lawyer, every court, and every politician in charge of them a bad name. A woman whose husband was shot and killed as he committed a robbery is now suing the store clerk that shot him. Yes, you read that right. The criminal is claiming the endangered citizen is the one in the wrong.   Continue reading “Armed Robber Shot By Store Clerk Is Being Sued By Robbers Wife”

Fox News – by John Roberts

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. –  Spring rains cascade over the lip of the Norris Dam in a torrent of white foam and spray. A hundred yards downriver from this concrete waterfall, people stop at the little park to record the scene on their smart phones or digital cameras. It is an image made for a postcard — a remarkable marriage of nature and technology. And a centerpiece of the Tennessee Valley Authority.

Created in 1933 by President Roosevelt, the TVA brought electricity to Appalachia, with the goal that wiring up Tennessee, parts of North Carolina, Alabama and Mississippi would help bring prosperity to an impoverished region.    Continue reading “Obama faces resistance in bid to unload popular southern utility giant”

mzl.trhdcbkgVenture Valkyrie – by Lisa Suennen

Sometimes the cure for a serious disease might be right under our nose but we just don’t see it (I think of the accidental discovery of penicillin, for instance).  Other times a cure or treatment might seem so unlikely that you just can’t imagine it.  I had both of those reactions when I read a recent American Journal of Medicine article suggesting that marijuana might just be the best medicine to treat and even prevent diabetes.   Continue reading “Got Diabetes? Smoke Two Joints and Call Me in the Morning”

Bloomberg RicinHuffington Post – by COLLEEN LONG

NEW YORK — Two threatening letters containing traces of the deadly poison ricin were sent to Mayor Michael Bloomberg in New York and his gun-control group in Washington, police said Wednesday.

The anonymous letters were opened in New York on Friday at the city’s mail facility in Manhattan and in Washington on Sunday at an office used by Mayors Against Illegal Guns, the nonprofit started by Bloomberg, police said.   Continue reading “Michael Bloomberg Ricin Letters: Parcels Addressed To NYC Mayor Intercepted, Police Say”

wheat.JPGOregon Live – by Eric Mortenson

Discovery of illegal genetically-engineered wheat growing in an Eastern Oregon field may cause severe marketing and export problems for one of the state’s biggest crops.

State agriculture department Director Katy Coba said 85 to 90 percent of the Pacific Northwest’s soft white wheat crop is exported to Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and other nations, where it’s used to make noodles and crackers. Oregon’s wheat crop is valued at $300 million to $500 million annually, depending on yield and price.   Continue reading “Genetically engineered wheat found in Oregon field, federal investigation under way”


A retired NASA official who served on the Apollo Navigation Team has been found dead with a rope around his neck and genitals inside a home in Thailand, it emerged today.

Police found the body of Paul Milford Muller, 76, on Tuesday in the Tak Province of the country and suspect he had been dead for about three days.

Police Col Ekarat Intasueb, chief of Mae Sot police station, said there was a rope tied around his genitals and waist and another tied around his neck, which was hanging from the knob of his bedroom door.   Continue reading “Former NASA official and member of Apollo navigation team is found dead in Thailand with a rope tied around his neck and crotch”


At least 23 workers were hurt in Cambodia when police used stun batons to end a protest over pay at a factory that makes clothing for sportswear company Nike, a worker and a trade union representative said.

Police with riot gear were deployed on Monday to move about 3,000 workers, mostly female, who had blocked a road outside their factory owned by Sabrina (Cambodia) Garment Manufacturing in Kompong Speu province, west of the capital, Phnom Penh.   Continue reading “Cambodian factory workers clash with police”

Investment Watchblog

Obama to visit Chicago today

President Barack Obama is scheduled to return to Chicago on Wednesday afternoon for a pair of Democratic fundraisers.

The president is raising money for congressional Democrats as his party tries to retake the House in next year’s mid-term elections. Obama will be accompanied by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Rep. Steve Israel, D-N.Y., who chairs the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, according to an invitation obtained by the Tribune.   Continue reading “THE CAMPAIGN THAT NEVER ENDS: Obama goes home… Michelle goes to Boston… Fundraising: ‘Keep writing those checks. And if you havent maxed out, max out!’”