Obama ChristEnd of the American Dream – by Michael

If there is one country in the world that you would not want to live in, it would be North Korea.  Unfortunately, the United States of America is becoming more like North Korea with each passing day.

North Korea is a totalitarian police state hellhole where the state rules supreme, the “leader” is lavishly worshipped, no dissent is tolerated, and the government micromanages everything.  Continue reading “22 Signs That Barack Obama Is Transforming America Into A Larger Version Of North Korea”

ahmadinejad32WND – by REZA KAHLILI

Sixteen North Koreans, including 14 technicians and two top military officers, are among those trapped after a Jan. 21 explosion destroyed much of Iran’s Fordow nuclear site, a source reveals.

The source who provided the initial information on the explosion at Fordow has now provided details of the explosion and the degree of the destruction at one of Iran’s most important nuclear sites. Continue reading “New Details Surface On Iran Nuclear Explosion”

International Man – by Jeff Thomas

During the Cold War, Germany moved much of its gold to New York in case the USSR invaded Germany. It was assumed at that time that the US would be a safer storage location, and of course, they could always ask to have it returned if they wished.

But German citizens have become increasingly worried about the security of the 1,536 tonnes of German gold reputedly held at the Federal Reserve in New York. This has resulted in the Bundesbank pursuing repatriation of the gold, beginning with a request to view it in the basement of the Federal Reserve Building, where it is claimed to reside. Continue reading “The Disappearing Gold”

marroccoYahoo News – by MARILYNN MARCHIONE | Associated Press

On Facebook, he describes himself as a “wounded warrior…very wounded.”

Brendan Marrocco was the first soldier to survive losing all four limbs in the Iraq War, and doctors revealed Monday that he’s received a double-arm transplant.

Those new arms “already move a little,” he tweeted a month after the operation. Continue reading “Soldier who lost 4 limbs has double-arm transplant”

Iran Denies Blast At Nuclear Plant, Israel Inisists It Happened, But Denies InvolvementInternational Business Times – by Maya Shwayder

Talk about a case of the Mondays.

Iran spent their Monday morning vigorously denying claims of an explosion at the Fordow uranium enrichment site in the south of the country, near the city of Qom. The IRNA news agency on Sunday said that the “West [sic] propaganda machine” was claiming that “’an explosion deep within Iran’s Fordow nuclear facility has destroyed much of the installation and trapped about 240 personnel deep underground.’” Continue reading “Iran Denies Blast At Nuclear Plant, Israel Inisists It Happened, But Denies Involvement”

russia goldReuters

DAVOS, Jan 24 (Reuters) – The Russian central bank will continue to buy gold as it seeks to diversify its foreign reserves away from paper assets it views as risky, First Deputy Chairman Alexei Ulyukayev said on Thursday.

The Bank of Russia has built up the world’s fourth-largest foreign reserves, worth $530 billion, by buying oil export dollars to keep the rouble competitive. The hoard includes two rainy-day budget funds that guard against fiscal shocks. Continue reading “Russia c.bank to keep buying gold – Ulyukayev”

Anti-War – by Jason Ditz

Unconfirmed reports floating around multiple outlets have a major sabotage bombing taking place at Iran’s Fordow enrichment facility, the underground uranium enrichment site outside of Qom.

The stories say that the bombing happened Monday morning, and incredibly hasn’t been even touched on by any more reputable outlets, let alone the Iranian press, nearly a week later. 240 workers are said to be trapped, and Iran reportedly closed several roads, including the bridge between Qom and Tehran. None of these reports are confirmed either. Continue reading “Unconfirmed Reports of Major Sabotage Attack on Iran’s Fordow Facility”

PAUL EISENBefore It’s News

Excerpt: Holocaust Denier

It’s always worth defining your terms. Not that it does that much good – the inquisitors will see what they want to see and claim what they want to claim. But for the record here’s what I do and do not question. First, what I do not question:

I do not question that the National Socialist regime brutally persecuted Jews.

I do not question that Jews in Germany were discriminated against, violently assaulted, dispossessed, imprisoned in camps and expelled and that many Jews died as a result. Continue reading “Why I Call Myself a Holocaust Denier by Paul Eisen”

illegals marchingBefore It’s News – by Frosty Wooldridge

The American people rejected a full-out amnesty in 2007.  Eight U.S. Senators conspired in secret meetings in the last week to bring back the exact same amnesty for an estimated 20 million illegal aliens now working and living in the United States.

What does it mean?  How will it affect America’s poor and the taxpayer?  What will be the final outcome? Continue reading “What Americans Can Expect From Forthcoming Immigration Amnesty”

obamaFreedom Outpost – by Leon Puissegur

Today our nation is facing perhaps the most critical situation it has faced since 1776 when our nation declared our Independence! Our very Constitution is being attacked by a man who has taken an oath of office to, “…preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States,” and also by those who have taken an oath to “support and defend” that same Constitution. Yet, some elected representatives find it in their best interest to refuse to honor their Oath of Office. We, the people, had sent these senators and representatives to their office with the idea that they would be trusted with our Constitution. But instead, they betray the very principles of their office. Some lay claim that this is an act of treason. With this in mind, let us look at just what treason is defined as. Continue reading “None Dare Call It… Treason”

breastfeedingHuffington Post

LOS ANGELES — Los Angeles County is planning a crackdown on makeshift maternity wards where mothers from other countries stay while giving birth so their children will be U.S. citizens.

The county has received 60 complaints about such facilities in the past month, according to a report by the Planning Department submitted to the Board of Supervisors, the Los Angeles Times (http://lat.ms/WjcRMg) reported Sunday. Continue reading “Birthing Hotels Spark Crackdown In Los Angeles County”

Charles Schumer, Lindsey GrahamHuffington Post

WASHINGTON — A bipartisan working group in the Senate will publicly unveil its immigration reform framework on Monday. The text, though, is already out, in a five-page document that lays out basic principles for reform.

Read the full text below. Continue reading “Immigration Reform Framework Includes Citizenship, Drones, Dreamers”

messina_bloombergPolitico – by Maggie Haberman

Jim Messina, President Barack Obama’s campaign manager, who will chair the relaunched, tax-exempt version called Organizing for Action, visited New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s office at City Hall last week to coordinate the fight for gun control legislation, POLITICO has learned.

Aides to Bloomberg, one of the faces of gun control nationally, had already been working with Vice President Joe Biden’s task force on a gun control bill before it was recently unveiled. Continue reading “Jim Messina to Mayor Bloomberg’s office to talk guns”

ar15Daily Caller – by Jorge Amselle

Sadly, so called “assault rifles” are getting a lot of negative press lately and are being subjected to a great deal of misinformation. This is not just coming from the usual anti-gun crowd, whom one would expect to lack knowledge about firearms and how they function, but also from supposedly knowledgeable gun owners and hunters, some of whom favor “reasonable” controls on firearms freedoms. Here are a few of the fallacies.

Why do you need that? Continue reading “The AR-15, you don’t need one and they are too dangerous to own”

bloomieDaily Caller – by Caroline May

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg had his eyes less on the evils of guns and big gulps at a Christmas party last month than on the assets of a female party guest.

In a New York Magazine profile of New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, author Jonathan Van Meter recalls how in researching Quinn’s prospects as a candidate for mayor at “a Christmas party for the rich,” he was introduced to Mayor Michael Bloomberg who subsequently ignored praise for his gun-control advocacy to instead admire a woman’s backside. Continue reading “Mayor Bloomberg: ‘Look at the ass on her’”

lansdowneBreitbart – by AWR HAWKINS

Lansdowne has gone on record saying: “I could not be more supportive of the president for taking the position he has. I think it’s courageous with the politics involved in this process. [And] I think it’s going to eventually make the country safer.”

He made it clear that it may take “a generation,” but new laws could eventually take all guns off the streets. Continue reading “San Diego Police Chief: We Can Disarm Americans Within a Generation”

ray kellyNew York Post – by Raymond Kelly

While assault rifles serve no legitimate hunting purpose, and their ban would be a welcome advance after the Newtown slaughter, illegal handguns remain the weapon of choice for killers and other criminals in New York City.

Ninety percent, or 2,493, of the 2,779 illegal firearms seized from suspects in arrests in the city last year were handguns.

By contrast, a total of 77 assault weapons were seized in arrests in the city, less than 3 percent of the total. Continue reading “Ray Kelly: Scourge of NYC’s streets”