Press TV

Political analyst Dr. Kevin Barrett believes that the recent global terror alert by the United States shows that Washington needs something to keep the so-called war on terror going.

“There is a hidden agenda of course behind it and that is to keep the so-called war on terror going and to do that they need to periodically check and see if people still believe this kind of nonsense,” he said in a phone interview with Press TV on Sunday.   Continue reading “US using terror alert to keep war on terror going: Barrett”

2012: What’s the Real Truth – November 14, 2012

Years ago in about 1991, I was horrified to hear an aging Menachem Begin tell Ron Insana on MSNBC that Israel didn’t worry who was the US President, because they owned the Congress! That part of the interview was never again aired. Check the list below to see if there is any doubt about his statement—even today. ~J   Continue reading “Dual Citizens In The 112TH Congress / Their Top 5 “Financial Contributors” / Who Is In Control ?”

Press TV

An Iranian national has been arrested in southeastern city of Kerman and is on trial for passing intelligence about Iran to Israel, head of Kerman’s Revolution Court Dadkhoda Salari says.

He added that the defendant, whose identity has not been revealed, had been involved in trade activities in Southeast Asian countries and was arrested on espionage charges.    Continue reading “Iran arrests man spying for Israel”

Photo: cultureandcommunication.orgIntelliHub – by JG Vibes

In the past year or so a hacker by the name of Guccifer has been working to expose various members of the ruling class, and has some success linking both Colin Powell and Tony Blair to the Bohemian Grove.  Now he has struck again, releasing the emails of over 1000 CFR members.   Continue reading “Hacker Leaks Email Addresses of 1,350 CFR Members”

Wake Up America – by Susan Duclos

In recent years we have seen ample examples of the dead walking, so to speak, right into voting booths and voting in elections, but now we come to find out that they don’t just vote in congressional and presidential elections, they also donate money.

According to an analysis of Federal Election Commission filings, thirty-two people listed as “deceased” have contributed more than $586,000 to congressional and presidential candidates and political parties since Jan. 1, 2009.   Continue reading “Dead People Donated Nearly $600k In To Campaigns Since 2009”

Before It’s News – by Mort Amsel

This list was compiled by a dedicated GLP’er that goes by the name DACE.  It all started after the Boston Marathon Bombings when 2 people were arrested in Canada who were supposedly Al-Qaeda elements paid by Iran to blow up train tracks somewhere between Toronto and NYC.  Although oddly enough, a week before the Boston bombings, a man was arrested with IEDs on a New York bound train.  Then the accidents started happening. (in chronological order)   Continue reading “List Of All Train Derailments Since April 2013, Still Think Its A Coincidence?”

Wall Street and homeless people on the street.Story Leak – by Anthony Gucciardi 

In another case of ‘conspiracy’ confirmed as reality, US regulators are now revealing various documents and call logs detailing initiatives by the world’s mega banks to rig interest rates in order to rake in millions at the expense of legitimate businesses and pension funds.

And once again, the media is acting as if this revelation is truly inconceivable and unexpected. As it turns out, however, reports now confirm what we have known for decades: that the mega banks are in fact gutting the economy in order to squeeze as many greenbacks as possible from the last breathe of our financial infrastructure. It’s essential to remember that, as Bloomberg revealed in an attempt to obtain alternative news readers and latch on to some form of credibility, these mega banks are already receiving $83 billion from taxpayers each year.   Continue reading “Regulators Confirm The Mega Banks ARE Robbing Your Pension Funds”

Fox News

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal said late Sunday that chemicals were leaking from a train carrying flammable and corrosive materials that derailed Sunday afternoon and forced the evacuation of around 100 homes.

The evacuated homes were within one mile of the derailment and remained empty as of Monday. Police said at least 26 cars on the 76-car train went off the tracks about 3:30 p.m. Sunday in Lawtell, which is about 60 miles west of Baton Rouge.    Continue reading “100 homes evacuated after Louisiana train derailment”

CARNIS VILLAGE, ARKANSAS: A mock civilian operated by electronics and hydraulics is used in training sessions to ad a more realistic feel. (Photo: – by Shepard Ambellas

Editors Note: I want to preface this article by giving a very special thanks to the brave individuals who obtained exclusive photographs of the facility, leaking the initial report to our agency.

FORT CHAFFEE, ARKANSAS — Carnis Village is what the Army National Guard calls it. A mock American town which even contains dummy citizens for domestic training purposes. Located on the grounds of the Fort Chaffee Maneuver Training Center, the massive training compound is likely a dead-ringer clue foreshadowing the grim path we are now traversing as a nation.   Continue reading “Insider Blows the Whistle On DHS Takeover Plan”

Common Dreams – by Sarah Lazare

Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) says a bill protecting reporters and their sources should only apply to ‘real journalists,’ declaring that WikiLeaks employees, and nonsalaried reporters, don’t count.

The “shield law” under debate in the Senate Judiciary Committee would protect journalists and their confidential sources from court orders and subpoenas.   Continue reading “Senator’s Attempt to Define ‘Real Journalism’ Blasted By Journalists”

social18 states have legalized weed for some purposes. 13 states are sponsoring bills that ask for the respect of state laws on the matter.

55% of Americans believe that the drug, that has never been a primary cause of death (1997-2005) should be legalized.

Many feel that the drug should be legalized, taxed, and regulated like alcohol.   Continue reading “The Decriminalization of Marijuana”

Weed - Illinois Officially Legalizes Medical Marijuana As Governor Signs BillMarijuana- by Barry Poppins

Over two months after Illinois’ Senate voted yes on medical marijuana, Governor Pat Quinn has finally signed off, making Illinois “officially” the United States’ 20th medical marijuana state. If you count Washington, D.C., that makes 21, and the country edges closer to the perhaps mythical “Tipping Point” (at least with BHO in office).   Continue reading “Illinois Officially Legalizes Medical Marijuana As Governor Signs Bill”

sheila-jackson-leeLady Patriots – by Lori Wallach Boxer

If this wasn’t serious, it would be absolutely pee-in-your-pants funny:  The Congressional Black Caucus is suggesting that ObeyMe appoint Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee to the post of Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security.  The Congressional Black Caucus called her “a voice of reason that the agency could stand to gain.”

A “voice of REASON?!”  She’s the voice of RACISM.   Continue reading “Somewhere in Texas a Village is Missing its Idiot”

The Lonely Conservative

Somebody alert Mayor Bloomberg and his comrades trying to disarm law abiding Americans – gun crimes dropped in Virginia when gun sales rose. What a shock. I guess it’s hard to rape, rob or kill someone who is armed.

Amid calls nationwide for stricter gun control laws, Virginia is experiencing a unique trend: the state’s gun-related crime is declining but firearms sales are increasing.   Continue reading “Hey, What Do You Know, Crime Dropped In Virginia As Gun Sales Rose”

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

The ‘North American Union’, once considered a wacky ‘conspiracy theory‘ by those ‘out of the know’ and propagandists has now been confirmed, thanks greatly to Dianne Feinstein and a US Senate map that has now gone viral. In fact, we can look all the way back to the “Post War New World Map” that was created in 1942 to prove that plans for a North American Union and a ‘New World Order’ have been around for a very long time. This video from  DAHBOO77 connects the dots for you. You can see both of these maps in detail below. Twitter had a BLAST with it! Check out some tweets below as well and Dianne’s ‘slip of the tongue’ confirming our latest ‘conspiracy theory’ in the 2nd video below.   Continue reading “Another Conspiracy Theory Confirmed By The U.S. Senate!”

Articles upon Articles – by Eric Smitts

This sounds like something right out of the script of a Jerry Springer show.

The details of this case had been unclear and remained somewhat of a mystery until now.

Here is how it all went down….

The family all had dinner together which included a few drinks (or more than a few).   It was TJ Brewer and his wife Logan who also invited Brewer’s father over for dinner.  What TJ didn’t know was that his father planned on having Logan for desert.  In a family comprised of several policeman Timothy Brewer was a deputy  Sheriff and the elder Brewer, known as Corky was  the fire chief of the city of Moab.   Continue reading “Utah Deputy Arrested After Pistol Whipping his Dad After Caught Sleeping with his Wife”

Before It’s News – by N. Morgan

No, no, no!! I think I we all can agree that dealing with the US government has NEVER been beneficial to the Native American people. This is as insult, at best. Geez, thanks for giving us back land that wasn’t yours to start with! The sellers of the land don’t seem to want to sell. Eminent Domain?? Land grab?   Continue reading “Government Wants To Buy Land And Give It Back To Native American Tribes”

Canada Free Press – by Alan Caruba

Wars are often unpredictable. The outcome of such conflicts is also unpredictable, but defeat in future conflicts is now being “baked into the cake” and I suspect most Americans are totally unaware of how serious this threat is. You can be sure potential and actual enemies are calculating the odds.

A recent USA Today article noted that the choice between troops and modern weapons would require the Army to shrink to “as few as 380,000 soldiers and the Marine Corps to 150,000 troops. There would also be fewer Navy aircraft carriers and Air Force bombers. Current plans envision an Army of 490,000 soldiers in the coming years, and a Marine Corps of 182,000”, added that “The Army hasn’t been that small since before World War II when it had 267,767 soldiers.”   Continue reading “A Military in Decline”