2 thoughts on “CNN Busted FAKING Attack In Israel For The Camera!

  1. October Surprise. War on Terror 2.0. Fake Climate Crisis. Scamdemic 6.66. The destroyers are playing hard-ball. We are beyond hard-pressed to deal with all the intrusion and deception, the death and devastation. And still, many of us keep uncovering truth and are emboldened to fight on, even in the face of the media monsters and their lies.

    “It is challenging to maintain one’s moral compass when the society you belong to – leaders and media alike – takes the moral high ground and expects you to share with them the same righteous fury with which they reacted to the events of last Saturday, October 7. There is only one way to resist the temptation to join in: if you understood, at one point in your life … the settler colonial nature of Zionism, and were horrified by its policies against the indigenous people of Palestine. If you have had that realization, then you will not waver, even if the poisonous messages depict Palestinians as animals, or ‘human animals.’”
    — Professor Ilan Pappé, author, “The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine”

    “It is this moral compass that led me, and others in our society, to stand by the Palestinian people in every way possible; and that enables us, at the same time, to admire the courage of the Palestinian fighters who took over a dozen military bases, overcoming the strongest army in the Middle East.”
    — Professor Ilan Pappé, author, “The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine”


    1. And I think Pappe’ wrote this knowing the truth about Israel creating Hamas. He wrote about it in the past. Trouble we have today is pulling the mess out of black and white thinking: how to understand and oppose the Palestinian genocide while not playing into the hands of Bibi’s .controlled opposition.

      How manageable it would be if we just had to focus on our own land and keep out of the doings in all other parts of the world. But they have shrunk the world. And we see the ruthless power overtaking one people after another. To make things worse, they use our resources to do so, and our people, the brain-washed ones, the chasers of dangling carrots. But isn’t the TRUE dangling carrot FREEDOM? Always out there dangling, and seeming to say, “Yours for the taking.”


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