Whether you believe in creationism or evolution, the fact is there are no two people exactly alike.  We are individuals, absolutely.  Following the Aurora, Colorado shooting, the psychiatric community has descended in the mainstream with 101 pushes to elevate their status among, and power over, we the people.  Considering that no two people are exactly alike, it is the most arrogant assumption in that any one person, or even group of persons, can define reality and thus set a standard for mental competency.

The psychiatrists represent the ultimate parasites upon human existence, as they produce absolutely zero products, yet wish to be empowered and compensated to the extreme.  And to accomplish this goal they will attach themselves to the soviet socialist insurgency, as they have in every instance in the past where the opportunity has presented itself.
Continue reading “US Psychiatrists Join with US Insurgency”

It is being reported that Israel is strengthening its missile defense shield in preparation for the Iranian missiles that it expects to receive as a consequence of its upcoming invasion into Persia.  Truth be known, it is the US taxpayer that is strengthening the Israeli defense shield as surely as it was the US taxpayer that paid to send the Patriot missiles to Israel prior to the 2003 US invasion into Iraq.

The Zionist Israeli frustration over delays in their Middle East conquest are beginning to show, as the truth behind Zionism is revealed more every day via the internet.  The dual citizen Israeli-American Zionists operating within the US government are likewise being forced to show their true intent in that their loyalties lie with Zion and not the American people, whom they are anxious to sacrifice to their bloodthirsty god.
Continue reading “Israelis Grasping at Invasion Straws”

 Before It’s News – by Mark Brander  July 23, 2012  (stevequayle website)


There have been numerous events around Colorado in the current weeks. Recently, here in my area. A good friend was at a shooting range on 7-21-12. He was there only a short time, and called me. He said there were 3 very “buffed” men at one end of the range, and that they were speaking both perfect English and Russian at the same time! (As I understand it, from talking to a gentleman who knows, you would have to start a child at 5 yrs. old to accomplish that.)
Continue reading “Russian Troops Infiltrate USA”

It looks like there is one country that does know how to deal with bank fraud.

Huffington Post  DUBAI, July 30 (Reuters) – An Iranian court has sentenced four people to death for a billion-dollar bank fraud that tainted the government of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, state media reported on Monday.
Continue reading “Iran Bank Fraud Scandal: 4 Sentenced To Death”

A Sikh Temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin fell under attack today.  Initial reports from family members of those inside the temple indicate that there were multiple shooters and that once again, tear gas was used.

The mainstream media jumped on the cover-up, plucking experts out of thin air, to tell the listening audience that in these stressful situations, it is quite common to mistake one shooter for a group of shooters.
Continue reading “Another False Flag, This Time in Wisconsin”

Before It’s News – by Umbilical Gun  Now that President Putin has confirmed that Cuba, hosts russian nuclear missiles, pehaps NATO/USA should rethink their own strategies regarding pushing towards yet another illegal war in the Middle East. The world is sick of NATO/US illegal wars these past twelve years.

Russia to revive army bases in three oceans Continue reading “Russia & Iran Deliver Game Changer”

How many of you know that there is no recession and that the United States is actually in the middle of a boom?  I became aware of this assertion watching an episode of a segment of Bulls and Bears on FOX News’ The Cost of Freedom Show Saturday morning.  America is indeed a land of plenty…for the few.  The only real problem is the 100 million of us that had to be eliminated from the equation to procure the gluttonous prosperity for a handful.

Watch these elitists, awash in glee, as they describe how wonderful life is for them.  They do not go to bed at night hungry, worrying about a stack of bills they cannot pay.  They are enjoying their lives.  When a new car commercial comes on the television, they can actually consider a purchase, maybe for their son or daughter who will be graduating high school this year and going off to college as a member of the golden key society.
Continue reading “Start Punking the Elite”

Welcome to the beautiful and surreal reality of life under American corporatism, under a Congress that churns out thousands  and thousands of pages of (often contradictory) legislation a year.
Continue reading “Should Obama and Congress Be Arrested Under the NDAA?”

“The slowest recovery since the Great Depression”, this is the contention of the propagandists.  Wouldn’t any kind of recovery have to consist of a getting better of the situation?  And, don’t forget, it was announced in June of 2010 that the recession was over, hence we had recovered.  What a farce.

As expected, another batch of fraudulent numbers has been thrown out for the July Jobs Report.  Even the propagandists admit that the conclusions being put forth as a result of these numbers make no sense.  That is because it is not supposed to make any sense.  The mainstream propaganda machine has reached the bottom of the barrel.  The only thing left is to maintain a climate of confusion for as long as possible as the international corporate elite continue to pillage our natural raw resources.
Continue reading “July Jobs Report – When Will Enough Be Enough?”

New jobless claims for the week came in at 365,000, which is an incorrect number, as it will be revised up next week.  Not so amazingly, the mainstream propagandists touted the number as a positive, saying anything under 375,000 shows growth.  The mainstream seems to think we the people have the memory span of a head of lettuce.  Two years ago, during one of our many “recoveries” it was stated emphatically that anything above 350,000 was a marked decline.  I guess this number got revised up too.

The reporting on the unemployment has become a running joke.  FOX Business’ Charles Payne said yesterday that the number being reported was erroneous and that no one believed it, as the mainstream news has lost all credibility in reporting these numbers as they are constantly revised.
Continue reading “It’s Always Darkest Just Before It Gets Pitch Black”

Govt Slaves  Luke Rudkowski talks with Abby Martin of MediaRoots.org and RT about U.S. Senator Rand Paul’s attempt to get her arrested and stripped of her press credentials for asking him tough questions in the Capitol building.

A week after our video with Abby Martin came out on YouTube, the RT office, where Abby works, got an ominous phone call from the Senate Media Relations Committee.
Continue reading “Rand Paul Pressures Authorities To Strip Journalist Of Her Press Credentials”

Opinion Maker – by Lawrence Davidson  Part I – History On A Billboard

For the past few weeks, those taking local trains from New York City’s wealthier suburbs into Manhattan have encountered a succinct billboard history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The lesson comes in the form of four aligned maps showing the absorption of Palestinian land by Israel from 1946 to the present, along with a declaration that “4.7 million Palestinians are classified by the U.N. as refugees.” In all respects, the ad is historically correct.
Continue reading “Palestine: History on a Billboard”

Infowars  A report out of Pravda quotes President Vladimir Putin as saying that Russia has moved strategic nuclear missiles to Cuba in response to the United States’ continuing efforts to encircle Russia in Eastern Europe.

The article, written by Lyuba Lulko, explains how Russia is reviving its military operations in Vietnam, Cuba and the Seychelles.

Continue reading “Report: Russia Moves Nuclear Missiles to Cuba”

Resister in the Rockies –  by Ironwill  The line between military and ‘peace officers’ ‘Law Enforcement Officers’ continues to be blurred.

Latest example is Anaheim, California; Home of The Happiest Place on Earth. 

In an effort to prevent protestors from reaching Disneyland, who were marching against the shooting of an unarmed man by the Anaheim police, horse mounted patrols and officers in full ACU (Army Combat Uniform) battle dress were sent out to quell the march.
Continue reading “Anaheim Police Dressed in ACU’s Stop Protest Near Disneyland”

As the American people of the American race stand firm in their rejection of a continuance of the status quo, the mainstream propagandists, in an attempt to maintain some semblance of credibility, have begun reporting on the blatantly obvious.

A CNN report yesterday showed an opinion poll that was composted neither exclusively of Democrats nor Republicans, but rather was said to represent the views of “likely voters” et.al.  The question for the poll was “If elected would Romney or Obama help or hurt your financial situation?”
Continue reading “Reality sets in on the Status Quo”

Global Research – by Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich  In his brilliant article “The Perversion of Scholarship”, Chris Hedges exposes factors which have destroyed most major American universities.  Hedges writes: “Fraternities, sororities and football, along with other outsized athletic programs, have decimated most major American universities. Scholarship, inquiry, self-criticism, moral autonomy and a search for artistic and esoteric forms of expression—in short, the world of ethics, creativity and ideas—are shouted down by the drunken chants of fans in huge stadiums, the pathetic demands of rich alumni for national championships, and the elitism, racism and rigid definition of gender roles of Greek organizations. These hypermasculine systems perpetuate a culture of conformity and intolerance.  They have inverted the traditional values of scholarship to turn four years of college into a mindless quest for collective euphoria and athletic dominance.”    Left unmentioned is the militarization of the American educational system.
Continue reading “The Militarization of Education in America”