As the wounded US economy hangs on by a thread, the international insurgents within our government are launching an assault on one of our last pillars of industry.  The people of the United States hold claim to the largest coal reserves on the planet and this is one of the reasons our economy has not yet succumbed to total destruction.

New laws being implemented by the EPA should prove sufficient to destroy this last pillar and further facilitate the total rape of all of our natural resources.  These new EPA rules are designed to make the use of coal to produce energy in the United States economically unfeasible, and of course the legislation forbids the construction of any new plants that use coal as an energy source.
Continue reading “US Coal Heist and Chinese Fences”

We have seen a lot of interesting developments in the last 24 hours, Obama coming out and granting a blanket amnesty for his young insurgents, lawyers for Ron Paul taking over his campaign and saying they are going to prosecute the election fraud perpetrated by the GOP in the primaries and caucuses, while simultaneously the Russians have put boots on the ground in Syria.

It would seem the Clintonistas are caught up in a power struggle that is occurring within the Bilderberg cabal.  It is indeed grandstanding wherein the soviet socialists and the national socialists have each stepped up to proclaim that they are the ones to bring the American people of the American race to heel.  It appears that both factions are acting out of fear.
Continue reading “New World Order Failing on Every Front”

Press TV  In order to secure a new international trade agreement with Pacific nations, the Obama administration appears willing to grant foreign corporations the power to avoid U.S. laws.

This revelation came in the form of a leaked document posted online by Citizens Trade Campaign. The material came from negotiations to establish a Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade pact and its authenticity verified by Public Citizen.
Continue reading “Secret Obama trade agreement would allow foreign corporations to avoid US laws”

The Department of Homeland Security has just announced implementation of the Dream Act through presidential dictate.  DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano announced that “younger” illegal invaders will no longer be arrested but will instead be issued work visas that can be renewed every two years and into eternity.

The criteria to be met:  The felonious invaders must have arrived in the U.S. before age 16, are younger than 30, have been in the country for at least five continuous years, have no criminal history, graduated from a U.S. high school or earned a GED, or served in the military. This policy is said to affect some 800,000 illegals, which is a bogus figure and will turn out to be 8 million.
Continue reading “Janet Napolitano Enacts the Dream Act”

The Federal Reserve was created in 1913 in the middle of a depression and quickly brought the country out of the depression through World War I.  It is called massive spending and incurring massive debt to bolster a false economy.   Following World War I there was a series of depressions, including the so called Great Depression and this cycle was not broken until World War II, which as far as spending was concerned, made World War I look like a trip to McDonalds.

Of course the debt accumulated was just as ginormous.  In fact the debt was so huge it could not be paid.  We all know how compound interest works and when you are financing using a fiat debt dollar, there reaches a point when it is mathematically impossible to discharge a debt.  The truth is it has been mathematically impossible to discharge a debt from the creation of the first fiat dollar because of the interest attached.
Continue reading “A Full Proof Solution to Fix the World Economy”

The Daily Paul – by Real Paulitics   The lawyers for Ron Paul have announced they are taking over the Ron Paul campaign and they will challenge every single voter fraud claim this Whole election.

Romney rigged this election, & they claim they have proof.

Continue reading “Lawyers for Ron Paul make HUGE announcement! We are Uniting to Change the World with President Paul!”

We at From the Trenches identified Kentucky Senator Rand Paul as a neo-con national socialist right out the gate, and indeed Senator Paul should be considered the point man for the attempted hijacking of the Ron Paul Revolution.  Rand portrayed himself as a Constitutionalist in the beginning and then, little by little, he revealed his true core beliefs.

Rand Paul, you are a traitor to the Republic, our Constitution, and every American nationalist.  You have tried to portray yourself as a Christian when in your heart you have always been a disciple of evil.  One of the statements Dr. Ron Paul made during his campaign was that he would not put this depression further upon the backs of the poor.
Continue reading “Rand “Judas” Paul bares his Evil Soul”

Jamie Dimon, CEO for the banking cartel JP Morgan, is testifying before the Senate Banking Committee today to explain the loss of a couple billion dollars of other people’s money. This follows Attorney General Eric Holder’s testimony before a Congressional Committee yesterday investigating Operation Fast and Furious.

The mainstream propaganda outlets, CNN, MSNBC, and FOX News, are morphing in an effort to portray their so called reporting as reality TV.  They have ballet dancers, music artists, and authors mixed in with national and international crime syndicates and war correspondents.
Continue reading “Will Jamie Dimon or Eric Holder be Voted off the Island?”

Through surfacing evidence of the $32 trillion theft,  we can now see how our wealth has been taken as socialist tyranny is injected at the local levels – sidewalk chalk, fines for swearing, limits on cup sizes, no online privacy, seat belts for cats and dog.

Indiana legalizes the shooting of cops—The implications will be discussed on The Word from the Trenches at 12:00 pm Pacific time, 3:00 pm Eastern time, right here on From the Trenches World Report.

In the private sector job loss continues, more 401Ks are gone, and more houses are being foreclosed upon.  Of course the blame is being placed on the public sector, which is now seeing jobs cut and pension plans eliminated which will be followed by home foreclosures.  With the further loss of revenue in consumer spending there will be more job losses, ect. ect., in the private sector leading to decreasing tax revenues and calls for more cuts in the public sector.

Why can’t those still left in the middle class see these evident events occurring right in front of their eyes?  Why do they continue to cut one another’s throats to the benefit of the power elite?  In the world of supply and demand we now have about 10,000 individuals competing for every job still left in our economy.
Continue reading “Americans are the Losers in the Blame Game”

RT News  Hold onto your holsters, folks: shooting a cop dead is now legal in the state of Indiana.

Governor Mitch Daniels, a Republican, has authorized changes to a 2006 legislation that legalizes the use of deadly force on a public servant — including an officer of the law — in cases of “unlawful intrusion.” Proponents of both the Second and Fourth Amendments — those that allow for the ownership of firearms and the security against unlawful searches, respectively — are celebrating the update by saying it ensures that residents are protected from authorities that abuse the powers of the badge.
Continue reading “Indiana legalizes shooting cops”

All of America is anxiously awaiting the forthcoming ruling from the United states Supreme Court on the constitutional challenges to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act AKA Obamacare.  There have been mixed rulings on the issue in the lower federal courts, which have led to the eventuality of the Supreme Court.

The arguments in this case were heard by the court on March 26–28, 2012 but no decision was set to come down until the end of June.  So why is it taking so long to get a decision from the Supreme Court?  The merits of the question are really quite basic and as no “case law” from a lower court can be used in deciding a constitutional question, how could it possibly take this long?
Continue reading “Bilderbergers Decide Obamacare”

With last week’s announcement by Rand Paul indicating that he will support Mitt Romney for president, we in the patriot movement found that, though the mainstream propagandists are down to single digits in credibility, they can still find ways to sting us.  Anyone would have to admit that Rand Paul’s announcement on Sean Hannity’s program should go down in the annuls of history as one of the sleaziest political moves ever initiated.

The act was designed to enrage Ron Paul supporters and in that it failed.  Speaking for myself, I was more sickened than angered and found that placing the blame where it belonged was a difficulty in itself.  The question was, was I more nauseated by the prospective betrayal of the Paul supporters by Dr. Paul or the betrayal of Dr. Paul by his son?
Continue reading “Supporters of the Revolution Must Make Contingency Plans”

Attorney General Eric Holder was supposed to release thousands of documents to the Congressional Committee investigating Operation Gunrunner by Memorial Day or be held in Contempt of Congress.  Well that day has come and gone and in a new round of hearings last week, Attorney General Holder continued to hold up his middle finger in the faces of those making the inquiries.

If a police officer comes under investigation it is standard procedure that he or she is removed from their duties until the matter is resolved.  So why are those in the highest offices not held to this, the lowest of standards?  I believe a frightening precedence is being set.
Continue reading “Dogs, Cats, and the US Crime Cartel”

There have been 302 US drone strikes in Pakistan between 2004 and 2012.  According to the US Department of Defense, it is estimated that between 1,500 and 3,000 human beings have been killed by drones, with an estimated civilian casualty rate of 20%.  If 3,000 were killed and 20% were innocent civilians, that would mean that 600 innocents have been murdered in the name of killing 2,400 accused.  Remember, none who were killed have been tried and convicted of anything.  Also remember that Pakistan is supposed to be a US ally.

I don’t know about you, but I find this all very disturbing, but not unexpected.   Are we allowing the human quality to be removed from the death of innocents by reducing those murdered to percentage points?
Continue reading “Drones Killing Civilians at Acceptable Rates”

United we state and divided we fall.  These words have never been truer in our nation’s history than they are today.  We have just witnessed the most diabolical propaganda moves since the beginning of the GOP Primaries.  The apparent sellout of Ron Paul by his son through his endorsement of Mitt Romney was carefully coordinated in an orchestrated effort to cause chaos within the ranks of the Revolution and was aided by the deepest plants within our patriot system.

Alex Jones brags that he can at will make personal contact with Dr. Paul and his son Rand, yet when he stepped up to do his part for the neo-cons, he acted like he was being left in the dark and left to speculate like the rest of us.  It was a sneak attack and was somewhat successful in its intent.  I myself am guilty of being lulled in as a result of my temper and the fact that I have seen so much deception that it has become expected at every turn.
Continue reading “Ron Paul Supporters Prepare to Invade Tampa”

The discussion throughout the patriot community is centered on Dr. Ron Paul and the fact that his son Rand Paul endorsed Mitt Romney.  After 24 hours of analyses, the situation remains unclear.  As for myself, I have talked to a lot of people whose opinions I respect.  Of those who have been in the fight the longest, I believe there is a consensus and that is as follows.

Dr. Paul has never failed to step forward and serve when called upon by we the people.  His record and support of our Constitution is impeccable.  He cannot be held responsible for the actions of his son.  Dr. Paul has never said that he has no intention of going all the way with this, in fact, looking past the propaganda, his assertion to go forward has always been clear.
Continue reading “Ron Paul, Let’s Take it to the Convention!”

This is starting to look like something out of a bad movie.  The leader of a free people’s revolutionary movement has apparently resigned his commission through proxy.

Where is Dr. Paul?  Wouldn’t you think that, considering the capitulation to the status quo the events of the past 12 hours represent, that every mainstream media propagandist with a camera would be swarming to Ron Paul like flies to a rump roast?
Continue reading “Has Ron Paul been Disappeared?”

It has been about 12 hours since Rand Paul endorsed Mitt Romney and Ron Paul has still not come forth to declare his true intensions to the Revolution.  Alex Jones has stated that all indications point to a complete betrayal designed to tear the movement apart.  Not so.  Ron Paul is not the Revolution, we the people are.

Jones reported a 95% condemnation of Rand Paul’s endorsement of Romney by the movement.  We have always known that 95% of the Revolution are made up of constitutional patriots while the other 5% are ambitious neo-cons seeking an avenue into the Republican establishment through betrayal.  Thus a Ron Paul betrayal can only fraction the movement to the extent of 5%, which were never a part of us in reality anyway.
Continue reading “Alex Jones and his Friends Rand Paul and Ron Paul”