NEW YORK — Mental health experts say a new tougher New York state gun control law might interfere with treatment of potentially dangerous people and even discourage them from seeking help.

The law would require therapists, doctors, nurses and social workers to tell government authorities if they believe a patient is likely to harm himself or others. That could lead to revoking the patient’s gun permit and seizing any guns.
Continue reading “Mental Health Experts Worry New York Gun Laws May Discourage Proper Treatment”

The Lone Star Watchdog – by The Watchdog

One thing I see with tyrants. They play dirty and do not have any rules. The end justifies the means, whether it is by hook or by crook. They will cut throats to get what they want. These people have no honor or any guiding principles. These despots believe in the raw use of force to achieve their agenda.

Here are the dirty tricks they will use to confiscate guns:
Continue reading “Three Dirty Tricks The Government Will Try to Use to Confiscate the Guns”

LA Times – by Tina Susman

New York police plan to distribute “bait bottles” of fake pain-killers equipped with invisible GPS devices in a drive to combat the scourge of pharmacy robberies by addicts and sellers looking for oxycodone tablets, which can fetch more than $80 per pill on the street.

New York Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly announced the novel approach at the 2013 Clinton Health Matters Conference in La Quinta on Tuesday, saying his city’s cases of  oxycodone-related crime have included a retired police officer who resorted to robbing pharmacies to satisfy his craving for the highly addictive narcotic.
Continue reading “NYPD to try GPS in ‘bait bottles’ to track drug thieves”

The alleged parents of the alleged Sandy Hook shooting victims came forth yesterday, front and center within the mainstream propaganda machine to declare what they want the rest of this nation to give up as a result of their alleged tragedy:  Universal background checks, and who could be against this?  Well, I for one can, as I understand that registration is a step in the procedure for confiscation.

Not that I believe anything in reference to Sandy Hook or that Adam Lanza killed anyone, but those guns were registered and there had been a background check.
Continue reading “The Communists are in Fear of What They have Unleashed”

BidenGun Owners of America

— Up to 50-80% of all guns in circulation could be covered

Press reports now make it clear what Vice President Joe Biden’s gun control package will look like. Biden wants to impose:

* A Feinstein-like semi-auto ban which, according to experts who have done the counting, could ban up to 50% of all long guns currently in circulation and up to 80% of all handguns. Incidentally, if you wanted to keep the AR-15 you currently have, you would have to have a 6-month FBI background check, be fingerprinted, and get a machine gun-type license.
Continue reading “Biden Proposals Include Framework for Gun Registry and Confiscation”

WND – by Joseph Farah

Maybe you’re one of those people who doesn’t think you’ll ever need a gun – or want one.

After all, all one has to do in 21st century America is call 911 when you’re faced with danger, right?

The first time I realized I needed a gun was as a young man living in a nice section of Los Angeles. It was not the kind of neighborhood in which one expected to experience a home invasion. Yet, one night, that’s what I was faced with. It started with a knock on the door – a very solid, wooden door with only a peephole that permitted me to check out the visitor.
Continue reading “Who Need Guns? Just Call 911”

Before It’s News – by Russia Today

Meanwhile Israel is hosting what’s being called the largest ever multi-national air force exercise – with more than a hundred fighter planes taking part.
Continue reading “Huge Israeli Anti-Iran War Games Feature Largest Multi-National Air Force Exercise Ever”

If this is true we don’t have long before outright collapse, this is why they are pushing so hard to get the guns.

The Germans know the gold isn’t there as it’s probably sitting in a Rothschild vault somewhere in Israel probably.

Derivatives are nothing, they can manipulate the numbers to keep the confidence game going. 

The can’t digitally create gold, and you know the Germans are going to test every bar at the first sight of a tungsten filled fake.
Continue reading “It Begins: Bundesbank To Commence Repatriating Gold From New York Fed”

Huffington Post – by MICHAEL GORMLEY

ALBANY, N.Y. — A key New York Senate leader and the Assembly speaker said they expect the state Legislature to vote Monday to enact what would be the nation’s first gun control measure following last month’s Connecticut school shooting.

“I think when all is said and done, we are going to pass a comprehensive gun bill today,” Sen. Jeffrey Klein told reporters Monday morning. “I’m very excited about it. I am very confident we are going to vote on a comprehensive bill that will be agreed on by the governor, the Senate and Assembly.”
Continue reading “New York Gun Control: Cuomo, Legislative Leaders Reach Tentative Deal On Assault Weapons, Magazines”

The Intel Hub – by Shepard Ambellas

The proverbial hammer has now been dropped on the American people as a no holds barred event could ensue with millions of armed citizens and constitutionalists alike. President Obama has announced that he essentially intends to use executive order to enact gun control measures in America overriding the US Constitution and everything our country is founded on.

In Monday’s press conference Obama stated the following:
Continue reading “Obama Announces Possible Use of Executive Action to Ban Guns”

Syria’s President Assad is stating that he believes that he can maintain control of his country and defeat the insurgency and it is being said that Russia is backing that position, thus causing a rise in tensions between the US and Russia.  The question would be, if the United States is only interested in stopping the killing in Syria, does it matter how that goal is accomplished, especially considering the fact that Assad was supposed to be a US ally prior to the present conflict.

As we have said here at From the Trenches over and again, this entire Arab Spring was designed by the Zionists, both in the US and Israel, to destabilize the governments of the Middle East as this is the only way the Zionists could get past a forty year peace that has been stopping their further conquest of the region.

The agitation to facilitate the unrest was easy to accomplish because the governments of Egypt, Syria, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and literally every other country in the region other than Iran have been, for the past forty years, accepting US bribes to allow Zionist corporate infiltrators to rob the citizens of these various Middle Eastern and African countries’ of the lion’s share of their wealth.
Continue reading “Zionist Spring Offensive in the Middle East Probable”

The soviet socialists have put forth every suggestion as to what they might attempt in furthering their advance towards the disarmament of we American nationals and I don’t think they are liking our response.  The futility of lying about our numbers has become obvious as the mainstream propagandists are being forced to admit that the more talk there is of confiscation, the more we Americans are arming, equipping, and preparing to resist any further incursions upon our God given rights.

The speculation on what might be proposed ran completely wild last week and I believe this was the intent, as the goal has been to gauge our response to ascertain as to where we have drawn our line.  The fact is every assertion of gun control put forth by the communists is causing that line to be pushed forward by we American nationals to the point that we are not only forbidding any further acts of infringement, but indeed are demanding that all past infringements be removed.
Continue reading “Grab your Guns, Here come the Gun Grabbers”

The insurgent Obama and his communist cohorts are expected to introduce legislation to address the issue of illegal immigration.  And what will be proposed as a solution to the southern invasion?  Well, complete amnesty and citizenship, of course, thus sanctifying the soviet socialist insurgency from the south.  Think about what they are saying here.  How do we stop illegal immigration/invasion?  By sanctifying it through reward.

For the past three years now the controlled media has been saying the illegal insurgents from the south amount to 11 million.  In the first place how could anyone possibly know this number?  Illegals are not counted in the census and I am sure they are not counted as they are crossing our border.  To think that this number would remain unchanged over the past three years is ludicrous.
Continue reading “Americans Afraid to Surrender Firearms and Rightfully So”

Chron – by MICHAEL GORMLEY, Associated Press

ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — A key New York senator says he expects the New York Legislature to pass a “comprehensive” gun control bill Monday with the support of Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

It would be the nation’s first gun control measure following last month’s Connecticut school shooting.
Continue reading “NY Senate leader says he expects gun control bill”

Natural News – by Ethan A. Huff

An ongoing study out of Germany comparing disease rates among vaccinated and unvaccinated children points to a pretty clear disparity between the two groups as far as illness rates are concerned. As reported by the group Health Freedom Alliance, children who have been vaccinated according to official government schedules are up to five times more likely to contract a preventable disease than children who developed their own immune systems naturally without vaccines.
Continue reading “Survey: Vaccinated children five times more prone to disease than unvaccinated children”

Liberty for All – by Erich Pratt

The press is engaged in a furious feeding frenzy in the wake of the tragic shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. And talk show hosts like Piers Morgan have resorted to insulting their guests when they can’t counter their arguments. You’ll need to watch Morgan’s debate with GOA’s Executive Director to believe it. Time and again, the “old guard” media is demonstrating that it can’t shoot straight when it comes to reporting the news and is guilty of peddling several worn-out myths.
Continue reading “Debunking some popular media myths on guns”

Activist Post – by Brandon Turbeville

The recently shelved New Dietary Ingredient (NDI) draft guidelines proposed by the FDA has been the subject of much concern by natural health supplement manufacturers and consumers ever since the announcement was made by the agency in early 2011.

The guidelines, which were published in the Federal Register, would have clarified some definitions of terms, changed requirements for “new” supplement introduction and manufacture, and a host of other more minor, but important, tweaks in previous FDA policy.
Continue reading “Stealth Codex Alimentarius Regulations Postponed in US … For Now”

UT San Diego – by Kristina Davis, Pauline Repard and J. Harry Jones

SAN DIEGO — A Saturday afternoon at the movies was interrupted by gunfire when police shot an armed domestic violence suspect in a Carmel Mountain theater among startled patrons.

No one else was wounded in the 3:50 p.m. shooting at Reading Cinemas Carmel Mountain 12 on Carmel Mountain Road.

Continue reading “Police shoot suspect in movie theater”