Month: October 2013
Canada Free Press – by Alan Caruba
If you live in California, I have a bit of advice. Get out now while you can afford the gas to load up the van and head north or east. You won’t be alone.
According to “Crazifornia: How California is Destroying Itself and Why It Matters to America”, about 150,000 Californians have been fleeing the state each year of late. “In fact,” wrote Laer Pearce, “Los Angeles alone has lost more households than New York, Miami, and, incredibly, the economically decimated city of Detroit…combined.” Continue reading “My Advice to Californians; Get Out Now”
NBC News – by Chase Cain and Lisa Fernandez
Sunnyvale Mayor Tony Spitaleri paid no attention to gun laws until last Dec. 14 — the day 26 people died in the Newtown, Conn., mass shooting.
“We need to do something,” said Spitaleri, 69, a retired Palo Alto fire captain who was born in the South Bronx. “And I got angry, and I said, that’s enough. When do we stop?” Continue reading “NRA Threatens to Sue Silicon Valley Suburb Over Bloomberg-Backed Gun Control Measure”
Prison Planet – by Paul Joseph Watson
Homeland Security to purchase “riot expansion kits” & 240,000 pepper spray projectiles as agency prepares for domestic unrest
The Department of Homeland Security is increasing its preparations for domestic unrest by spending half a million dollars on fully automatic pepper spray launchers and projectiles that are designed to be used during riot control situations. Continue reading “Riot Control: DHS Spends $500,000 on Fully Automatic Pepper Spray Launchers”
Authorities are trying to figure out how a small plane managed to crash at a major international airport and go undetected for as long as six hours.
A single-engine Cessna 172 crashed early Tuesday morning at Nashville International Airport and burst into flames, killing the pilot. It went unnoticed until being seen just before 9am by the pilot of a large commercial jet taxiing by the wreckage. Continue reading “Small plane crashes and bursts into flames at major international airport, killing pilot, and goes unnoticed for SIX HOURS”
Now, I’m scared …
And if you, too, care about preserving your personal wealth, then a new report released this month by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) should leave you paralyzed with fear and desperate to find measures to counteract the attack that will soon take aim at your pocketbook.
In the 100-plus-page report dryly titled Fiscal Monitor: Taxing Times, the IMF has essentially given lawmakers from deeply indebted countries a paint-by-numbers kit on how to extract larger tax revenues from anyone with any level of wealth. Though the IMF’s language is couched in faux-objectivity, the underlying message is shockingly clear: Many developed nations, especially the United States, have abundant opportunities “to raise revenue from the top of the income distribution,” using a variety of methods including the direct confiscation of personal wealth. Continue reading “A Confiscation Tax is Headed Your Way …”
Medical mistakes are now estimated to kill up to 440,000 people in U.S. hospitals each year, making preventable errors the third leading cause of death in America behind heart disease and cancer.
Wrong doses of drugs, undetected tumors, objects left behind in patients’ bodies: Such errors — and many more — are an “everyday occurrence,” experts say.
But eliminating errors has proven difficult, especially in a health care culture where doctors and other providers are reluctant not only to admit their own lapses — but also to report when others mess up as well. Continue reading “When docs make mistakes, should colleagues tell? Yes, report says”
The jury watched in horror Monday as the prosecution played a surveillance camera video of 76-year-old grandmother and convenience store clerk Nancy Harris consumed in flames after being doused in lighter fluid and ignited by a monster robbing a Garland, Tex. Fina Whip In of petty cash.
“She died in hospital five days after she and her family decided to turn off life support,” Mail Online reported. There’s no need to repeat that report here. Go and read it, grasp what confessed murderer Matthew Johnson did to this poor woman, and then watch the video. Try to imagine her agony and her terror, and what her survivors have been forced to live through and with. Go ahead and get sick and then furious. It’s the reaction decent people would have. Continue reading “Clerk’s fiery murder highlights importance of armed self-defense”
Washington Times – by Jessica Chasmar
The South Carolina state House passed a bill Wednesday that declares President Obama’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to be “null and void,” and criminalizes its implementation.
The state’s Freedom of Health Care Protection Act intends to “prohibit certain individuals from enforcing or attempting to enforce such unconstitutional laws; and to establish criminal penalties and civil liability for violating this article.” Continue reading “South Carolina House passes bill making ‘Obamacare’ implementation a crime”
Argues Spying Okay As Long As Government Doesn’t Get Caught
The chair of the House Intelligence Committee – Mike Rogers – said yesterday in an NSA spying hearing which he led that there is no right to privacy in America.
Constitutional expert Stephen I. Vladeck – Professor of Law and the Associate Dean for Scholarship at American University Washington College of Law – disagreed. Continue reading “Head of Congressional Intelligence Committee: “You Can’t Have Your Privacy Violated If You Don’t KNOW Your Privacy Is Violated””
Washington Post – by Keith L. Alexander
Prospective jurors who take the subway to D.C. Superior Court and exit near the National Building Museum see these words: “Good jurors nullify bad laws” and “You have the right to ‘hang’ the jury with your vote if you cannot agree with other jurors.” Continue reading “Billboard advocating jury nullification concerns local prosecutors”
Business Insider – by JIM EDWARDS
This is a picture of what is allegedly another Google shipping-container barge being towed into port off the coast of New England. It was taken by the Portland Tugboat company, and posted Facebook with the caption “ROWAN towing the ‘mystery barge’. Entering Portland harbor.”
We recently told you about the mysterious barge Google built which floats in San Francisco Bay. It is surrounded by secrecy, and is either a floating data center or a marketing stunt for Google Glass, depending on which rumor you prefer. Continue reading “Google Has Reportedly Built Another Mystery Barge — This One Is Floating Off The Coast Of Maine”
Later this week, the House of Representatives will be voting on a bipartisan bill to repeal financial bailout protections that Congress passed in 2010 as part of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. The bill, H.R. 992 or the “Swaps Regulatory Improvement Act,” would severely limit the reach of Sec. 716 in Dodd-Frank, which requires banks that are eligible for Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or Federal Reserve lending discounts to spin off their derivatives activities into separate corporate entities that would not be eligible for federal assistance. Continue reading “House to Vote on Derivatives Bill That Was Written by Citigroup Lobbyists”
Food storage calculators recommend 300 pounds of grains per person for a one year supply. For a family of four, that is a whopping 1200 pounds of food that you should store if you are trying to build a one year pantry!
That sounds like a really daunting number until you remember that it is divided over many different items. To name a few: Continue reading “The Pantry Primer: Stockpiling Grains”