latest3dBefore It’s News – by Live Free or Die

Image left is a live meteor detection chart for January 28th, 2013 around midnight. EST.

From Virginia to Ohio, people are reporting sightings of fireballs and meteors shooting across the sky Sunday night around 9:30 pm Eastern time. Hundreds of reports of spectacular fireballs have rushed into news stations across the Eastern half of the United States in many states while reports to the American meteor society are making many people wonder whether or not what they witnessed in the sky was a fireball or meteor afterall. From WSET in Virginia: Continue reading “‘Fireballs’ Light Up Skies From Virginia To Ohio To New York”


PANDA Wyoming announces the introduction of HB 114, the Wyoming Liberty Preservation Act, and issues a call to action to ensure it passes committee. 

On December 31st, 2011, President Barack Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012, containing provisions which authorized the indefinite detention, extraordinary rendition (and assassination) of anyone around the world without charge or trial. This law marked one of the darkest eras in American history, declaring the United States a battlefield and legally subject to the laws of war. Continue reading “Wyoming to Battle NDAA indefinite detention on Tuesday”

burning barrelSurvival Blog – by James Wesley, Rawles

This is a standing invitation to my fellow Americans: If congress ever enacts a law mandating the registration and/or a production ban of detachable magazine semiautomatic rifles then you are hereby invited to the town square of your local community. There, burn barrels will be set up and we will publicly burn Form 4473s, FFL Bound Books, state and local registration records, and the sales receipts for every firearm in the United States. On that same day, FFL holders and public officials holding electronic firearms records will simultaneously erase those records, permanently and irretrievably. (Using special file erasure software such as Blancco,X-Ways, and Stellar Wipe, or though the physical destruction of disk drives.) Continue reading “Nunc Pro Tunc: The Coming Day of Burn Barrels and Blessings”

teachers-trained-concealed-weaponsAOL – by David Schepp

North Carolina public-school employee Michelle Fish can’t take a gun to school. But that didn’t stop the 42-year-old elementary school librarian from recently participating in a daylong seminar on how to handle and carry a gun.

Fish was one of a dozen or so educators in the Tar Heel State who attended the free firearms training course at Triangle Krav Maga combat center in Cary, just west of the capital, Raleigh. Continue reading “Teachers And Guns: An Educator Explains Why She Learned To Shoot”

cop blockCop Block – by William Steinberg

On the afternoon of October 2, 2006 my close friend of 20 years James Woodson was standing in the courtyard of his apartment building talking to his wife of 6 months, Pena. He had just gotten home from work, had gotten his mail and was lingering by the pool which was surrounded on three sides by a two story apartment building with the fourth side being open to the street. Fifteen witnesses in the apartment and on the street heard the gunshot and smelled gun smoke. Woodson fell instantly and was unresponsive, though in the panic the .38 caliber bullet wound in the left center of his back went unnoticed until he arrived at the hospital 20 minutes later, where he was pronounced dead. Continue reading “Cops covering cops who commit murder”

netanyahuHaaretz Daily Newspaper – by DPA

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday accused Iran of planning another “Holocaust,” as the world marked International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

“Holocaust denial is continued energetically by a central state in the world,” he told his cabinet in Jerusalem.

“Not by groups. Not by single individuals. Not by marginal elements. But by Iran, whose leaders on a daily basis and at the United Nations and any other platform deny that the Holocaust occurred, while at the same time they prepare what they believe will be an additional Holocaust: The destruction of the Jewish state.” Continue reading “Netanyahu: Iran preparing for another Holocaust”

Homeland Security Chief Napolitano Discusses Newtown ShootingsThe Blaze – by Jason Howerton

The Department of Homeland Security is seeking to acquire 7,000 5.56x45mm NATO “personal defense weapons” (PDW) — also known as “assault weapons” when owned by civilians. The solicitation, originally posted on June 7, 2012, comes to light as the Obama administration is calling for a ban on semi-automatic rifles and high capacity magazines.

Citing a General Service Administration (GSA) request for proposal (RFP), Steve McGough of reports that DHS is asking for the 7,000 “select-fire” firearms because they are “suitable for personal defense use in close quarters.” The term select-fire means the weapon can be both semi-automatic and automatic. Civilians are prohibited from obtaining these kinds of weapons. Continue reading “If ‘Assault Weapons’ are bad, Why does DHS want to buy 7000 of them for ‘Personal Defense’”

commie marchThe communists began their new campaign for gun confiscation yesterday, assembling at the Washington Mall for a silent march down Constitution Avenue.  How ironic.  Of course this so called protest was sanctioned by the soviet insurgent government.  No billy clubs and tear gas for these traitors and only positive coverage in the mainstream propaganda machine.

Imagine a march centered on a desire to diminish our 2nd Amendment.  The United States is a Republic and our people’s Bill of Rights absolutely cannot be altered by anyone within any of the three branches of government, as our Bill of Rights represents our power as individuals.  Our rights are inalienable and hence the power they represent is absolute without exception or infringement.  Continue reading “Communists Converge on Washington Mall for Gun Confiscation”

birth tourismGulf News Weekend Review – by Cindy Chang

Companies operating ‘maternity hotels’ cater to pregnant women from Chinese-speaking nations who want an American-citizen newborn.

USA Baby Care’s website makes no attempt to hide why the company’s clients travel to Southern California from China and Taiwan. It is to give birth to an American baby. “Congratulations! Arriving in the US means you’ve already given your child a surefire ticket for winning the race,” the site says in Chinese. “We guarantee that each baby can obtain a US passport and related documents.” Continue reading “LA’s cottage industry of birth tourism”

bill-ayersMoonbattery – by Dave Blount

Another reminder that the most radical excesses of the acid-crazed flower child era are now effectively mainstream:

Left-wing ’60s radical and onetime domestic terrorist Bill Ayers will be a keynote speaker at the Association of Teacher Educators annual conference in Atlanta next month. Continue reading “Keynote Speaker for Association of Teacher Educators: Bill Ayers”

ar15Before It’s News- by Alton Parish

As the gun control debate continues, Kevin D. Bradford, an associate professional specialist in marketing at the University of Notre Dame’s Mendoza College of Business, says the focus should be on those who distribute guns, not solely on those who buy them.

Bradford and a team of researchers conducted a first-of-its-kind study on the ways guns move from legal channels into the hands of criminals. In “Counter-marketing in the Courts: The Case of Marketing Channels and Firearms Diversion, published in the Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, they examined 28 thousand pages of court documents, looking at what kinds of guns were used in violent crimes and what kinds of safeguards specific gun manufacturers had in place for distribution. Continue reading “Gun Control: Focus On Manufacturers, Not Just Buyers, Study Shows”

Dianne FeinsteinIndyBay California – by Forest Glen Durland, Peter Byrne And Others, published Dec 2nd, 2011

Time for the 79 year old insider trader, China connected traitor, hawkish Dianne Feinstein who funneled over 1 billion in military contracts illegally to her husband Richard Blum to resign. She and her husband with Barbara Boxer’s help sold San Diego ports to Cosco. Her husband was part of the pressure network which caused police to bust up Occupy in Oakland and San Francisco. Continue reading “Insider Trader, War Profiteer, Chinese Company Invested Dianne Feinstein”

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

Has America been invaded by hostile forces? If not, then what are ‘they’ preparing for? The streets and skies of Miami turned into what sounded like an Iraqi war zone or the streets of Chicago as the eternal, global war on terror gave Miami residents a sense of what it might sound like to live in Afghanistan as machine gun fire (blanks) filled the air and black hawk helicopters filled the midnight skies.

Are there THAT MANY terrorists now in America that they’re preparing for? A recent police, emergency management and National Guard drill in Ohio targeted ‘disgruntled 2nd Amendment advocates’ upset about the governments ‘new interpretation’ of the 2nd Amendment as ‘terrorists’. Does this Miami ‘martial law’ drill have the same targets in mind or are they ‘just’ preparing for economic collapse?  Continue reading “Miami Martial Law Drill: Machine Gun Fire & Black Hawk Helicopters Invade Miami Skyline”

come-and-take-itMoonbattery – by Dave Blount

Despite the disgrace in the White House, this is still America. In a wide-ranging Fox News poll of 1,000 registered voters, 52% reported having a gun in the home. When asked, “If the government passed a law to take your guns, would you give up your guns or defy the law and keep your guns?” 65% of them said they would defy the law.

True, there are tens of millions of people who have rotted to the point of voting for Obama even after four years of watching his extreme unsuitability for the office on display. But there are also tens of millions who are still Americans, and who won’t go down quietly once awakened. Continue reading “Most Gun Owners Would Defy Confiscation”

gray stateActivist Post – by Michael T. Winter

In answer to the question posed in the title of this piece, this writer does not have a definitive answer one way or the other. There are, however, several aspects of this trailer that point to this being a psy-op. If you are on a website that would post this article, then there is very good chance you’ve seen the trailer for the movie Gray State as seen below.  Continue reading “Is “Gray State” a Psy-Op?”

gun registrationWND – by Patrice Lewis

“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.” – Unknown

In the spirit of never letting a crisis go to waste, President Obama recently issued 23 new executive orders on the subject of gun control in the wake of the Sandy Hook shootings. “Liberals have an uncanny knack for designing solutions that do not address the problem at hand,” noted David Limbaugh. And as William S. Burrough famously said, “After a shooting spree, they always want to take the guns away from the people who didn’t do it.” Continue reading “Beware Gun Registation – It’s Coming”

sodaAlterNet – by Scott Thill

According to a Swedish study from Lund University recently published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, it takes a single daily can of soda to increase a man’s  risk of prostate cancer by 40 percent, compared to a man who never touches the stuff.

So where is the public outcry warning Americans, who are always in search of newer and better drugs anyway, off these lucrative yet carcinogenic vehicles for addictive substances like caffeine, sugar and perhaps worse? They are likely hiding, at least for now, from an industry loathe to let cold-hearted science and much-needed reason lead the way. Continue reading “Say It Ain’t So — A Can of Soda a Day Can Increase the Risk of Cancer for Men by 40 Percent?”