Dollar Vigilante  Dear Slavey…

I’m trying to accept the new reality in the United States that along with most of my middle class friends, I’m now a genuine slave.  We’re all enslaved with consumer, medical, and student debt… enslaved by wages so low we can’t live on what we’re paid even if we have a job (then they take income taxes, sales taxes and much more from us, too)… enslaved by overzealous police… enslaved by the pursuit of an ‘American Dream’ that never seems to come true.  Do you think we’ll ever be able to live free again and not just spend the rest of our lives fighting to survive?  I deserve more.

Bonnie in Dover, Delaware
Continue reading “Dear Slavey – July 31 Edition”

I just read another article in the “alternative news” that was obviously, and blatantly written to dissuade Americans from fighting for their freedom, as if they had any choice in the matter. I dismissed it as just another Zionist shill doing all he can to see that the lambs go quietly off to slaughter, but then I worried that some confused people might see it as sound advice, rather than the knife-in-the-back that it actually is.

The article advised that Americans should “give up their guns when they’re told to”, because the government troops have this and that type of weapon or technology, and surely, anyone who resisted would be committing “suicide by cop” for no sensible reason.
Continue reading “If you hear something, do something”

The people’s assault on the propaganda machine via the internet is showing an effect as the coalition between the false left and false right is falling apart.  If you study the propaganda you will notice it is designed to deliver the illusion of adversity, while at optimum times, inserting agreement on specific issues to be pushed through.

Take jobs for instance.  We can all agree that we are losing jobs and need them back desperately.  On the other hand, the power elite are intent on continuing their total destruction of the United States, which requires the further elimination of jobs.  For four years now, jobs, jobs, jobs, that is the main issue, so if it is the intent of all of us, rich, middle class, and poor, to rejuvenate jobs, what is the problem?  Well, we just can’t agree on how to do it.
Continue reading “The American People vs the International Elite”

Before It’s News  Colonel Sixx was an active contributor at Before It’s News. His last post with us was on DEC 18th the day he died. I use to listen to him talking to YoungNeill on our radio show we use to have here at BIN. I am So sorry to hear this:(

Published on Jul 30, 2012 by 
Continue reading “Was BIN Contributor Colonel Sixx Murdered?”