Month: October 2013
Industrial hemp has gained a lot of ground this year, with legislation introduced and moving in several states, and laws being signed in Colorado and Vermont already. In fact, just last week farmers in Colorado harvested the first U.S. hemp crop in decades – and they did it in complete disregard for federal law. Hemp is such a versatile plant – with uses ranging from food to textiles – and is so heavily imported by the U.S., that it simply makes no sense not to grow it. Continue reading “Washington State Will Keep Pushing For Industrial Hemp”
I think Hitlery still has that distinction.
Fellowship of the Minds -by Dr. Eowyn
That was the headline on Drudge Report yesterday.
Matt Drudge was referring to Kathleen Sebelius, secretary of the Obama regime’s Department of Health and Human Service (HHS) and, as such, the woman in charge of the disaster called the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare. Continue reading “The most hated woman in America”
The Common Sense Show – by Dave Hodges
“If people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.”
Thomas Jefferson
If Obama, does, what many of us in the media believe he is going to do, he will soon provoke a crisis, declare martial law and use food as the ultimate weapon to subjugate an unruly population. This article provides an assessment of these possibilities. Continue reading “The Use of Food As a Weapon Against American Citizens”
Facebook data scientists can figure out who you’re sleeping with, even if your relationship isn’t “Facebook official,” and in a new paper researchers explain how they figured out the method, the Atlantic reports. Turns out the key is to look at more than just mutual friends. “Embeddedness,” or the number of mutual friends two people have, can show how close those people are (the more mutual friends, the closer they are). But researchers found embeddedness predicted the correct significant others just 24.7% of the time. A more accurate predictor is something called “dispersion.” Continue reading “Facebook knows who you’re dating & is testing software to track your cursor on screen”
AUSTIN, TX (KTRK) — Despite spectacular and erroneous reports to the contrary, the Alamo is not being turned over to the United Nations — or anyone else for that matter, say Texas authorities.
Texas Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson attempted once again to let Texans know that if the Alamo and the other Spanish missions in San Antonio are added to the UNESCO World Heritage List, the Alamo will remain entirely under the control of the state of Texas and the Texas General Land Office. Continue reading “Alamo not being turned over to United Nations”
This is an older video but, with Winter just around the corner.. This is a clear reminder of Road Safety all should remember..
It appears they were not paying attention and drifted left.. Then realizing it, they over-corrected not knowing how to drive on Icy Roads and Blammo.. This is a Harsh Reminder.. Continue reading “Obliterated! Minivan in Head-On Crash with Semi Tractor Trailer – Icy Roads”
The Boy Scouts of America on Wednesday chose former U.S. Secretary of Defense and CIA director Robert Gates as its next president, who will face the task of repairing divisions in the organization from a heated debate over accepting gay scouts.
As Defense Secretary, Gates supported President Barack Obama’s withdrawal of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy that prevented gays and lesbians from serving openly in the military. Congress repealed the ban in 2010 and it was lifted in 2011. Continue reading “Fmr. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to Lead Boy Scouts”
WEB Notes: The U.S. has no intentions of peace with Iran. If they did they would stop funding Israel who they give $3 billion dollars a year to. None the less, this is prophecy coming to pass.1 Thessalonians 5:3, “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.” That destruction will be Syria (Isaiah 17:1) and Iran (Daniel 8) and the time when Satan will be cast from Heaven to earth (Rev. 12:9) claiming to be Christ. Continue reading “Braced for imminent nuclear accord with Iran, US pulls away from military option, IDF stays on the ready”
(Times of Israel) – A Syrian air defense base near the coastal city of Latakia was reportedly destroyed Wednesday night, with multiple Syrian and Lebanese sources speculating that an Israeli strike from the Mediterranean was to blame.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported a loud explosion in a Syrian army base, and Twitter users quoted eyewitnesses who said the blast occurred near Snobar Jableh, just south of the city. Continue reading “Huge explosion reported at Syrian air defense base”
A shocking announcement made by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) in its latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders caused an uproar among pro-family organizations and many others, as the APA states it now classifies pedophilia as a sexual orientation or preference instead of a disorder.
Sandy Rios, cultural expert and talk show host on the American Family Radio network, has issued a statement on behalf of the American Family Association in response to the APA’s position on pedophilia: Continue reading “The APA now classifies pedophilia as a sexual orientation or preference instead of a disorder”
The Truth Behind ObamaCare!
Obama is dangerous to the health of The United States of America. A fatal disease that will ruin the U.S if it’s not cured. A domestic enemy more dangerous than any foreign enemy. It’s high time people face these threats seriously..
Republican politicians call Obamacare a train wreck and a failure. Wayne Root shows why that isn’t true. Obamacare isn’t an accident. Nor is Obama incompetent. He is brilliant. And Obamacare is a success – if you understand Obama’s goals. Watch Wayne expose the shocking truth: Continue reading “Obamacare Didnt Fail – Its a Huge Success!”
Counter Currents – by Dr Gideon Polya
The horrendous financial cost of Israel to Americans has now reached a gigantic $40 trillion in today’s dollars. However the human cost involves the preventable deaths of millions of Americans – passive mass murder of Americans in an American Holocaust inflicted by the fiscal perversion of traitorous Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist One Percenters committing $8-10 trillion to ethnic cleansing and active and passive mass murder of Muslims abroad in support of Apartheid Israel instead of keeping Americans alive at home. Zionist-subverted American Government support for Apartheid Israel in circa 2008 dollars totals about $40 trillion, the breakdown being (1) $3 trillion (1948-2003), (2) $4-6 trillion (Zionist-promoted Iraq and Afghan Wars), (3) $0.7 trillion (Value of a Statistical Life- or VSL-based cost of 88,000 US veteran suicides since September 2001) and (4) about $30 trillion (one quarter of the VSL-based cost of 15.6 million preventable American deaths since September 2001). This is an under-estimate because it does not consider the millions of preventable American deaths before 9-11 linked to Zionist subversion and perversion of America . Continue reading “American Holocaust, Millions Of Untimely American Deaths And $40 Trillion Cost Of Israel To Americans”
For thousands of years, philosophers have argued that society must invest great power in the rulers because only great power can hold back the forces of evil — violence, plunder, and disorder. They have often conceded, however, that this solution has a down side: powerful rulers may themselves resort to violence and plunder.
In any event, society’s positive, productive forces always resided within the people themselves. All the genuine peace, cooperation, production, and order the society enjoyed sprang from them. So the state was never a solution to a problem the people could not solve for themselves, but itself a problem masquerading as the only solution to problems whose real solutions already lay close at hand, if they existed at all. Continue reading “The Power of the State vs. the Power of Love”
All Outdoor – by David Hunter Jones
Crossbows are currently enduring what compound bows battled years ago; claims that their use will decimate deer herds and ruin the “sport” of archery. The same goes for 60 percent let-offs. The old stick-and-string was simply becoming unrecognizable to the elitists and purists of archery, and they didn’t like it.
They dug in their heels and whined and moaned about the impending deer population apocalypse that compound bows would bring. Well, 60 percent let-offs are here, compound bows are the norm and guess what: deer hunting has never been better. Period. Continue reading “Don’t Hate the Crossbow”
Teva Nears Collapse
On October 30, 2013, Teva Pharmaceutical Industries,+ Israel’s largest company and the world’s largest generic drugs++ company, announced that President and CEO Jeremy Levin is leaving it. Beyond ongoing operative difficulties, Teva is soon to lose its patent on Copaxone. The ship’s captain abandoned Israel’s industrial flagship with a huge hole in the revenues compartment, before an almost unavoidable sinking in the salty waters of the Dead Sea. Continue reading “Israel’s biggest single company nears collapse”
Washington Square News – by Velma Dinkley
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg held a press conference yesterday that has shocked the city.
“To promote transparency within this city, I need to be completely honest about who I am and who I am becoming,” Bloomberg said at the conference. “I am a vampire.”
Bloomberg said he could not keep his secret any longer, but focused on the positives and the changes that will come. He announced the creation of the Transformation to Vampirization campaign, which will begin immediately. Continue reading “Bloomberg enters bid for eternal mayor of New York City”
And so it begins… California-based Glass Explorer Cecilia Adabie is the first person to get a ticket while wearing Google’s head-mounted computer. And she won’t be the last.
Abadie was driving in San Diego when an officer pulled her over for speeding. The primary infraction was for going 15 mph over the speed limit, but there was a secondary offense scrawled on the ticket: “driving w/ monitor visible to driver (Google Glass).” Continue reading “In a First, Police Ticket a Driver Wearing Google Glass”