Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

An absolutely disgusting petition to ban the 1st Amendment has surfaced upon the White House website. These Zio-Commu-Nazi’s will  stop at nothing to destroy America and Liberty. Whether one agrees with the Sandy Hook conspiracy theories or not, the right to express your opinion that Sandy Hook was indeed a hoax perpetuated by the US Govt to institute gun control is completely protected by the 1st Amendment. If these people have their way, it no longer will be.
Continue reading “WH Petition To Ban 1st Amendment: The Right To Question The Media & State To Be Eliminated?”

The alleged slaughter that is claimed to have taken place at the Sandy Hook elementary school didn’t exactly catch me by surprise, because I was expecting an event like that to pop-up somewhere. The shootings at the Batman movie didn’t have the desired effect, so naturally, they were forced to try again, and since this one didn’t work out too well either, you should probably expect another mass shooting event within a few weeks.

My suspicions were confirmed as soon as the story started changing everyday, because I don’t believe that an army of detectives can examine a crime scene and be so utterly confused regarding what transpired there, but unfortunately, the TV-viewing pubic has been conditioned to believe whatever they’re told without question.
Continue reading “Shady Sandy Hookers”

Press TV

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s removal from power is not part of past international agreements and is “impossible” to implement.

“This is a precondition that is not contained in the Geneva Declaration (agreed by world powers in June 2012) and which is impossible to implement because it does not depend on anyone,” Lavrov said on Sunday.
Continue reading “Russian FM says Assad removal ‘impossible’”

Wake Up America – by Susan Duclos

With conflicting accounts as to whether Wal-Mart is putting off the restocking of ammunition after their meetings with the Obama administration and many local gun and ammo suppliers simply running out of ammunition after a massive surge in sales, it seemed prudent to gather a few sources for ammunition from online suppliers.
Continue reading “Online Ammo Suppliers”

Never let a good crisis go to waste – the Cuomo solution:

“To combat the spread of disease, Cuomo has authorized pharmacists to vaccinate children as young as six months for the next 4 weeks. Usually, drug store staff can only give shots to adults.” Six months old??? Sick POS bastard. Soon.
Continue reading “NY declares public health emergency due to flu epidemic”

BBC News

A driver who has schizophrenia rammed a police car during a chase across Exeter to escape from aliens, a court heard.

Police were alerted to Brett Webber’s bizarre driving after he almost knocked a motorcyclist off his bike in the city centre last January.

Exeter Crown Court was told the 48-year-old, of Venny Bridge, Exeter, believed aliens “were out to kill him”.
Continue reading “Exeter car chase driver was ‘escaping aliens’”

Steve Quayle Alerts

Full Commie Takeover of U.S. Underway

I’ve read various postings on message boards claiming local Wal-Mart managers told customers they are no longer permitted to reorder ammo inventory. I can confirm this is true. I went to Wal-Mart today in our town to buy ammo. The case was almost empty. I asked the store manager when new supplies will arrive. He said, “Corporate headquarters notified all local managers that we can not order any more ammo until further notice.”
Continue reading “Wal-Mart Forbidden by Corporate to Reorder Ammo for Sale to Public”

With the failure of the propagandists to deceive the American public in reference to the effects of guns on violent crime, they are indicating a new direction toward confiscation.  From the Alex Jones rant to the YouTube video with James Yeager in a fit of madness threatening to start murdering upon passage of confiscation laws, there is a clear shift of emphasis from the danger of the weapon to the danger of the person wielding it.  The argument being put forth from the psychiatric angle is as flawed as the argument that says that the guns are the problem, in fact to the point of suggesting thought control as an angle of attack.

As every mass shooter has been under the influence of mind altering, commie psychiatrist prescribed drugs, the question must be addressed.  Were the drugs a consequence of a psychosis or is the psychosis a consequence of the drug?
Continue reading “Gun Safety via Mind Control”

The Tenth Amendment Center – by William Kennedy

Indiana State Senator Jim Banks has introduced a bill that would prohibit detainment of citizens under federal defense act (NDAA) in the state.

SB 400 would amend the Indiana Code concerning state and local administration. The text of the bill simply states:

“Prohibits specified individuals and entities in Indiana from aiding an agency of the armed forces of the United States in the investigation, prosecution, or detention of a person under a provision of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) or similar law providing for indefinite detention.”
Continue reading “Indiana Bill Would Nullify NDAA “Indefinite Detention””

American Free Press – by Paul Craig Roberts

In the Western world, truth no longer has any meaning. In its place stands agenda. Agenda is all important, because it is the way Washington achieves hegemony over the world and the American people. Sept. 11 was the “new Pearl Harbor” that the neoconservatives declared to be necessary for their planned wars against Muslim countries. For the neoconservatives to go forward with their agenda, it was necessary for Americans to be connected to the agenda.
Continue reading “Mainstream Media, Government Ensure Agenda Trumps The Truth”


WASHINGTON – Officials with the conservative group Americans for Legal Immigration are challenging CNN to take Piers Morgan off the air after a controversial debate on gun control with’s Alex Jones.

Jones has been just one of those Morgan has brought on the air over gun control in recent days.
Continue reading “CNN’s Piers Morgan to be taken off the air?”

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

In Reddit co-founder Aaron Swartz’s last blog entry, he titled his final story What Happens in The Dark Knight, before he committed suicide. His final sentence from the main blog entry? ”Out of options, it’s no wonder the series ends with his staged suicide.” Many people also give credit to Aaron Swartz for ‘single handedly’ stopping SOPA. Does anyone else get the feeling this is turning into another ‘conspiracy theory’? From his last blog entry.:
Continue reading “Computer Genius Wrote Of ‘Dark Knight’, Staged Suicide In His Last Blog Entry Before Committing Suicide”


Charlotte, NC –-(  The Internet has had an immeasurable impact on how we communicate.

That has included how goods and services are advertised and made available to consumers.

For gun owners, it has meant more easily available information about firearms and accessories, but unlike almost all other products and contrary to claims made by anti-gun politicians, how firearms are bought and sold has not changed.
Continue reading “The Truth About ‘Internet’ Gun Sales”

Wiz Bang – by Warner Todd Huston

In December, a Milwaukee man attempted to rob a corner market only to be stopped by a female store clerk with a firearm.

The incident, which occurred on December 14, was caught on surveillance video and shows a white man pulling a knife on a female clerk as she began to ring him up for a small purchase.
Continue reading “Woman Pulls Gun on Knife Wielding Attacker”


Houston, Tx –-( A proposal to existing Wyoming law is causing a stir in Texas.

HB 104 is an amendment to a tenuous existing Wyoming law which is currently being decided in the courts.

HB104 says “AN ACT relating to firearms; providing that any federal law which attempts to ban a semi-automatic firearm or to limit the size of a magazine of a firearm or other limitation on firearms in this state shall be unenforceable in Wyoming; providing a penalty; and providing for an effective date.”

Continue reading “Stopping Federal Anti-Gun Law at the State Level”

Daily Mail – by Harriet Arkell

When police in Minority Report predicted who would commit crimes and stopped them before they did it, it was considered so futuristic, the film was set in 2054.

Now, however, law enforcers in two American states are using crime-prediction software to predict which freed prisoners are most likely to commit murder, and supervising them accordingly.

Instead of relying on parole officers to decide how much supervision inmates will need on the outside by looking at their records, the new system uses a computer algorithm to decide for them.
Continue reading “Minority Report has arrived: Maryland and Pennsylvania using computers to predict future crimes”