Winter January 2010 and the treasonous Supreme Court of the United States of America ruled that there could be no limits to corporations spending on candidate elections. Confirming that we the people are subordinate to a variety of mega corporations such as the debt peddling Banking elite, the death peddling Military Industrial Complex, the vested interests of the Israeli Zionist regime, the poison peddling of Monsanto, Big Pharma, Oil etc. The People forever to be ruled by an evil and unemotional antichrist denied all freedom of speech, removed of the right to personal liberty and deprived of personal property.
Winter 2012 and the world is on hold waiting for the great Coming, not the promised Coming of the Savior or a Ron Paul but of the coming Great Reset from the almighty dollar collapse and with it all fiat currencies. It is early winter 2012 and poor Greece is destitute with 58% youth unemployment, a bank technocrat Government dictates the final days of a most unhappy Italy and the mighty economy of imperial Spain is rapidly imploding.
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