whie-sedan-picBefore It’s News – by Mort Amsel

2 LA police officers were ambushed in their car outside the mid city police station and wounded but both will beok.  A ‘shelter in place’ is in place for a 25 black radius. 25-block perimeter from Pico Boulevard to Washington Boulevard and from Redondo Boulevard to Rimpau Boulevard.   Continue reading “Martial Law In LA, 2 Cops Ambushed, 25 Block Radius ‘Shelter In Place’”

Laissez-Faire – by Jeffrey Tucker

Dear rest of the world: Please know that it is painful for Americans to see what is happening in the case of Edward Snowden.

Here he is flying from Hong Kong to Russia — countries that seem like safe havens from the long reach of the U.S. empire. Where will he end up? Could be Iceland, Venezuela, or Ecuador. He needs someplace to go where the authorities can’t be intimated to turn him over to his jailers and possible executioners.   Continue reading “Snowden’s Flight to Freedom”

TFESThe Organic Prepper

You’re in estimable and well-educated company if you don’t believe in the myth of global warming.  However, according to Obama, those who doubt the climate change propaganda are members of the “Flat Earth Society” –  basically, superstitious fools.

Ironically, Obama is the one using junk science and emotion in order to further an agenda, because man-made climate change is a myth that has been disproved.   Continue reading “Arrogant Obama Insults Skeptics: “We don’t have time for a meeting of the flat-Earth society””

Chron – by Jason Stanford

As Gov. Rick Perry touts the Texas Miracle to lure businesses from New York, Sen. Barbara Boxer will hold a hearing this week on the fertilizer plant explosion in West, Texas. But back home in Texas where 16 fertilizer plants are as large as the one in West, officials are putting the lazy in laissez-faire by adopting a voluntary “fertilizer happens” plan. Apparently Texans are on their own when it comes to industrial accidents, and the only government that bears any responsibility is the one in Washington that should be paying to rebuild everything.   Continue reading “Rick Perry’s anti-regulation zeal may bring business to Texas, but it also risks Texans’ safety”

12 News

(CNN) — The Texas town devastated by an April fertilizer plant explosion is suing the company that supplied the plant with ammonium nitrate, arguing the supplier sold the volatile compound “blindly” to a firm that didn’t handle it properly.

The city of West, Texas, accuses Adair Grain, which operated as the West Fertilizer Company, of negligently storing ammonium nitrate on its grounds before the April 17 blast. It also accused Illinois-based CF Industries of selling West Fertilizer about 200 tons of the compound without investigating whether the plant could store it safely.   Continue reading “West, TX sues fertilizer supplier after blast”

Max Velocity Tactical

I had a good group for this last weekend’s training. I will update here with any AARs or photos that come in. I have evolved the training schedule for the weekend a little. I have to base the progress of the training on how the students respond to it over the course of the two days and I had a goal this weekend of doing at least an introduction to team flanking assault, in order to show this technique following the training in basic fire and movement tied in with break contact drills up to team (four person) level.   Continue reading “June 22/23 Training Weekend + Bunker Assault”

Allegations that Michael Bloomberg's "Mayors Against Illegal Guns" website is registered to the City of New York have raised some media eyebrows.Examiner – by Dave Workman

Following weekend revelations that New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) website is registered to a New York City government server and apparently administered by city employees, a Bellevue-based gun rights group wants New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman to investigate.

CBS News, Politico and others learned about the MAIG website registration and Monday morning, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms called on Schneiderman to determine whether any laws have been broken. Gottlieb told Examiner that using taxpayer-owned computer servers to host a website for a politically-motivated gun control group is “pretty tacky.”    Continue reading “Bellevue group wants Bloomberg investigated by NYAG”

	Mayor Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly (left) warn Monday that bills would aid criminals and terrorists. Photo by Jesse WardNew York Daily News – by ROCCO PARASCANDOLA AND ERIN DURKIN

Two bills that would rein in controversial police tactics took a major step forward in New York City Council on Monday — even as Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly warned that the bills would aid criminals and terrorists.

“Take heart, Al Qaeda wannabes,” Kelly said as he joined Bloomberg to trash the bills before the Council vote.   Continue reading “Bloomberg says NYC anti-stop-and-frisk measures would help crooks, terrorists”

New York Post – by TARA PALMERI

Mayor Bloomberg is spending city cash and resources on his pet project to toughen US gun laws through his national organization, The Post has learned.

City employee Christopher Kocher was sent to Nevada as a representative of Mayors Against Illegal Guns to lobby for a bill that enforces background checks on all firearm sales in that state.   Continue reading “Bloomberg spending NYC cash, resources on Nevada trip as part of push for tougher gun laws”

Freedom Outpost – by Bradley Dean

This last week my ministry team made national news (again) as we came under fire for seeking and saving the lost. A deranged “Constitution teacher” physically assaulted my street team ministry leader for stating that “separation of church and state” is not found in the Constitution.   Continue reading “I’m Not Asking Permission To Obey God!”

Tsarnaev sign. Examiner – by CLAUDE WERNER

The “No More Names: National Drive to Reduce Gun Violence” rally in Atlanta today was more heavily attended by counter-ralliers from GeorgiaCarry.org by a margin of approximately two to one than by MAIG supporters. The rally was held at the State Capitol. The media covering the event also seemed to outnumber the Mayors Against Illegal Guns attendees. The GeorgiaCarry members were evident by their orange “Guns Save Lives” buttons. The Executive Director of GeorgiaCarry, Jerry Henry was present.

The event began with a reading of alleged murder victims killed by guns. However, one counter protestor carried a sign indicating that the list may not be all murder victims but is also heavily populated with justifiable homicides and suicides. A counter-rallier carried a sign pointing out that the Boston Marathon bomber shot and killed by police is one of the names on the list.   Continue reading “Mayors Against Illegal Guns rally only lightly attended by supporters”

Fox News

The U.S. Army is slashing the number of combat brigades from 45 to 33, and shifting thousands of soldiers out of bases around the county as it moves forward with the long-planned move to cut the size of the service by 80,000.   Continue reading “Army to cut brigades at 10 US bases by 2017 to reduce spending as wars end”

farmNatural News – by Mike Adams

The USDA “census of agriculture” is a government-run farm surveillance program designed to register and inventory detailed private data on farm assets, operations and personnel. A census form is mailed to each farmer in the United States, accompanied by threats of compliance and a warning that farmers who do not comply will be visited in person by government agents.   Continue reading “USDA agricultural census program is a covert surveillance operation to compile government database of food and farm assets”

Romanian Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa is the highest-ranking Soviet bloc intelligence official ever to defect to the West. He was Nicolae Ceau¿escu's intelligence chiefDaily Mail

The highest-ranking Soviet-bloc intelligence officer ever to defect to the West claims in a new book that anti-American Islamic terrorism had its roots in a secret 1970s-era KGB plot to harm but the United States and Israel by seeding Muslim countries with carefully targeted propaganda.

Yuri Andropov, the KGB chief for 15 years before he became the Soviet premier, sent hundreds of agents and thousands of copies of propaganda literature to Muslim countries.    Continue reading “New book reveals how KGB operation seeded Muslim countries with anti-American, anti-Jewish propaganda during the 1970s, laying the groundwork for Islamist terrorism against U.S. and Israel”