Rense – by Stephen Lendman

Israeli racism is longstanding. It’s institutionalized. Imagine honoring it. Israel did so. It finds new ways of reaching new lows. It disgraces itself in the process.

It shouldn’t surprise. It’s common practice. Jews alone matter. Arabs are considered subhuman.

Mondoweiss co-editor Philip Weiss headlined “Defense of separation wall = Prize for service to humanity.”  Continue reading “Israel’s Racist Of The Year Award”

The Blaze – by Jason Howerton

Mexican lawmakers will ask the U.S. Senate to create a registry of all commercialized firearms in border states, which includes California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. Mexico says it will make it easier to trace guns used in violent attacks.

The measure was reportedly approved on January 9 by Mexico’s Permanent Commission, a government entity that meets when Mexico’s Senate and the Chamber of Deputies is in recess. Gun owners in Arizona are calling the proposal “foolish” and an “invasion of privacy.” Continue reading “Why is Mexico Asking the US Senate for a Registry of Gun Owners?”

Rosemont Patch – by Mirna Alfonso

A man shot dead at a Folsom Boulevard business near Rosemont was trying to rob the store, according to the storekeeper who reportedly shot him Sunday, sheriff’s officials said.

Investigators called to 8975 Folsom Blvd. about 3 p.m. found a man dead inside a business, reportedly shot by a storekeeper while trying to rob the place, said Sacramento County sheriff’s Sgt. Jason Ramos. Continue reading “Suspect Shot During Alleged Folsom Boulevard Robbery”

Seattle Times – by Danny Westneat

One of the major gun-control efforts in Olympia this session calls for the sheriff to inspect the homes of assault-weapon owners. The bill’s backers say that was a mistake.

Forget police drones flying over your house. How about police coming inside, once a year, to have a look around?

As Orwellian as that sounds, it isn’t hypothetical. The notion of police home inspections was introduced in a bill last week in Olympia. Continue reading “Misstep in gun bill could defeat the effort”

Back in March of 2010, in reference to Obamacare, Nancy Pelosi said, “We have to pass the bill so that we can find out what is in it away from the fog of controversy.”  A red flag if ever one has popped up and every thinking American across the country shouted out in unison, “No, we do not want it.  We do not want to find out what’s in it.”

In short, the majority of Americans never wanted the socialist Obamacare.  Just like today, the majority of Americans oppose gun control and amnesty for the illegals.  Then, just like now, it matters not what the American people want as we are no longer considered the authority, no longer the rulers but rather the ruled.  And as promised by Pelosi, we are finding out what Obamacare is.  Continue reading “All’s Fair in Obamacare”

The Pentagon is creating the Distinguished Warfare Medal to recognize UAV pilots.Air Force Times – by Andrew Tilghman

The Pentagon sparked an uproar among troops and veterans when it revealed that a new high-level medal honoring drone pilots will rank above some traditional combat valor medals in the military’s “order of precedence.”

The Distinguished Warfare Medal will be awarded to pilots of unmanned aircraft, offensive cyberwar experts or others who are directly involved in combat operations, but who are not physically in theater and facing the physical risks that warfare historically entails. Continue reading “New high-tech warfare medal draws backlash”

The Captain’s Journal – by Herschel Smith

Bob Owens discusses the fact that a growing number of companies are refusing to do business with New York and other states over unconstitutional gun laws.  More specifically, if a citizen cannot have a particular weapon, then law enforcement doesn’t get it either.

Mountain Guerrilla also weighs in with some direct contact e-mail addresses with the gun companies.  I also have some (one for Rock River Arms), and I intend to send notes around on this issue. Continue reading “Gun Companies Holding The States Accountable”

The American Thinker – by Daren Jonescu

If your church’s new pastor had a long and well-known history of atheism, contradicting church doctrine, or fire-bombing churches, would you trust him to serve the church community in good faith, and to do everything in his power to uphold the church’s principles and practices?  More to the point, would you continue to attend that church, and to take your children there?

If people dedicated to the complete destruction of the United States as a constitutional republic became power-players in the public school establishment, would you expect them to build an education system that fostered and preserved the tenets of republican citizenship as understood by America’s founders?  Would you continue to support the public schools, and send your children there? Continue reading “Total Destruction of the U.S.: An Interview with Larry Grathwohl”

toy gunInfowars – by Steve Watson

A ten year old Virginia boy who was arrested earlier this month for taking a plastic toy gun to school is facing a potentially permanent criminal record over the incident.

The boy, who remains unnamed by the media, hit headlines after Douglas MacArthur Elementary School officials searched his bag and found an orange tipped plastic toy gun, following complaints from parents who said their children had seen the boy playing with the fake firearm on the school bus. Continue reading “Ten Year Old Arrested For Toy Gun Has Probation Officer, Lawyers And Second Court Date”

bloombergChicago Now – by Dennis Byrne

Buying the election, that’s what. You’d think that Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr.’s south suburban and Kankakee district has become a New York City borough from the way that New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is spreading around campaign contributions there.

Reports Huff Post Politics: Continue reading “What’s New York Mayor Bloomberg’s millions doing in the election to replace Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr.?”

bank of americaAg Beat- by Destiny Bennett

Bank of America and the NY Fed

Most people have their own thoughts on what started the recession in 2008, but there’s a general acknowledgement that banks and mortgage lenders were responsible for a large part of it. Under-qualified home buyers were being granted mortgages that they ultimately weren’t able to pay back, causing a huge crash that crippled the economy. Many companies decided to retaliate and seek lawsuits against big banks, thinking they would have a strong case. But as AIG recently found out, the government sided with the lenders, ultimately granting a bailout and dismissing one from a great deal of liability. Continue reading “Bank of America secretly bailed out by Federal Reserve”

Before It’s News – by youngneill

Surveillance abuse, believe that the New World Order, is being implemented by the cult of intelligence at the core of the surveillance-industrial complex through mass surveillance and the use of Social Security numbers, the bar-coding of retail goods with Universal Product Code markings, and, most recently, RFID tagging via microchip implants, But what about 2 BILLION SOCIAL MEDIA USERS? Continue reading “N.W.O.: Facebook Twitter And Google When They Merge”

TRACKING ’EM: The city, fearing liability following splashy front-page subway-shove tragedies — like those involving suspects Erika Menendez (above) and Naeem Davis — is looking to get the mentally ill off the streets.


The city is making a major push to sweep the streets of dangerous, mentally ill New Yorkers — and has even compiled a most-wanted list, The Post has learned.

The measure follows a pair of high-profile subway-shove fatalities from December allegedly involving mentally ill individuals.

The city has already drawn up a list of 25 targets, sources said. Continue reading “Scoop the nuts – Mentally ill roundup plan after train pushes”

Director Blue – by Gary Marbut, President of the Montana Shooting Sports Association

I want to inform you about what I think is the most serious threat to our right to Keep and Bear Arms in the U.S. today, much more serious and real than anything Obama or Senator Dianne Feinstein can hope to get through Congress…

Without ammunition, ammunition components, and especially smokeless powder, our firearms are just awkward and expensive clubs – of no real use. Continue reading “The Most Serious Threat to Our Right to Keep and Bear Arms [Gary Marbut]”

obama_shoots_gunWND – by Jack Minor

DENVER – With some arm-twisting by Vice President Joe Biden, the Obama administration has pressured Democratic lawmakers in gun-friendly Colorado to “fall on their swords” and pass restrictions on firearms it hopes will be a model for the nation, a state lawmaker contends.

While much attention has been focused on President Obama’s calls for federal legislation establishing universal background checks and a ban on assault weapons, the administration is working hard at the state level. Continue reading “Gun Background Check Nightmare in Colorado”

US President Barack Obama addressing the influential Israeli lobby AIPAC. (File photo)Press TV

US President Barack Obama addressing the influential Israeli lobby AIPAC. (File photo)

A political analyst says the ongoing US-led “war on terror” is a policy imposed by Israel on the United States.

“In fact, the whole “war on terror” – in reality, a war on Islam – is an Israeli fabrication,” Kevin Barrett wrote in a column for Press TV. Continue reading “War on terror, an Israeli fabrication”

assault rifleSedona Cyber Link – In The Political Ring with Tommy Acosta

This is the question CNN’s Piers Morgan keeps asking over and over again but no one gives him a satisfactory answer.

The reason for this is the question requires two distinct answers because it’s really two questions in one.

There is the “need” a person has to possess such a weapon; the desire to own one that is. Continue reading “Why does a person need an AR15 Anyway?”