Posting this so folks can assess the comments.
Our Mission: To observe the attempted infiltration of our towns during Operation Jade Helm with self sufficient teams in the field conducting counter surveillance.
Ok our main focus right now is on gathering intel on when and where the military will be infiltrating SOF teams for Operation Jade Helm. We have the Texas locations. We need verified info on South Cali and Utah locations. Arizona looks like it will only be on 1 military installation. Once we gather that intel and the field teams are informed then we will start posting information on how to go about locating SOF teams in public. Looking for certain mannerisms, etc. But right now we are focused on locations and dates!!
Can anyone identify this aircraft?? It made several low level passes over my house in NE Colorado a couple of weeks ago. It is supposed to be a NASA air monitoring aircraft but the round pod just behind the nose looks more like it could house ground penetrating radar. I can find no aircraft on NASA’s web site that resembles this one.

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That plane has so many sensors, radars and snooping stuff it can detect what your poop smells like, color and content.
Or it could just be checking the airspeed and velocity of the unladen swallow. You know, innocent stuff, nothing to see here, we are here to help.
African or European?
Never seen a plane quite like that before. Don’t know.
I will begin contacting Utah County Administrators to see if they’ve “invited” the military to operate in their Counties.
It may be just a Doppler radar, however, having experience with an instance or two (actually thousands) of blatant lies and malfeasance that the traitors in charge impose upon us everyday, there seems to be no end to their curiousity of our lives. Hence, the billions of research dollars that went into the intrusive, toilet sniffing NSA policies they will use to see if you got any Klingons on your asshairs and “USA, USA, USA, we saved the world, God Bless America, I was “Born Free”, free to not listen to bought off, corporate c#$ks*ckers spewing out their trash upon my land and then pretend what a “good deal” you get if you got that almighty zollar in your back pocket. Hollywood is exploding in decadence and all will be consumed as the Gay Agenda entrenches itself as the norm in American society or, I will argue, aren’t we already damned near there. “Hey, I’m Kid Rock, I only kissed a couple but “I’m not Gay”. I’m sick of this wall to wall “gayness” being spewed upon us like they spray manure in the fields before the spring planting. It all stinks to “High Heaven”.
I KNOW WHAT IT IS I used to be a Fire Protection Specialists at NASA JSC In Houston at building 25. The Plane is based out of Houston and was sent to the west coast. Or NASA COULD HAVE MOVED IT TO EDWARDS AFB.
The radar is used for ground mapping and water resources. You have to Understand about the DROUGHT GOING ON WEST COAST. NASA would use the aircraft to check water resources,lakes streams and other technical stuff. The radar is also used to do mapping, They use a smaller jet than a 727 But is not anything to worry about. I believe that pilots I used to talk too said they map for like what you see on GOOGLE EARTH and schools use them too and scientists.
I hope and pray they are trying to find new water resources so people won’t start having food problems along the west coast. I have seen some maps where the drought has started to spread.
Just Mt Humble Opinion