Well its Thursday again, another 391,000 new unemployment filings and another 400,000 exhausting their benefits and becoming a part of the great invisible, uncounted, dispossessed, disenfranchised, remnants of what was once a robust middle class in the United States.  Meanwhile the stock market continues to go up and down as the wealth of our country is pumped into offshore accounts around the world.

Another week of unchallenged blatant theft of our natural resources, another week of our dollar devaluating, as the police are abusing our people in the streets of cities throughout our nation.  And the only response from the insurgents who have taken over our government is the same old bullshit.  “We can only fix this problem by ceasing to tax the filthy rich who have already stolen $30 trillion from us,” or, “We can only solve this problem through increased taxes on the middle class to finance socialism and a Central American Free Trade Agreement.”
Continue reading “Another Day, A Weaker Dollar”

Coca-Cola, Inc. released a statement indicating that they would prefer to do business in China in yet another bid to end taxation on corporate profits.  So who made Coke the multi-billion dollar international corporation that it is today?  Well that would be we the people of the United States.  I think Coke should move to China and the US should boycott their product here.

I heard a commentator on FOX News say that Lockheed Martin should tell we the people that if we do not acquiesce and support their union busting, that they might move their productions to China.  Again, don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.  And of course no more contracts paid for by US taxpayer money and we will be boycotting your products in our country.
Continue reading “Herman Cain, Donald Trump, and the Super Computer”

Well it seems we are facing yet another possible government shutdown, which in reality is nothing more than another smoke screen designed to perpetuate another week of theft and job transfers out of our country.  As previously stated in other articles, to think that the corporate elite are going to allow anything to change when they are making record profits, as more of our nation’s wealth is transferred from the middle class to the upper echelons of the filthy rich, is naïve.  And as also previously mentioned, our natural resources continue to flow to other countries unimpeded.

Last week we were told beef and dairy prices will raise 32% this year and this week we are finding out why.  In one instance California alfalfa hay is being shipped and sold to China at a cheaper rate than it is offered to our own ranchers and farmers.  The excuse is given that as we are importing so much from China there is a glut of cargo containers here that need to go back the other way.  So shipping the alfalfa from California has been made very cheap at $30 per ton, which creates a scenario wherein supply and demand has raised the price of the California alfalfa to a level that dictates that U.S. farmers and ranchers are going to have to raise their prices just to break even.
Continue reading “Subsidizing the U.S. Destruction”

Herman Cain wins the Florida Straw Poll.  I was wondering how the corporate elite would use their money to attempt to push Ron Paul from the top tier.  I guess they just cannot accept that when the 2012 election rolls around it is not going to matter whether Ron Paul becomes president as a Republican or an Independent.  Ron Paul is going to be our next president and no amount of fiat debt dollars can change that fact.  The elite’s bottom line is Ron Paul, the people, and the Constitution must be stopped at any cost.

Herman Cain is among the corporate elite.  He is a neo-con.  He is for the further transfer of wealth from the pockets of the middle class to the vaults of the rich.  If a filthy rich business man like Herman Cain presents a plan, any plan, you can bet it is 999 percent for the rich and the other one percent is to put billions of dollars into his own pocket as payment for services rendered to his corporate brethren and sisteren.
Continue reading “Cain Wins Straw Poll, Police Attack Occupy Wall Street Protesters, The Revolution is Heating Up”

It would seem the protests are continuing in New York and as the protesters push their rights the police are pushing back with tyranny.  The exact composition and actions of the crowds cannot be known as the mainstream propagandists are avoiding the event like the plague.

Meanwhile FOX News blatantly pulled their online poll when it showed Ron Paul with a commanding lead.  I have to believe the elitists are more than a little concerned and the hints in the news of a change in US policy toward Pakistan, coupled with Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejan’s speech at the UN and the Palestinian’s bid for recognition, indicates that it is possible that anything could happen.
Continue reading “The American People of the American Race Support Occupy Wall Street”