The propagandists are busy trying to portray China as insignificant in reference to an economic and/or military threat to the United States, this in salute to the arrival of China’s Vice-President, Xi Jinping, who will be China’s President this time next year.  I think the average citizen would be shocked and amazed at how much influence the People’s Republic of China has over our so called mainstream media.

The remake of the 1984 movie Red Dawn was scheduled to be released here in the United States in November, 2010, but the Chinese government said “No.”  The original Red Dawn portrayed a scenario wherein the Russians attacked the United States.  The body of movie was centered on Nicaraguan troops, allied to the Russians that occupied a town in Colorado.
Continue reading “Vice President of China Arrives in US to Arrange Further Job Transfers”

The Greeks are setting fire to the banks as new austerity measures are put in place by their socialist government.  Meanwhile, Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Soetoro AKA Barry the Rat, the South Side of Chicago back alley con man/pimp has introduced another budget, that will never be passed, that is in reality the socialist campaign platform, through which he will spew his campaign rhetoric/lies working on the notion that those who voted for him in 2008, that have since found him out, can be re-retarded.

We say “No,” the Rat says, “Yes they can.”  Everyone does realize that if there is a solar flare that knocks out our modern technology, including Barry’s teleprompter, he will be eligible for Social Security as a mute.
Continue reading “Obama on the Campaign Trail Selling Sailboat Fuel”

Consumer debt rose $20.4 billion in November and $19.3 billion in December of 2011.  Consumer debt will continue to go up, and as crazy as it might sound, this tragedy is being hailed as a good economic indicator by the neo-con elite.   Steve Forbes, speaking on FOX News, said that the rise in consumer debt showed that everybody had went back to work and were now spending borrowed money on lavish new lifestyles in response to the new boom.

I can’t mince my words on this one.  This is a crock of shit and that treasonous son of a bitch Steve Forbes knows it is a crock of shit.  Consumer debt is going up because the cost of everything we need to live is going up and we are having to borrow just to survive, as Steve Forbes and his international elitist brethren and sisteren continue to pile the wealth they are extorting from the American people.  These elitist bastards have control of our natural resources and are using our wealth to complete the destruction of our country and our enslavement.
Continue reading “US Economy Recovery in Bizarro World”

The cold shutdown at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan is turning out to be just another lie as the temperature in the number 2 reactor has risen to 82 degrees Celsius, indicating that the meltdown is still occurring.  When is the last time you have seen live footage coming out of Japan in reference to Fukushima in the mainstream media?  The International Atomic Industry has spared no expense in removing the Fukushima meltdown from the mainstream reality.

As predicted on this site as Fukushima has been removed and swept under the carpet, not only are we not looking at doing away with nuclear energy, but all plans for further reactors in the US are going forward like nothing ever happened.
Continue reading “Fukushima still in Meltdown in Spite of Lies”

The industrial war complex is showing its agitation at not being allowed to invade Syria as it has become common knowledge throughout our population that any such move would invoke a response from Russia and China that would more than likely precipitate World War III.

Dual citizen, Zionist infiltrator, Connecticut Senator Joseph Lieberman, appearing on CNN’s State of the Union with Candy Crowley, attempted to make the case for further United States sponsored terrorism in Syria and Iran, saying that hundreds more will be killed in Syria and that United States’ interests in the Middle East demand that we take nothing off the table in reference to our possible responses.
Continue reading “The Zionist Serpent Lieberman Advocates for US Sponsored Terrorism in the Middle East”

Something for nothing.  This is the cry of the propagandists for the next phase of the campaign to blame poverty on the poor, and a declining middle class on a failed work ethic.  You see the problem with our country according to the corporate elite is all the freebies being showered upon the 99%.  Their contention is that a person who has worked for 30 or 40 years and then lost their job, their home, and their retirement is now living the Life of Riley on food stamps.

In short the elite are saying the poor and working poor do not want to work because they are enjoying their new station in life as a part of the impoverished, and oh, the outrage at these food stamp recipients getting something for nothing.
Continue reading “Who is being Fooled by the Elitists’ Election Propaganda?”

Rick Santorum is now coming forth, trying to present himself as the “True Constitutionalist”.  Ricky is taking parts of Ron Paul’s platform and trying to morph them into neo-con constitutionalism.  The fact is neo-conservatism/national socialism is just as repugnant to the ideals of individual freedoms and liberties contained in our Constitution as is the soviet socialism being pushed by the insurgent Obama.

Rick Santorum says the government is oppressing us but how is he defining this oppression?  Well apparently you and I, as individuals, are being oppressed because the big oil companies are not being allowed to drill in the Alaskan wilderness, secure the Keystone Pipeline for Canada and China, and allow fracturing extract of natural gas which produces massive amounts of poisons.
Continue reading “Will the 99% Accept the Neo-Con Rick Santorum?”