Louisiana Legislature Passes Bill Promoting Student-led Prayer in SchoolsThe New American – by Dave Bohon

The Louisiana State Legislature has given its final approval to a bill that affirms the right of students to hold prayer meetings in the state’s public schools. On June 1 the state Senate voted unanimously in favor of House Bill 724, which was previously approved by the state Assembly. Introduced in the Senate by Democrat Katrina Jackson, the bill confirms that students of any faith background can receive permission from school officials to use classrooms, assembly halls, or other available space for prayer or reflection. Additionally, noted theShreveport Times, “a teacher or school administrator, parent or someone from the community may be invited to participate or supervise.”   Continue reading “Louisiana Legislature Passes Bill Promoting Student-led Prayer in Schools”

National Journal – by Brian Fung

Whether bloggers count as journalists has mostly been a matter of esoterics for reporter types. But as Congress weighs a media shield law in response to the Associated Press/Justice Department subpoena scandal, the question is gaining an urgency that lawmakers are finding hard to ignore as they turn to writing the bill.   Continue reading “Lindsey Graham Isn’t Sure If Bloggers Deserve ‘First Amendment Protection’”

The Lone Star Watchdog

One thing the government has not leaned. They cannot save their face and ass at the same time.  After decades of lying to the people about  why we went to war or been told to give up our own rights does not work anymore. The internet gave birth to the rise of citizen Journalism. The government has been desperate to try to silence and shut down free speech. They are desperate to hold onto power using anything to save their own ass at all cost.   Continue reading “NSA Should Now Mean “Now Saving Ass” Because the Government is Paranoid of the American People”

Zero Hedge – by JS Kim

Today, there is almost zero truth in mainstream media. Just as global financial firms like Goldman Sachs have repeatedly been exposed for issuing conflicting advice to different tier clients depending upon how much money the client has with the firm, mainstream media has constantly been exposed for issuing different stories as well, depending upon the propaganda they wish to disseminate. For example, Time Magazine often runs different cover stories for the United States and the rest of the world as is illustrated by the covers of issues released in October and December 2011 below.   Continue reading “Independent v. Mainstream News: Informed v. Re-Educated”

Information Clearinghouse – by Jason Liosatos

As people are battered, brutalized, pepper sprayed and tear gassed in Turkey, it is becoming more and more obvious to the awakening masses that they are living under a tyrannical regime globally, who will do anything to keep its enslaved population under its control, its worker ants, and keep them enchained to their system of fear, debt and work. The brutality by police are obviously orders from government to control at any cost, and it would not take much for the government to take it to the next level, like Assad of Syria, and start killing the uprising people, who are desperate to become free of their slavery.   Continue reading “Turkish Situation Proves Slaves Will Be Brutally Punished or Killed if Disobedient”

Fire Dog Lake – by DSWright

In response to a reported wave of cybertattacks, the United States and China will be holding talks on how the two countries can create new rules for regulating the internet. The talks will be ongoing and are set to start in July.

The United States and China have agreed to hold regular, high-level talks on how to set standards of behavior for cybersecurity and commercial espionage, the first diplomatic effort to defuse the tensions over what the United States says is a daily barrage of computer break-ins and theft of corporate and government secrets.   Continue reading “U.S. And China To Hold Talks On Controlling Internet”

3W5SERGEANT.JPGSac Bee – by Jim Sanders, David Siders and Jeremy B. White

FBI agents raided the offices of Sen. Ron Calderon and the Legislature’s 24-member Latino Caucus on Tuesday as part of an undisclosed investigation originating in Los Angeles.

Agents who executed the search warrants in the late afternoon left Calderon’s office shortly after 9:30 p.m. Tuesday, carrying several boxes of material.   Continue reading “FBI raids offices of Calif. state senator, Latino legislative caucus; warrants remain sealed”

Drop Felony Charges Against Teen Arrested for Giving Officers a Target: Miami-Dade Police Department

Sponsored by: Brittany E.G.

Miami-Dade police officers violently choked and pinned fourteen-year-old Tremaine McMillan because of his demeanor — he was unarmed and wasn’t posing any threat.   Continue reading “Drop Felony Charges Against Teen Arrested for Giving Officers a “Funny Look”!”

Tsa Knives On PlanesHuffington Post – by Joan Lowy

WASHINGTON — The Transportation Security Administration is abandoning a plan to allow passengers to carry small knives, souvenir bats, golf clubs and other sports equipment onto planes in the face of fierce congressional and industry opposition, the head of the agency said Wednesday.

By scuttling the plan to drop the knives and sports equipment from TSA’s list of prohibited items, the agency can focus its attention on other priorities, including expanding its Pre-Check program to identify ahead of time travelers who don’t pose a security risk, TSA Administrator John Pistole told The Associated Press.   Continue reading “TSA Drops Plan To Allow Small Knives On Planes”

eyebrow-plucking-makes-you-a-lady.jpgHenry Makow – by Brian


It’s OK to beat up women if you “become” one.
Fallon Fox is a biological male who had a sex change. He gets paid to beat up women wrestlers. Feminists defend this because they hate gender.   Continue reading “Transgender Man Wins in Women’s Wrestling”

nestleThe Organic Prepper

The directors of Nestle must be breathing a sigh of relief as the world targets Monsanto with a barrage of negative publicityglobal protests, and grassroots campaigns.  While we’re all distracted by Monsanto’s GMO corruption of the food supply, Nestle is taking steps to profit off of the natural world with patents on breast milk and medicinal plants, and the privatization of water,and giving the seed company a run for the title of The Most Evil Corporation in the World.   Continue reading “Nestle’s Wet Dream: They Mark up Water 53 Million Percent”

1370252170_stretchIngenious Press – WMAL News

OWINGS, MD — The father of a middle schooler in Calvert County, Md. says his 11-year-old son was suspended for 10 days for merely talking about guns on the bus ride home.

Bruce Henkelman of Huntingtown says his son, a sixth grader at Northern Middle School in Owings, was talking with friends about the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre when the bus driver hauled him back to school to be questioned by the principal, Darrel Prioleau.   Continue reading “11-Year-Old Suspended From School For Merely TALKING About Guns”

Refreshing News

There have been a lot of news stories recently about young children being punished for talking about guns, making toy guns, owning toy guns, and drawing guns. This new story takes the cake: a group of students from Chase Lake Elementary School in Edmonds, Washington, asked their teacher if they could bring Nerf guns to school. The teacher gave permission, but the school punished the children with suspension anyway.   Continue reading “Teacher: Kids, bring your Nerf guns to school. I have a fun experiment planned. School: Kids, we have a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to toy guns. You’re all suspended”

He’s either a right-wing extremist, a knee-jerk liberal, a yuppie, a gun nut, a Jesus freak, a redneck, a soccer mom, a welfare queen, or possibly even a conspiracy theorist, but regardless of what he actually thinks or feels, he falls into one of many media-defined categories, and without ever speaking to him, you’re fairly certain that you already know his opinions on all political issues. And just as every army teaches its soldiers to use derogatory names for their enemy, you’ve been taught a derogatory name to describe most of the people around you, and there are corresponding television characters that give you examples of how they think, so you never really have to talk to them at all.    Continue reading “I know your neighbor….”

Reuters / Kacper Pempel / Files RT News

Some of US President Barack Obama’s high-ranked political appointees are using secret government email accounts, which they say are necessary to prevent their inboxes from being overwhelmed with unwanted messages and spam.

The scale of secret email use across the government remains unknown, as most US agencies have failed to provide lists of political appointees’ email addresses, which AP requested under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) over three months ago.      Continue reading “Obama’s top appointees use secret email accounts – AP”

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder.(AFP Photo / Chip Somodevilla)RT News, June 4, 2013

The United States Department of Justice has responded to allegations that Attorney General Eric Holder lied to Congress, but lawmakers on Capitol Hill aren’t impressed.

Mr. Holder’s reputation within the Justice Department has been tarnished in recent weeks in the wake of a number of DoJ scandals, including his office’s investigation of journalists with the Associated Press and Fox News.   Continue reading “Congress gives Holder one more day to answer allegations of perjury”

Reuters / Tomas BravoRT News

The state of Connecticut has become the first to successfully enact a law requiring food containing genetically modified ingredients to be labeled as such, though it comes with the unusual requirement that four other states must pass similar legislation.

Though supporters of GMO product labeling will likely laud the state legislature’s approval of the new bill, it represents a significant weakening of the initial proposal with the introduction of a bipartisan ‘compromise’ requiring that four additional states, one of which must border Connecticut, pass labeling laws as well. An additional requirement is that the aggregate population of any combination of such states exceed 20 million people.    Continue reading “Connecticut passes first GMO food labeling law in US”