Texas ExecutionMail.com

HUNTSVILLE, Texas (AP) — Jim Willett remembers the night of Dec. 6, 1982, when he was assigned to guard a mortuary van that had arrived at the death house at the Huntsville prison.

“I remember thinking: We’re really going to do this. This is really going to happen,” says Willett, who was a captain for the Texas Department of Corrections. When the van pulled away early the next morning, it carried to a nearby funeral home the body of convicted killer Charlie Brooks, who had just become the first Texas prisoner executed since a Supreme Court ruling six years earlier allowed the death penalty to resume in the United States.   Continue reading “Texas prepares to execute 500th inmate”


WASHINGTON (AP) — A deeply divided Supreme Court on Tuesday halted enforcement of the federal government’s most potent tool to stop voting discrimination over the past half century, saying it does not reflect racial progress.

In a 5-4 ruling, the court declared unconstitutional a provision of the landmark Voting Rights Act that determines which states and localities must get Washington’s approval for proposed election changes.   Continue reading “High court voids key part of Voting Rights Act”

Northern Truthseeker

I am deeply shocked at the American public doing absolutely nothing while the criminals that run their government rush towards war against another innocent nation, Syria, on behalf of their Jewish masters in Tel Aviv…. The nation of Syria has done absolutely nothing against the United States or the entire international community, so I must ask why the hell we are about to support an attack that will the murder of thousands of innocent Syrian civilians?   Continue reading “Do YOU Want The Truth About Syria? Watch This Video That Exposes What The So Called “Rebels” Are Really All About!”

Illegal Immigration And Crime - Photo by Javier RamirezThe American Dream – by Michael

Do we want to encourage drug dealers, violent gang members and serial rapists to come into this country?  If not, why is that exactly what the Obama administration is doing?  Thanks to very foolish U.S. government policies, it is incredibly difficult to immigrate to this country legally, but it is incredibly easy to immigrate to this country illegally.  So we are keeping out large numbers of good, honest, hard working people at the same time that we have given a giant green light to criminals and lawbreakers.  Does that make any sense at all?    Continue reading “Illegal Immigration = More Identity Theft, More Murder, More Rape And More Drug Dealing”

Snippits and Snappits – by Noor al Haqiqa

Yesterday I put up a post on how to create slaves in 12 easy steps. By happenstance I stumbled across the parable below that takes those 12 steps and makes them even easier to understand. This listenable tale is truly a parable that should not be missed.    Continue reading “The Pigs of Okefonokee: A Modern Parable”

Activist Post – by Dragan Matijevic

There were always people who wanted to control others and by imposing their will secure their existence, materially and spiritually. There were always spiritual guides who wanted nothing but the best for their students and then there were guides who used their students for their own gains. Whether talking of secular or religious world, principles of controlling others are very similar, it’s all about disconnecting people from their source, from God, disconnecting people form each other, and about taking control of their mind.   Continue reading “The 12 Principles of Enslavement”

Saint Obama of the digital inquisition: God contacts Rome, Christ holds press conference. 50405.jpegPravda – by John Stanton

Christ held an Apostle’s Conference (White House Press Corps) at the White House Rose Garden recently in Washington, DC, the Capital of the Holy American Judeo-Christian Empire.

Before taking questions, Christ opened with a brief statement.

He knows when you are sleeping. He knows when you’re awake. He knows if you have been bad or good. So be good for goodness’ sake. He makes a list and checks it twice. You had better not cry or pout. He knows who has been naughty and nice.”   Continue reading “Saint Obama of the digital inquisition: God contacts Rome, Christ holds press conference”

Free North Carolina – by Gun Owners of America

Sell-out amendment falls three votes short of Schumer’s goal of 70

Sometimes victory is relative.  But that doesn’t make it any less definitive.

Monday, beginning at 5:30 pm (EST), only 67 Senators — three short of Chuck Schumer’s 70-vote target — voted to shut off debate on the anti-gun Hoeven-Corker-Leahy amnesty amendment. It is noteworthy that only 15 Republicans voted for cloture (to end debate), while an overwhelming majority of GOP Senators voted against it (that is, most Republicans wanted to keep the filibuster in place).     Continue reading “Gun Owners Score Big in the Senate”

The report below was done by the Naval War College.

1) Tactics and Innovations

2) Leadership and Shaping the Battlefield.

I’ve read the biography which Wyatt wrote. Bedford was not only a genius, he was absolutely fearless… “Because of his Faith”.
Continue reading “Operational Leadership of Nathan Bedford Forrest”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: The death of America draws nigh. The passage of this amnesty bill for roughly 10-20 million illegal immigrants will be the death stroke of America. The Globalists have nearly finished conquering the greatest nation there ever was while the citizens of this country look to go out with a whimper. Amongst gun bans being implemented and proposed by the individual states. Amongst it being revealed we have been spied upon by our own government, we remain silent… The death of America draws nigh…   Continue reading “U.S. Senate Passes Amnesty in Test Vote”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: The official story is Hastings died in a single car accident when his vehicle ran into a tree at high speed.

After watching the video below tell me if you come to the same conclusion. At the end of this video you will notice a plethora of car parts along with the motor and transmission to his vehicle at least 100 yards away from the accident scene. Continue reading “Michael Hastings: Video Reveals He Was Murdered”

ssri01World Truth TV

The idea that we’re being unwittingly drugged when we drink a glass of ordinary tap water smacks of dystopian science fiction or political conspiracy theory. Accusations that Communists were spiking America’s water with sedatives—under the cover of the federally instituted fluoridation program—were such a staple of Cold War–era paranoia that Stanley Kubrick satirized it in his 1964 masterpiece, Dr. Strangelove. While such fear-mongering may seem quaint, what’s truly ironic is that Americans today are consuming prescription drugs—including addictive psychoactive ones—via the water supply. Who knew?   Continue reading “Your Tap Water is Probably Laced with Antidepressants”


About a year after Facebook reportedly joined PRISM, Max Kelly, the social network’s chief security officer left for a job at the National Security Agency, either a curious career move or one that makes complete sense. The Chief Security Officer at a tech company is primarily concerned with keeping its information inside the company. Now working for an agency that tries to gather as much information as it can, Kelly’s new job is sort of a complete reversal.   Continue reading “Facebook’s Former Security Chief Now Works for the NSA”

Jim Stone Freelance

A team of hackers from the Department of Computer Science at the University of Washington conducted a study in 2010 which concluded that all cars equipped with antilock brakes sold in the U.S. can be hacked via remote control and have their brakes entirely disabled with the car in motion, throttle revved, and remain fully operational with the key removed and the car in park with all driver input entirely ignored. That this was done all the way back in 2010 only goes to show that this has been possible for a long time, and proves Larry Dever could have been killed the same way Hastings was, that is IF Hastings was not simply murdered beforehand blown up and burned mafia style as I think he was.   Continue reading “Full remote control of ALL modern U.S. market cars PROVEN”

adhdNatural News – by Ethan A. Huff

If you or someone you know has a child that has been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), chances are the child is actually just fine. At least this is what the “father” of ADHD, Leon Eisenberg, would presumably say if he were still alive. On his death bed, this psychiatrist and autism pioneer admitted that ADHD is essentially a “fictitious disease,” which means that millions of young children today are being needlessly prescribed severe mind-altering drugs that will set them up for a life of drug addiction and failure.   Continue reading “Before his death, father of ADHD admitted it was a fictitious disease”