Photo: Dark GovernmentIntelliHub – by JG Vibes

The Drill will take place on May 13th at an amusement park called “Dorney Park & Wildwater Kingdom” in central Pennsylvania, and will involve hundreds of emergency responders from around the country.

While there is a very significant probability that this will only be a drill, it is important to get the word out about these exercises before they actually happen so people are already aware if the drill does go live.   Continue reading “Massive Disaster Drill Planned at Pennsylvania Amusement Park on May 13”

Goon Squad – by Greg Bacon

Without using the Internet or other sources, try and answer these questions from memory.

Answers with links provided after the quiz.

1.) How many American troops died fighting during WWII to make the world safe for Zionism?

2.) How many Jews died during WWII?   Continue reading “A Quiz to See How Badly Your Brain is Infected With Zionism”

US Crow – by CMF Contributor

This tactical operations guide will outline basic combat theater operations for offense. More often than not survivalists and preppers tend to forget the darkness of man. Not only will we be forced to contend with military opponents, but we will be faced with evil men, men who will band together against our righteous cause. If you truly want your unit to survive you need to actively train for combat theater operations.

Offensive operations have one primary object, and that is to kill your enemy, while secondary operations could include; secure vantage points, block resources, gain intelligence, buy time, divert the enemy, or to hold the enemy in a position. Any tactical operation that is done in the offensive requires the element of surprise, unit concentration, tempo and aggression (show of force), and guile.  Continue reading “Tactical Operations Basic Offensive Guidelines for Survival Groups”

Fact-free gun control crusadesHuman Events -by Thomas Sowell

Amid all the heated, emotional advocacy of gun control, have you ever heard even one person present convincing hard evidence that tighter gun control laws have in fact reduced murders?

Think about all the states, communities within states, as well as foreign countries, that have either tight gun control laws or loose or non-existent gun control laws. With so many variations and so many sources of evidence available, surely there would be some compelling evidence somewhere if tighter gun control laws actually reduced the murder rate.   Continue reading “Fact Free Gun Control Crusades”

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIs there anyone in these areas that can confirm or deny this?

Watchdog Wire Florida – by Dr. Richard Swier

MIAMI, FL –  Drugs, weapons, illegal aliens all are welcome under a new directive. There is an ongoing, emergency situation with the U.S. Coast Guard, which is now an agency under the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.   Continue reading “Coast Guard Ordered to Stay in Port and Allow Infiltration”


The bill makes America less safe, not more.

The Immigration bill is constructed to deceive the public. Not only is the bill a national security risk it simply smells Obamacare Part Deux. Seemingly good slogans are thrown around from the same people who brought you the Obamacare nightmare; but this time add-in four cafeteria Republicans. One being Marco Rubio.   Continue reading “50 Bullets: The Rubio-Schumer Scam”

There’s been a strange thing going on lately in Travis County, TX. It’s not a financial crisis, a political crisis or even an economic crisis. However, our county officials think it is an environmental crisis. Now I’m not sure if it is being done in any other county in the country, but it is happening in my county and I’m really annoyed as should other people. I don’t know if it has something to do with Agenda 21 or just another way for the corporations and government to suck more money out of us taxpayers. What I do know is that in our broke economy, Americans like myself, are trying save every penny we can and this seems to me to be just another small but annoying excuse for the government to drain more money out of people’s pockets.

So what is Travis County’s bright idea or trial idea that they hope will make waves with other counties? It’s basically the same thing China and other Communist countries have been doing for years now, and thanks to our Communist government, it is slowly creeping up in our country as well. It’s called charging people for bags when they shop for groceries, clothes, or just about anything in general. Kinda like that Internet sales tax.   Continue reading “Environmental Crisis or Money Making Scam – Travis County, TX charges shoppers for bags”

NRA hides bleeding Obama-look-alike target from conventionSalon – by PRACHI GUPTA

The NRA has asked vendor Zombie Industries to remove one of its three-dimensional, “life sized” shooting targets from an NRA convention in Houston because of the target’s uncanny resemblance to President Barack Obama. The particular model, pictured above, is reminiscent of the “History Channel’s” Satan, dubbed “Obama Satan” by conservatives for the devil’s resemblance to the president.   Continue reading “NRA hides bleeding Obama-look-alike target from convention”

backyard gardenOrganic Prepper

Sometimes I think that the next Revolutionary War will take place in a vegetable garden.

Instead of bullets, there will be seeds.  Instead of chemical warfare, there will be rainwater, carefully collected from the gutters of the house. Instead of soldiers in body armor and helmets, there will be back yard rebels, with bare feet, cut-off jean shorts, and wide-brimmed hats.  Instead of death, there will be life, sustained by a harvest of home-grown produce.  Children will be witness to these battles, but instead of being traumatized, they will be happy, grimy, and healthy, as they learn about the miracles that take place in a little plot of land or pot of dirt.   Continue reading “Garden Rebels: 10 Ways to Sow Revolution in Your Back Yard”

Seattle to melt buyback guns into peace bricksKomo News

SEATTLE (AP) – The Seattle Police Department collected more than 700 guns during a buyback in January, and now city officials have a plan for what to do with them.

Mayor Mike McGinn is expected to announce Tuesday that they’ll be melted into bricks carrying messages of peace, and the bricks will be placed around the city.   Continue reading “Seattle to melt buyback guns into peace bricks”

Let's follow this idiot over the bridge to D.C.!American Everyman – by Scott Creighton


May 7th – Kokesh’s D.C. Psyop: Assets Cover for Assets

May 6th – Kokesh’s D.C. Psyop: “shoot government agents” Kokesh now Tells his Followers to Submit Like Slaves

May 6th – Kokesh’s D.C. Psyop: A Tale of Two Adams

May 6th – Kokesh’s D.C. Psyop: Gun Laws in D.C.   Continue reading “Kokesh’s D.C. Psyop: Adam “AstroTurf” Kokesh to Lead Armed March on Washington on July 4th – Promises to Cower in Face of Tyranny”

PP Simmons

The officer in charge of the U.S. Air Force effort to curb sexual assault in the military was arrested over the weekend for allegedly grabbing a woman by the breasts and buttocks in a parking lot not far from the Pentagon, officials said on Monday.

Lieutenant Colonel Jeffrey Krusinski, 41, was arrested on Sunday and charged with sexual battery after the alleged incident in the Crystal City area of suburban Arlington, Virginia, officials said.   Continue reading “OOPS! Sexual Assault Unit Head – ARRESTED for … sexual assault!”

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

‘Activist’ and comedian Mark Dice was arrested in San Diego, California after pretending to be a member of Barack Obama’s Civilian National Security Force and attempting to do warrantless searches upon students wearing black backpacks. Though this stunt by Mark started off well and quite humorous, it appears to have ended not too well in the end.   Continue reading “Mark Dice Arrested After Infowars Stunt”

(credit: ROBYN BECK/AFP/Getty Images)CBS Los Angeles

LOS ANGELES ( — A man was arrested during the city’s sixth gun buyback event over the weekend after showing up at a drop-off location with a homemade pipe bomb.

KNX1070′s Claudia Peschiutta reports that the man wanted to turn in the explosive.   Continue reading “Man Arrested After Trying To Return Pipe Bomb At Gun Buyback”

Wake Up America – by Susan Duclos

The Senate passed an internet tax bill on Monday, with a vote of 69 to 27 with 4 note voting. The roll call of how each Senator voted will be listed below, by position.

The House of Representatives has put the brakes on that version of the bill and lawmakers claim if it passes it will be very different from the Senate’s version of the bill.   Continue reading “Senate Passes Internet Tax Bill- See How Your Senator Voted: House Puts The Brakes On”

Gulf Cooperation CouncilDisclaimer: 800,000 so-called ‘jews’ did NOT die at Auschwitz. Otherwise, a fairly credible article.

Left Hook- by Dean Henderson

Early this morning Israeli warplanes dropped bombs on the suburbs of Damascus for the second time in recent days.  With the Syrian military having seized a clear advantage on the ground against Saudi-financed Israeli-trained al Qaeda rebels, the Illuminati banksters have become ever-more desperate in their attempts to salvage their covert operation gone awry.  Syria is a key pivot in their attempt to impose a neocolonial oil-extraction blueprint on the Middle East region – a project which began in the aftermath of the Gulf War.   Continue reading “Israeli Bankers & the Middle East Blueprint”

An S-3B Viking, assigned to the "Scouts" of Sea Control Squadron Two Four (VS-24), is launched from the bow of the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) in the Persian Gulf (Reuters/Nathan Laird/U.S. Navy photo)RT News

Massive US-led military drills began in the Persian Gulf in a second such show of maritime might in under a year. The US says the exercises are not aimed at Iran, who earlier vowed to close the Hormuz Strait, and now expresses concern over the drills.

The US Navy has issued a statement that the mass exercises are aimed at “enhancing capability to preserve freedom of navigation in international waterways.” The drills will reportedly focus on mine-sweeping and search-and-seizure operations, and some on-shore training.   Continue reading “US heads 41-nation war games in Gulf, Iran fears conflict in volatile region”