Incredible Raw footage (with sound) just captured at approximately 15:30 EST in Washington D.C., courtesy of Luke Rudkowski and
Continue reading “Updated: Veterans For Ron Paul – March on D.C. and the White House on President's Day 2012”
Year: 2012
The American people have been inundated with the coverage of the death of Whitney Houston. One would think that one of our dignitaries had passed away. It is interesting to note that as a part of the initial reporting, the fact that drugs and alcohol were probably the cause of Ms. Houston’s death were front and center.
Dr. Ron Paul wants to end the war on drugs, reiterating an old reality which is that prohibition does not work. If we take a close look at the drug industry in this country, that is the pharmaceutical so called legal industry, it is easy to ascertain the benefits to the status quo of an ongoing never ending drug war.
Continue reading “Pharmaceutical Companies and the Drug War”
The top representatives of the industrial war complex, both here in the US and in Israel, are coming forth in droves in an attempt to sell a war, any war, preferably one in Iran but Syria would do to get the ball rolling. The US military is at present facing massive spending cuts. We as citizens need to realize that when we speak of military spending, it is not necessarily our troops and equipment that are the first consideration, but rather the contractors who have built fortunes from the industry of death.
There are 7 billion people on this planet now and anyone who cannot see that human life is now being looked upon as a dispensable commodity by the power elite has their head in the sand. The propagandists in the mainstream are making every effort to sell more war, trying to point out good things that have come from it. General Martin Dempsey, in an exclusive interview on CNN’s Fareed Zakaria GPS said, “If this Arab Spring has a positive outcome, I think we’ll see it first in Egypt.”
Continue reading “War – Who is it Good for?”
The so called experts continue in their attempt to create the illusion of yet another recovery in the US economy. Though off handed and out of the sides of their faces, there are admissions that the whole thing is just a propaganda blitz designed to create consumer confidence to facilitate consumer spending which it is said will improve the economy. Is this not the equivalent of an attempt to lift oneself up from the floor by the bootstraps as the entire concept has a lie as its foundation?
You people out there who still have money in the bank, are you going to invest in this stock market that is rising on the lie, knowing full well that this is the same con that was used to capture a million bank accounts and 401Ks in 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011?
Continue reading “Do You Believe the Experts?”
There is a crisis in our country apart from our obvious economic downfall which is a part of the present attempt to sovietize the United States. It is in reference to an abuse of terminology.
Think about this, when the US invades a country like Afghanistan and when the patriots among their people step up to defend their country’s sovereignty, we, by royal decree, name one of our CIA assets in that country as their new leader and identify their patriots as insurgents. This is a misnomer. We are the ones who surged into their country. They are the ones trying to stop our insurgent occupation within their borders.
Continue reading “The Ron Paul Revolution vs Orwellian Doublespeak”
As expected From the Trenches World Report is coming under attack by those who, through power and influence, think they own and control the net. All this week we have been attacking the lies of Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Soetoro AKA Barry the Rat, the South Side of Chicago back alley pimp, and lo and behold, mysteriously a glitch has occurred and the internet crawlers have disappeared from our site.
In asking CIA controlled Google Support as to what the problem could be, the answer was,” Uhhhhh you posted it today? Wait a week and then get back to us.” To which I replied, “I usually get crawled within minutes. This article is not showing up in any search.” The answer came back almost immediately, “Yeah, that’s not normal. Average for blogs I’d say is between 2-4 days. Unless you’re CNN, expect to wait some time.”
Continue reading “Obama Thugs Begin Internet Attacks”
Presidential Candidate Dr. Ron Paul spoke to voters in Washington State Thursday. In Seattle the crowd was in the thousands. In Vancouver, another 1000 with 800 turned away for lack of space. With people of every age in the crowd, Paul described the war in Afghanistan as a fake and a fraud to roaring chants of “Bring them home.” You would think that such overwhelming grassroots support would warrant at least a little mainstream coverage. Not a chance.
There were many reporters covering the every movement of President Soetoro, Mitt Romney, and Rick Santorum, with a lot of slogans being passed back and forth. I guess it is easier to report on these establishment candidates, as the intense noise accompanying the huge crowds around Dr. Paul make the reporting more difficult.
Continue reading “Presidential Candidate Ron Paul Shaking Foundations”
I always get concerned when the mainstream propaganda machine goes into “Put the people to sleep” mode. The headlines should be “Voter fraud disenfranchises GOP primary and caucus voters.” After the fraud was revealed, everyone was tuning in their TVs waiting to hear of investigations, arrests, prosecutions, and lawsuits.
So, the mainstream propaganda machine went into “sleep mode” – old stories, boring stories, issues no one cares about, and just enough of the current propaganda to keep the audience tuned in. Things like Governor Chris Christie under fire for having the flags in New Jersey lowered to half staff for Whitney Houston. Does anyone reading this care?
Continue reading “Mesmerized and Hypnotized, What Voter Fraud?”
Blatant vote fraud has been shown to have been committed in Maine and it is being sparsely reported in the mainstream. In fact the headlines read “Santorum and Romney neck in neck.” Neck in neck in what? There is no contest if the election is a fraud. The mainstream media is making every effort to put anything forth but the blatant vote fraud that is disenfranchising we the American people of the American race in denying us our 1st Amendment right to redress of grievance and freedom of speech.
But then our Bill of Rights has never mattered to the mainstream. Instead of reporting on this issue that affects every American of voting age in this country, the propagandists are putting forth issues designed to divide us, like the mandate for insurance companies to provide birth control for citizens employed by the Catholic Church, with one side of the false left-right paradigm calling the action a violation of the 1st Amendment protection of the church from the state. And of course the other side is calling opposition to the legislation an attack on women’s rights.
Continue reading “Dirty Tactics in the Mainstream Media to Divert Attention from Election Fraud”