Before It’s News – by Tom Dennen, the paranoid historian

Familiar ring? Just changed the names to protect the innocent First Casualty of war: Truth.

Islam, one of the three Abrahamic religions based on the Ten Commandments, holds that there have been one hundred and twenty thousand ‘Prophets’ or Messengers since Abraham, in cluding Jesus, all tellling the same story: Love your neighbor… Do unto others…   Continue reading “Conspiracy ‘Theories’ First Rejected As Either Treason or Madness, Then Ridiculed, Then… Accepted As Common Knowledge.”

CNN – by Chelsea J. Carter and Chris Kokenes

New York (CNN) — A Hofstra University student who died during a confrontation between a home invasion suspect and authorities was killed by police gunfire, a Nassau County, New York, police spokeswoman said Saturday.

Police fired eight shots at the intruder, who authorities say was holding a gun to the head of Andrea Rebello, 21, during a home invasion robbery Friday at an off-campus house in Uniondale.   Continue reading “Police gunfire kills Hofstra University student, official says”


Former marine, radio host and political activist Adam Kokesh was arrested at a marijuana legalization assembly in Philadelphia today, according to Facebook posts.

In a video of the Smoke Down Prohibition rally, policemen can be seen entering a crowd of activists, and shortly afterwards emerging with Kokesh in tow.   Continue reading “Radio Host Adam Kokesh Arrested in Philly”

Nanny BloombergRiehl World News – by Dan

You have to admire the audacity of the man. What with all the PC crap we ‘little people’ have to endure from the likes of the Nanny Bloomberg’s of the world, he has absolutely no problem saying, Hey, dummy, you ain’t no rocket scientist. Forget that college nonsense and get a job!

There may be some wisdom here. Unfortunately, it flies in the face of a liberal nanny state that has built out a college and junior college system based upon the myth that everyone needs a college degree just to work at McDonalds today. Ugh!   Continue reading “Nanny Bloomberg: ‘So-so’ students aren’t ‘rocket scientists,’ should skip college become ‘plumbers’!”

Celestial Healing

These brands, at the time of writing, source their ingredients from GMO-free supplies.  If you’re concerned about the very real threat that genetically modified organisms pose to our food supply and ultimate health, please purchase from these companies and contact them to let them know that you support and value their decision to use non-gmo soy, corn, canola and other ingredients. Please enjoy this GMO-free food list and share it.   Continue reading “A list of GMO Free Food Companies”

SmithWessonMP9Shield_001Pat Dollard

Excerpted from NRA-ILA NEWS

As we reported last month, on April 2, the United Nations General Assembly voted 153-4 to pass the Arms Trade Treaty, with the United States voting in favor and several countries abstaining. The vote in the General Assembly pushed the treaty process forward after negotiations twice failed to deliver on the goal of developing the treaty by consensus. The Obama Administration is expected to sign the treaty soon after it is opened for signature on June 3.   Continue reading “Obama To Sign U.N. Arms Trade Treaty ‘In The Very Near Future’”

Washington Post – by Martin Weil

As many as 50 or 60 people were injured Saturday in southwest Virginia when a car plowed into the annual Appalachian Trail Days parade in the town of Damascus, sending hundreds of people scattering amid shouts and screams.Nine of the injured were taken to hospitals after the incident at the annual trail festival, but none of the injuries appeared to be life-threatening, authorities said.   Continue reading “Dozens injured when car hits Virginia parade”

Give Me Liberty

Bill Benson’s findings, published in “The Law That Never Was,” make a convincing case that the 16th amendment was not legally ratified and that Secretary of State Philander Knox was not merely in error, but committed fraud when he declared it ratified in February 1913. What follows is a summary of some of the major findings for many of the states, showing that their ratifications were not legal and should not have been counted.   Continue reading “How Some States did not Legally Ratify the 16th Amendment”

Mr. Conservative – by Kristin Tate

Bill Maher and Michael Moore have become so pathetic, it’s actually hysterical.

On Maher’s show last night, Moore ripped the GOP-led House for voting (for the 37th time) to repeal Obamacare. According to Moore, Republicans clearly “hate America” and have sinister motives for opposing “everything” that President Obama does.   Continue reading “Conservatives Are “Treasonous” and “Hate America” – Michael Moore”

The U.S. Interior Department building is shown in Washington (Reuters)RT News

The federal government has proposed a new set of national fracking rules that would weaken disclosure requirements. The proposal allows ‘trade secrets’ to remain unknown from the public, which has distressed environmental groups.

The US Interior Department’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) on Thursday released its proposed update to hydraulic fracturing regulations, which would be the first update in three decades.   Continue reading “US weakens fracking rules”

AFP Photo / NASART News

The 1998 QE2 asteroid has the physical mass to potentially deliver life on Earth a knockout punch, being 2.7km in length. It is to buzz our planet on May 31, aweing the stargazing community.

Officially known as Asteroid 1998 QE2, the ‘minor planet’, as astronomers refer to these space objects, is about nine times the length of its name-sharing ocean liner, Queen Elizabeth 2.   Continue reading “Asteroid 9 times size of ocean liner approaches Earth”

The Ulsterman Report

Obama Attorney General Eric Holder informed both the media and Congress earlier this week that his department seized communications records from the Associated Press due to what he described as a “national security risk”. (One that Barack Obama then declared he had no clue of by the way)  Today the New York Times rips apart Mr. Holder’s claim – and then some…   Continue reading “New York Times Rips Apart Eric Holder’s False Security Excuse…”

Chron – by RON TODT, Associated Press

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A former Philadelphia police officer once hailed as a hero and given a seat next to the first lady at a speech by President Obama has been arrested and charged with rape and other crimes.

Authorities allege that former officer Richard DeCoatsworth left a party with two females early Thursday and took them to another location, where they allege that he produced a handgun and “forced the two females to engage in the use of narcotics and sexual acts.”   Continue reading “Ex-Pa. officer once hailed as hero faces charges”

Vaccine Liberation Army

Newly released statistics from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that more Americans now commit suicide than die in traffic accidents.1, 2, 3

Between 1999 and 2010, the suicide rate among American adults ages 35-64 rose by more than 28 percent, to just under 18 deaths per 100,000. Read Dr. Mercola article…   Continue reading “Middle-Aged Americans Committing Suicide at Unprecedented Rate”

Digital Journal – by R. C. Camphausen

Athens – A new and very cheap drug is killing Greek youth who no longer can see a future for themselves. Sisa is a form of crystal meth being mixed with filler ingredients such as battery acid and engine oil. It makes users violent and kills within six months.

Ever since the austerity crisis has hit Greece, drug use and alcohol abuse have been rising sharply, as have suicides. The larger cities, and especially Athens, are filled with homeless and impoverished people who often seek to escape their misery by taking refuge in drug induced stupor.   Continue reading “New drug called Sisa is killing austerity-hit Greek youths”

borowitz-obama-580.jpgThe New Yorker – by Andy Borowitz [Satire]

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—President Obama used his weekly radio address on Saturday to reassure the American people that he has “played no role whatsoever” in the U.S. government over the past four years.

“Right now, many of you are angry at the government, and no one is angrier than I am,” he said. “Quite frankly, I am glad that I have had no involvement in such an organization.”   Continue reading “Obama Denies Role in Government”